Although Karp verbally refused, he went to the inventory of the headquarters and hurried to select the devil fruit.

Ken completed this incident, I have to say that it really relieves the top of the Navy, they have been suppressed by the world government for a long time, obviously in terms of strength, the navy headquarters is completely worthy of the world government, and even can stabilize the world government, but in terms of power, the navy headquarters is completely crushed by the world government.


Because the world government has the support of Draco behind it!

It has to be said that the power of the Draco is extremely great.

Even if its own strength is weak… But if the power is greater, it is even possible to order the admiral!

Moreover, the door key to manage the inventory of the Navy headquarters is completely managed by Karp alone.

He fully has the ability to manage well, no matter who breaks in, he must first face his invincible iron fist!

He was in trouble before… Forcibly stuffed to the Warring States, after all, after managing the inventory of the headquarters, the whole person is still quite busy.

The Navy headquarters has too much amazing intelligence in stock, and if it is accidentally exposed, it will undoubtedly be a blow to the Navy headquarters.

So leave it to Karp to manage… Sengoku has also thought about fine.

Although Karp is old, in terms of strength, it is not much weaker than at his peak, so there is no problem with Karp management.

The main point… That’s when Karp is usually very idle!

Even return to the East China Sea at every turn …

That’s why he, the special lieutenant general, can be so idle!

Warring States is naturally a little helpless, he and the general are so busy, even the lieutenant general has tasks on him at any time, it is impossible to let the major general manage the inventory of the headquarters, right?

This is simply not realistic!

Only the old urchin Karp is different… The person who lives most comfortably in the Navy is definitely Karp!

Don’t let Karp manage… It’s just unreasonable!


Karp returned to the office of the Warring States, he held a bright red fruit in his hand, and shouted in his mouth: “I brought it to you, I feel that this color looks good, I will pick it up, just if you take it to collect, it is estimated that you can also enjoy it.” ”

“Animal department?”

Ken saw the shape of the devil fruit and roughly distinguished the type of devil fruit.

But he doesn’t care… He doesn’t eat the devil fruit anyway.

Just to provide it to the system to absorb!

“Go on.”

Karp threw it casually, and then continued to sit on the sofa and eat senbei.

Ken quickly caught it, looking at the devil fruit in his hand, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I didn’t expect to contribute and actually exchange it for Devil Fruit.

If…… What if he took out the design drawings of the Hades battleship and handed them over to the headquarters of the Navy himself?

It is estimated that the contribution will be even greater, maybe it will be no problem to continue to exchange the Devil Fruit!

Of course…… He definitely wouldn’t dare to take it out.

Who takes this thing… Who dies!

And he also said before… On the bright side, it was seen that the iceberg had destroyed the design drawings of the Hades battleship.

If it is not too special and no one can understand the ancient text, the Warring States will definitely not stop, and they will definitely ask.

It’s just the ancient text… It really gave Warring States a headache.

And the design drawings of the Hades battleship.

If you let the four emperors of pirates, the naval headquarters, the world government and other organizations get it, it is estimated that it can be protected, and in the face of malicious people, it can also be resisted.

In other words, these forces can be swallowed alone.

Ken is now low in strength, and in the face of the real strong, he can only avoid the battle for the time being.

He also needs time to develop!

“But I have to hurry to the empty island.”

“Directly devour Anilu… And then the text of history is also taken back. ”

“When the time comes, it will be handed over to the headquarters of the Navy, which is also a wave of big contributions!”

“Anyway, the thing in the main text of history… I also know in general. ”

Ken felt good in his heart, sure enough, he followed the headquarters of the Navy, which is quite useful for development!

It seems that it is not very difficult to get enough five devil fruits to exchange for evolution crystals in the early stage!

“Marshal of the Warring States.”

“If nothing happens, then I’ll quit for now!”

Ken looked at the Warring States and fell silent, he should know these things, and the Warring States had almost already understood, and couldn’t help but speak out.

Sengoku bowed his head slightly, and his serious face showed a smile.

“There is nothing to do anymore, you can leave.”

“But the old man reminds you of a word.”

“For good, precaution, for evil, go!”


“This is … Remind me of my style? ”

Ken had a thoughtful expression on his face, and then he bowed down to Sengoku and Karp, as a respect for his seniors, and left the office directly.

It didn’t take long to leave.

Karp, who was lying on the sofa next to him, had an open smile on his face and couldn’t help but speak.


“This kid is pretty good.”

“Of course… In those words of his… There is no pan-true or false. ”

“It’s just that there is no harm at all to the headquarters of the Navy.”

“At least mentally… I feel qualified! ”

This made Sengoku think and savor Karp’s words.

Karp appeared in his office, and naturally he arranged it.

Although Karp has no heart and lungs all day, and even grins from time to time, he completely looks like an impulsive guy with a brain tendon.

But mentally… Karp still has something strange.

It’s time to calm down… Absolutely calm!

To Ken’s words.

He and Karp have lived so long, naturally they can tell whether it is true or false.

But at least.

He thought about the same as Karp!

Kenan’s heart is righteous, and it will definitely not harm the navy headquarters.

Of course…… Heart justice can!

Like the justice concept of that guy from Admiral Akainu … Simply twisted justice!

The activist faction of the Warring States is relatively peaceful.

But compare it with the red dog… Totally out of place!

However, this time, after Sengoku and Karp roughly understood Ken’s character, they were relieved.

At least in the current level.

Ken is already passing perfectly!


“The meaning of that phrase in the Warring States.”

“Is it possible that if you want me to actively participate in good things, and leave immediately if bad things are bad?”

“Is this afraid that I will go down an evil path?”

“Naturally, my heart cannot be affected… But good things get involved, and naturally it depends on the situation. ”

“Bad things… I’m going to create the worst behavior in the world with my own hands! ”

“Of course… No one can find out who did it! ”

“At least… I won’t target the headquarters of the Navy just fine! ”

Ken left the Navy headquarters with strides.

Before he left, he was still thinking about the words of the Warring States.

It’s a pity though.

Sengoku didn’t want him to be involved in bad things.

It’s just uncontrollable bad things!

Like this CP9 spy agency incident… Even if it’s a bad thing.

If it were not for the fact that he was stronger than the CP9 members, it is estimated that he would have died tragically at the hands of the CP9 members.

Sengoku is probably also a reminder of Ken.

You didn’t grow up.

What events can be touched … What events should not be touched.

You have to do what you can!

Don’t be reckless!

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