Ken quickly withdrew his attack to avoid accidentally injuring Ganfort.


He patted Ganfort’s shoulder and said in a urging tone.

“See my strength?”

“Hurry up and take me to Anilu!”

“I settled Anilu earlier… Wouldn’t it be cost-effective for you to take care of your people on the empty island again? ”

“They’re being so miserably oppressed by Anilu, I’m sure you don’t want to see this, right?”


Ganfor’s eyes darkened a little.

It’s all to blame on him.

If only he could be stronger… You can protect the empty island.

The point is that Anilu is too strong.

He couldn’t have fought at all!

“I can take you to Anilu.”

“But before that… Can I trouble you to solve the four priests? ”

“This group of priests is too hateful… It’s a pity that I don’t have the strength to solve them! ”

Ganfort also fully felt Ken’s strength, and pleaded in a pleading tone: “You can help, the old man has been troubled for a long time about this matter.” ”

At least.

Ken’s strength… Much stronger than him!

But can you beat Anilu… He didn’t dare to think about it in his heart!

It’s just that if the priest can be solved, the people of the empty island will not be squeezed so hard.



“Solve the priest… Instead, it can allow the great sage to search for memories. ”

After thinking about it for a while, Ken couldn’t help but nod and agree.

Although after he solved Anilu, the biggest problem of the empty island was completely solved.

But the priest… The empty island seems to have no one to deal with.

After avoiding the death of Anilu, it caused the group of priests to go crazy, and then went on a killing spree to kill too many people on the empty island.

Kill the priest in advance … Seems to be a good choice too!

“Thank you so much for your shot.”

“I’ll take you to the position of the priest now, let’s start with the weakest priest first!”

“Where we’re going at the moment … He is the priest of the Trial of the Numa with a survival rate of 50%, and his name is Gaidaz, and he can use the heart net skillfully. ”

“And this person is a master of using wind spray shells and swamp clouds, if you want to defeat him, you may need some small means, and when you reach the temple, I will tell you.”

Ganfort leads Ken to the position of the priests, and tells them to use their abilities and skills to avoid accidents in Ken’s battle.

In terms of his strength… Can’t help anymore.

It was still too reluctant to deal with the priests.

Even forcibly helped… Maybe delay Ken back!

Hope is only in Ken.

Otherwise, he could only deal with these divine soldier chiefs, deputy divine soldier chiefs, and divine soldiers in the lower cloud sea.


It’s totally already… There is no way!

“I didn’t expect you to know a lot.”

Ken looked at Ganfort with some surprise, he was still not familiar with the four priests.

Although the Great Sage can also tell the four priests about the relevant ability content.

But not as much detail as Ganfor.

It seems that this person… If you can’t deal with the four priests, you can only start with intelligence.

It’s just a pity.

In terms of strength, it is strong to a certain extent.

Information…… Already of little use!

“Don’t worry.”

“I kill the priest… It’s like killing a chicken. ”

There was a wistful smile on Ken’s lips.

This made Ganfort next to him a little helpless.

However, he can only trust Ken and hope to say this to Kean… You can kill a priest like a chicken.


“You should have been very rich as the ruler of the empty island, right?”

Ken suddenly thought of something, and he couldn’t help but ask: “I remember your empty island… A city of gold? ”

Ganfort couldn’t help but frown, thinking that Ken was greedy to go to this golden city.

But think about it.

It is also normal for people to be greedy …

If Ken could really kill Anilu… Gold City to Ken, so what!

It’s better than letting Anilu rule the empty island!


Ganfort replied helplessly.

Ken’s eyes lit up and he continued to ask.

“Nakong Island is so rich.”

“Have you hoarded the Devil Fruit?”


Ganfort’s face was confused.

Didn’t you say the Golden City?

Why did you inexplicably talk about the Devil Fruit?

But…… He remembers the empty island inventory.

It seems that there really is such a strange devil fruit, but Ganfort feels that this thing is too evil, so he has not touched it at all!

“There seems to be one.”

Ganfort didn’t remember clearly, but replied, “If I could go back to the empty island inventory, I would probably be able to remember.” ”

In an instant.

Ken was full of motivation, full of murderous face, and directly contracted down.


“I’ll help you kill Anilu and kill the four priests, and you can give me the Devil Fruit as a reward!”

“Even if not… I believe that the empty island is so rich, it should be able to buy it, right? ”

This made Ganfort feel more and more strange about Ken.

He also thought that Ken was greedy to go to the City of Gold.

The result is… Devil Fruit?

The Devil Fruit is at most over 100 million Baileys!

The value of the Golden City… That’s a rich country!

Why is Ken so weird and not very greedy for money?

But Ken didn’t get to the City of Gold… That’s a good thing.

Only if Ken can really take back the rule of the empty island.

Devil Fruit?

If there is a sale in the market… They must have paid for the empty island, and then the reward was handed over to Ken, there was no problem at all!

As long as it kills Anilu!

You can pay anything!

“I promise you!”

“But you have to kill a priest first.”

“Otherwise I thought you were bragging.”

Although Ganfort agreed, he still felt inexplicable, hoping that Ken really had this kind of strength.


After Ganfort arrived at a temple, he quickly stretched out his hand to grab Ken and whispered in his mouth.

“In front is the temple of Gaidaz.”

“His temple is full of swamp clouds, and if you fall into it, you basically can’t escape by yourself.”

“I suggest you provoke him out, so that when he comes out, the impact of the swamp cloud on you is not very great!”

Finish speaking.

He looked sideways at Kean.

only to find.

Ken disappeared!

What’s going on?!

Wasn’t it still by his side just now?

Even he grabbed Ken’s arm… It’s a real touch!

So now… Where is Kean?

For this.

Ganfort did not grasp Kean’s position and was extremely anxious.

But I don’t dare to look for it at will… After all, there is a temple ahead.

If he accidentally exposed it and let the priest Gaidaz find out, it would be miserable!

Maybe it will have to affect Kean!

The other side.

Ken goes into stealth and completely stealth.

In terms of his means… Cannot be exposed to Ganfort.

Although Ganfort has a good temperament… It’s just that in terms of his means, even the yellow ape has not been exposed, and naturally it is even more unlikely to be exposed to Ganfor!

But…… Isn’t it just killing a priest?

Although the priests all master the heart net, seeing the domineering color is called the “heart net” on the empty island.

This allows him to detect stealth under his stealth state.


Ken enters a different dimension… No matter how domineering he is, it is impossible to find him!

Means of assassination.

In fact, he still understands it very well!

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