After Ken completely left the Navy headquarters area.

He casually tore open the air, opened the door of the other space, and carefully put this demon fruit inside for safekeeping.

Devil Fruit is still precious.

If you accidentally lose it… He didn’t want to see this!

Anyway, something is precious in the future.

Ken just stuffed into the other space… Only he can open it anyway.

Although the Devil Fruit of the Space Department … There are many more, and some abilities are even more troublesome.

For example, the mirror fruit that impressed Ken came with a different space interior to create a mirror world!

Of course.

Ken may not be afraid of the mirror fruit.

On the contrary, the mirror world cannot trap him!

To know the ability of the door fruit.

No matter where he is or where he is, as long as he touches anything, Ken can forcibly open the door and leave the place!

Not really.

He can also create another world and enter the interior, and no one can hurt him!


“It seems that the ability to get the Gate Fruit is an incomparably greater improvement in my ability to save my life!”

A pleasant smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth.

There are naturally upper and lower positions in the fruit ability!

At the moment, in Kean’s eyes… The Gate Fruit may be on top of all the Spatial Fruits!


Ken went home, packed his bags a little, bought some food, stuffed everything in a different space, and planned to leave here.

He couldn’t stay with Marin Fando anymore.

Time is too urgent now… Gotta go to the empty island first!

otherwise stay at the headquarters of the Navy … He certainly can’t get stronger.

Plus the tasks assigned by the system… It is impossible to stay at the headquarters of the Navy directly!

For this.

Ken did not inform the yellow ape and planned to go to sea alone.

In terms of his strength… In the first half of the Great Voyage, you can completely sweep the past!

But he is not invincible enough to walk at will!

To know… Over there in the East China Sea.

The four emperors of pirates often go back with red hair.

As well as the naval hero Karp … I can’t go back to the East China Sea at every turn.

“The East China Sea is weak?”

“Which one doesn’t say it with long eyes?”

“Are you sure it wasn’t the redhead and Karp who got rid of those pirates?”

“As a result, the level of pirates in the East China Sea continues to decline.”

Ken couldn’t help but think of this funny story, with a smile on his lips.

To know.

One Piece Luo Jiao was born in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea!

That’s a lot of proof enough.

The East China Sea is actually not weak… On the contrary, there are ridiculously many strong people!


Ken came to the area of Marina Marina.

He easily found the small warship he had sailed before.

The warship is now under no naval management.

After all, this small warship … Before that, he stayed on the side of the city, but he snatched it over!

Now there is no naval management, but it is cheaper to Kean.

He skilfully jumped on the small warship, then came to the helm room, and directly drove away from Marin Fandor without hesitation.

But after Ken left Marin Vando.

Yellow Ape, Sengoku, and Karp received news from their subordinates, knowing that Ken had left here.

But none of the three were worried about Ken.

As long as Ken does not enter the new world, it will be easy to deal with the pirates of the Great Voyage.


A week later.

Ken looked a little helpless, and couldn’t help but mumble in his mouth.

“The remote location of the empty island is really hard to find.”

“I even passed through a lot of cities to ask for information… This group of people does not believe in the existence of empty islands! ”

“As a result, I have not managed to find the location of the empty island to enter so far.”

But fortunately, he came to the area of the White Sea, which is close to the empty island.

It is estimated that the empty island is now above his head.

Only now he must raise the warship to the position of the empty island in order to find the updraft.

After the Great Sage’s search and detection, it found that there was a strange sea area and began to alert Ken.

“The sea ahead… It seems that vortices are beginning to appear erratically. ”

“And not far away in the sky… A large number of dark clouds began to gather. ”

“I think this may be the condition of the updraft!”

The voice fell.

This also made Ken hopeful and excited.

Fortunately, he has a great sage!

Things that won’t… He asked the Great Sage if there was no mistake!


“Boom ——!”

The sky in the distance instantly became pitch black, dark black clouds surged madly, and violent thunder shone inside.

As a result, the sea area of Ken began to become pitch black, and he couldn’t see his fingers.


Not yet when Ken was surprised.

The sea area where he was located suddenly began to erupt.

A terrifying suction force was born in an instant!

Instantly began to pull the small warship and ran directly into the distance!

“Oh my God!”

Ken looked into the distance and found that the sea over there actually produced a huge sea whirlpool, and the interior was hollow, if he fell into this whirlpool, the ship would definitely be destroyed!

Of course.

Ken is not afraid.

Even after the destruction of small warships … He can live well too!

He was not a Devil Fruit powerhouse at all.

How can you be afraid of the ocean!

Even if he wanted to… You can enter the form of a giant sea king class at any time.

Under the ocean… In one’s element!

“Check that there is jet gas underneath.”

“You can go with peace of mind.”

“Arriving at the center of the whirlpool… will spray updrafts. ”

The Great Sage reminded again, lest Ken be unclear.


These things Ken naturally knows… He just hadn’t found out where the empty island was before.


The small warship was pulled to the center of the whirlpool, and the violent waves crashed on the warship, causing the small warships to show some signs of destruction, cracks began to spread on the deck, and even the sea water had invaded the inside of the hull.

It seems that after this time.

His warship had to be abandoned and could no longer be sailed.

Right now under the sea.

“Boom ——!”

A raging updraft erupted suddenly.

As a result, the small warship in the center area instantly began to fly towards the sky along the sea pillar!


Ken was full of surprise, quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed the pillar next to him, almost falling into the sea.

He was completely suppressed by the huge suppressive force, so that he could not move.

This is the power of nature, it is so terrifying!

No wonder pirates who want to enter the empty island … It’s almost dead!

The key is whether you can resist it!

Accompanied by a steady rise in the air flow.

Ken looked up and saw that there were actually many shipwrecks falling, and even huge sea beasts, which seemed to be swept in inadvertently.

Now start to fall, if you hit the warship, it will definitely shatter and collapse!

Ken hurriedly resisted to avoid these objects smashing into the warship, and both arms instantly transformed into tentacles of the giant octopus, and directly shot away.

But…… Things don’t seem to be good.

He found the warship … It seems like it can’t hold on.

It has begun to make a clicking sound.

It seems that at any moment… It’s going to collapse!

“It’s not… You have to hold on! ”

Ken looked at the warship under his feet, and his voice trembled a little: “Don’t you collapse… There is an updraft, and this condition is difficult to achieve! ”

Critical This condition is extremely difficult to trigger.

He doesn’t want to wait another week!


You resist it!

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