Chambord Islands, Island No. 13, on a street.


A crimson thin line appeared in the air, and the spatial ripples quickly folded to both sides.

Sephiroth sheathed his sword and walked out of the world inside the door.

Not far away, Boya Hancock was about to reach out and put on a fox mask on herself. After she saw the silver-haired young man suddenly appear, she was stunned for a moment…


After reacting, the long-straight black girl’s face immediately burst into a smile of joy. She cheered, walked a few steps quickly, and threw herself into his arms.

“Sister is so cunning!”

“I want a hug too!”

Seeing this, Poya Sandsonia and Poya Marigorud followed suit and flew towards him and hung on him.

Xia Qi looked at the three beautiful girls acting coquettishly next to the silver-haired young man, and she couldn’t help but joke:

“Tsk, tsk, tsk! Little brother, your love luck is really enviable!”

“Ahem!…Long time no see, Miss Xia Qi!”

Sephiroth coughed lightly, looked a little embarrassed, raised his left hand and scratched his head.

Since Hancock had been holding his right arm, he could clearly feel that the passers-by around him, regardless of gender, old or young, were casting all kinds of jealous, envious and hateful looks at him…

After quickly adjusting his emotions, Sephiroth asked the question in his mind:

“By the way, why did you come to Shampoo Islands?”

Before Xia Qi could speak, Boya Hancock blinked Kazilan’s big eyes and said first:

“Captain Xia Qi said that he would bring me to see a man and let him teach me how to use Overlord’s color and domineering energy.”

“Have you also awakened your overlord color?”

Hearing this, Sephiroth immediately nodded with understanding. He instantly knew who Xia Qi was going to take Boya Hancock to meet… “Pluto” Silbaz Reilly!

Sephiroth knew that Rayleigh had been living in seclusion in the Shampoo Islands, and there was even a little news about him in the underground world.

However, he had never planned to meet this guy…

Because it’s too dangerous!

Moreover, with Sephiroth’s identity and position, it would be difficult to get in touch with Rayleigh.

Is he going as a navy or as a pirate hunter?

Or maybe, he approached Rayleigh as an ordinary passerby. What if the other party became wary…?

No matter which identity he approaches, it is very likely that Rayleigh will kill him on the spot…

The title of “Pluto” was not something Rayleigh boasted about, but something he actually earned by killing him!

Anyone who dares to challenge him will only receive a one-way ticket to Hades…

Whether among pirates or among the navy, Rayleigh has a reputation for being notorious!

Calculating the time, this old guy Rayleigh is only sixty years old, and his strength may still be at its peak.

Referring to the fact that when the opponent was in his seventies, he could still fight with Kizaru in his prime, Sephiroth estimated that Rayleigh should still have quasi-emperor level combat power now. If he fought with the opponent, he would have no choice but to escape. Otherwise, you can only be tortured…

As if he thought of something, a shy smile suddenly appeared on the silver-haired young man’s face, and he asked tentatively:

“Miss Xia Qi, can you also teach me how to use Overlord Color Haki…?”

“Well~! Let me give it a try!

But let’s talk first, little brother, you are a marine… and he is a retired pirate. I can’t guarantee whether he is willing to teach you! ”

Sephiroth smiled and said:

“Hehehe! Then there’s Miss Lao Xiaqi!”

Although Rayleigh is ridiculed as a mediocre teacher who misleads students and is not as good as famous teachers such as Kaido, Kaji, and Leopard Goro, he is still a teacher who can teach!

Sephiroth has been groping for so long, but he still can’t release his overlord color freely. Now that the opportunity has come, how could he not seize it…?

The five of them chatted for a while on the way to Rayleigh’s residence, and then Sephiroth revealed that Shaqi had been having an affair with Rayleigh a long time ago!

Although Xia Qi is still the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, she needs to lead the pirates out to sea to plunder.


When the crops on Kuji Island are harvested and the country has no shortage of food supplies, she will come to the Shampoo Islands for a “vacation” for a month or two before leading the Kuji Pirates out to sea again.

By the way, the four girls also learned about Sephiroth’s employment at the Shambaud Islands Naval Base…

Under the leadership of Xia Qi, everyone walked a long distance before arriving at the door of a small wooden house built on a tree slope.


Xia Qi didn’t knock at all, she just took out the key from her trouser pocket and opened the door.

Everyone also saw a blond middle-aged man sitting on the couch. He was wearing rimless round glasses, his legs crossed, and he was holding a newspaper in his hand and flipping through it.

Judging from the gray beard on the man’s chin, he is no longer young. If he didn’t dye his hair blonde, he would probably have a head full of white hair.

“Long time no see…Xia Qi, why did you bring so many people here?”

Reilly turned around with a smile and looked at the five people who walked in from the door.

“There is a little guy in my pirate group who awakened the overlord’s Haki some time ago…

Therefore, I want you to help teach her so that she can master this power as soon as possible.

In the future, I plan to let her take over my position so that I can retire safely! ”

As she spoke, Xia Qi pulled Hancock in front of Rayleigh.

“Since you said so, I have no reason not to agree…”

“Hehehe! Then I’ll bother you, Uncle Rayleigh.”

Hancock bowed slightly, and she laughed playfully and took off the fox mask on her face, no longer covering her cute face.

“Little girl, you are so terrifyingly beautiful!… Do you have devil fruit powers?”

Rayleigh noticed something strange in an instant. He quickly shook his head and used Armament Haki to form a transparent armor on the surface of his body. Then he managed to suppress the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

“Well! I am a user with the ability of the Sweet Fruit, which can infinitely amplify my charm…” Hancock explained with a smile.

After chatting with Xia Qi for a few more words, Lei Li looked at the silver-haired young man standing behind everyone.

“This little brother is…?”

His eyes subconsciously glanced at the butcher knife on the silver-haired young man’s waist.

What a vicious knife!

Through the perception of sight, hearing and color, Rayleigh immediately noticed the ominous aura emanating from the butcher knife. Someone who can use such a knife cannot be a simple person!

Sephiroth immediately took a step forward and introduced himself:

“My name is Karl D. Sephiroth. I am here this time to learn the techniques of using Overlord’s domineering energy from Mr. Reilly…”

Hearing this, Rayleigh raised his right hand, gently rubbed his chin, and muttered:

“Karl D. Sephiroth…I seem to have heard this name somewhere…”

“This guy is the navy of the Chambord Islands. It’s normal for you to have heard of it…

He also has a domineering and domineering look, and he has a close relationship with Hancock Jr.

When you are teaching, can you just teach me by the way? “Xia Qi said tentatively.

“He is a marine… I am a pirate, you want me to teach him?”

Reilly had a strange expression on his face, and there was a hint of reluctance in his tone.

After Sephiroth noticed Rayleigh’s resistance, he immediately rolled his eyes and a bright smile appeared on his face.

He walked a few steps quickly, sat beside him, put his arm around his shoulders, and said in a very familiar tone:

“Hehehehe! Mr. Reilly, of course I won’t let you teach in vain…I will pay the tuition…”

“It’s not about money…”

“One hundred million Baileys!”

“The skills of overlord color and domineering spirit cannot be learned just by wanting to learn…”

“A billion Baileys!”

“I can only teach you the basics…”

“Two billion Baileys!”

“This… I will leave everything I know to you, but…

Whether you can learn it and use it depends on your own talent! ”

“Hehehe! Okay, I understand!”

Hancock: “…”

Sandasonia: “…”

Marigold: “…”

Xia Qi: “…”

Sensing the strange gazes of the four women, Rayleigh couldn’t help but blush slightly and explained:

“Ahem!… Aren’t I retired now?

I can’t make plans for my future retirement… It’s reasonable for me to want to enjoy my old age comfortably, right? “

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