Ken’s feet fell into the uppermost sea of clouds.

The clothes on his body… Already all tattered.

It is completely caused by updrafts.

“No one should have seen me, right?”

Ken’s eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and after finding that there was no one, he quickly entered the stealth state and became invisible.


He opened the door of the alien space, took a piece of clothing directly inside, and began to put it on.

It has to be said.

The door fruit is really convenient!

With you, you carry a different space with a range of 100 meters!



When Ken was ready, he left the alien space and was about to go deep into the empty island.


Behind him came the sound of updrafts.


“This won’t be Ganfort catching up, will it?”

Ken’s face was a little helpless, this old man is really troublesome!

Waiting for him to defeat Anilu… Is it bad to be the ruler of the empty island again?

Could it be that Ganfort wants to rebel against Anilu?

It’s impossible!

Ganforer can’t even beat the priest, let alone talk about Anilu!

At most, he can fight the Divine Soldier Commander, the Deputy Divine Soldier Commander, and the Divine Soldier.

It’s just that the divine weapon has been solved by Ken for most part, and it is a second kill at will, it is so casual!



Ganfort drove the small broken boat to the top sea of clouds.

The moment it came up… The small broken ship was completely damaged and shattered.

But Ganfort wasn’t distressed at all.

Anyway, he was idle and had nothing to do before, and he took some shipwrecks at will to build it.

“Where’s that kid?”

Ganfort quickly looked around.

And then.

Ganfort found Ken looking at him speechlessly, as if he thought he was a little strange, and actually dared to catch up.

“Young man.”

“Don’t be reckless!”

“Anilu is not someone you can deal with!”

“If you go up to Anilu, you’re going to die!”

Ganfort hurriedly ran over and kindly persuaded: “I have fought with Anilu for so many years, can I not be clear?” ”


Ken couldn’t help but poke through Ganfort’s lie, his face was holding back a smile.

“How many years have you fought Anilu?”

“Didn’t you just fight once?”

“And then you lost badly…”

This made Ganfor’s words of wanting to continue to persuade couldn’t help but stop on the spot, and his face was a little embarrassed.

This young man.

Are you still aware of this kind of thing?

“Don’t worry.”

“Anilu is not my opponent.”

Ken said calmly, “You see me as the kind of person looking for death? ”

When Ganfort heard this, his eyes carefully observed Ken, and he looked back and forth.


He nodded with some doubt, and asked rhetorically: “Isn’t it?” ”

“I think it’s like that!”

Three black lines at the corner of Ken’s forehead.


He really wanted to punch it and make this smelly old man lie on the ground.

For this.

He also does not intend to continue to manage Ganfort.

Anyway, after he killed Anilu… It is estimated that this old man is grateful that he is too late!


“You really want to kill Anilu?”

“I’m not kidding you… In terms of his ability to sound thunder fruits, he is the strongest explosive method I have ever seen. ”

“If you go against him… One hundred percent will die! ”

Ganfort’s face was serious, and he couldn’t help but pull Ken.


He hesitated for a moment and continued.

“You can deal with Anilu if you want.”

“But do you know where he is?”

“You don’t know, do you?”

“Do you want me to take you?”

“As the former ruler of the empty island, I am familiar with everywhere here.”

“It’s just… You have to show me how good you are!” ”


Ken narrowed his eyes.

Location of Ani Road… He really doesn’t know!

He had also asked the Great Sage before.

As a result, the Great Sage told him… It did not find the area where Anilu lived in the enemy’s memory.

It seems that the enemy is too low in status to have never seen Anilu at all.

You can meet the enemies of Anilu.

It is estimated that there are only four priests!

If only Ken were to look for… It’s a waste of time after all!

For this.

Ken’s face improved slightly, and he asked directly.

“See my strength?”

“How do you want to see it?”

Ganfort smiled and quickly replied.

“You talk to me a little.”

“The old man is not very strong though… But it’s not ordinary people who can beat me! ”

“How about this?”

“If you can defeat the old man in ten moves… I’ll take you to Anilu! ”

The voice fell.


Ken’s figure suddenly disappeared, and he came behind Ganfort, his fingertips appeared sharp, directly placed on the area of Ganfort’s heart, and said in a low tone.

“Ten moves?”

“I can kill you with one move!”

“Don’t grind, hurry up and admit defeat, and then take me to Anilu, you will definitely not be able to beat me.”

Ganfort’s face showed cold sweat, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

Although he can’t beat Anilu, he can still deal with the priest a little!

It’s just that.

What’s going on with Ken at this speed?

How could it be so fast!

It’s a demon!


Ganfort didn’t know at all.

Ken is a special collective at this moment!

The criminals he devoured in the city of Advance… Up to 50 people!

The speed of these fifty people… He also forcibly plundered and inherited!

That’s equal to fifty times more physical fitness!

Naturally fast to the point of absurdity!

Even if he walks… It is estimated that it can also fly fast!

Of course.

This simply can’t reach the astonishing thunder speed of Anilu!

The Anilu Thunder Fruit burst extremely strongly, even in terms of speed!

“But… I have the Moon Lion form. ”

“Speed-wise… Even if it is weaker than Anilu, it will not be too far behind! ”

Ken didn’t feel backward in the slightest, on the contrary, he was a little proud.

Although Anilu has the speed of thunder… But can Anilu’s mind keep up?

It is simply impossible to keep up!

No matter how fast the human mind is… That’s also limited!

Like the owner of the fastest shining fruit – the yellow ape!

Although it is claimed to have the speed of the speed of light!

But the speed of light… How fast is this?

If the mind can’t keep up.

It’s impossible to use this amazing speed!

So…… The yellow ape has the limit speed of the speed of light, which is only theoretical!

Otherwise…… The yellow ape has long been invincible in the world!

Otherwise, see who is not happy … The yellow ape kicked it at the speed of light.

One foot down, it’s a crack!

Whoever gets kicked dies!

However, in reality… The speed of light is impossible!

Ken is different… After devouring these enemies, he can only plunder the Devil Fruit ability, physical skills, domineering, power speed defense, and memory at present.

However, the predator later evolved into the king of gluttony.

The speed of thought… He can still plunder it!

All talent can be plundered!


He still has the help of the Great Sage!

The mind of the Great Sage works… It’s not at all human to compare!

Even the Great Sage must evolve to the level of a king of wisdom.

Among them, it comes with a skill.

Thinking Acceleration: Ability to speed up thinking to a thousand times!

When the time comes.

If Ken can succeed in plundering the Thunder Fruit.

He can completely use the limit speed of thunder directly with the help of the Great Sage!

It’s incomparably devilish!

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