Shampoo Islands, Island No. 13, inside a house built on a tree slope.

“Mr. Reilly, wait a moment, I’m going to get the tuition.”

As he spoke, Sephiroth used his power to split a black bat and left it in the room.

Then, he pulled out the long knife from his waist, pulled it out of thin air, opened a space door, and stepped in.

Through the location of the vampire bat, Sephiroth appeared in the tourist area of ​​Island No. 41, in the living room of a single-family three-story villa, next to an iron cage containing a bat.

He bought this villa for 46 million Pele. It faces north and south, faces the sea, has plenty of sunlight, covers an area of ​​200 square meters, and is dominated by white.

Housing prices in the Shampoo Islands peak at the coast where Navy warships go to the naval base, and gradually decrease on both sides. The better the security, the higher the housing prices. On the inland islands No. 1 to No. 29, the lawless zone area is It just hit rock bottom.

In the tourist area where Sephiroth’s villa is located, pirates often appear and security is poor, so the house price is not high. If the location of the villa is changed to near Island No. 60, which is close to the naval base, the house price of the villa can at least double. Two or three times more!

As a colonel at the Navy Headquarters, Sephiroth is naturally allocated housing for Navy family members at the Navy base, and the living conditions are also good.

In fact, as long as naval soldiers reach a certain rank or have served for a certain number of years, they can be assigned a house near the naval base.

Regardless of the size of the house, living in an area with good security in this Champaody Islands is a mixed bag of fish and dragons and lawless people are rampant. It is a kind of luck in itself!

However, this is only on the islands surrounding the naval base…

Sephiroth considered that he would occasionally need to hunt down pirates with abilities, and he would need to bring them home to kill them so that he could have the greatest chance of obtaining the Devil Fruit for rebirth.

So, Sephiroth asked Tezzolo to help him find this villa in a relatively remote location with a basement…

He gently waved the knife again, opened the space door, and walked into the light green world inside the door.

In the space he temporarily constructed, he stepped down the light green space stairs, passed through the floor of the first floor without any hindrance, and came to a room filled with fruits and covered with pavers on the walls and floor. In a separate room covered with thick steel plates.

Sephiroth did not stop. He continued to use the ability of the Gate Fruit to pass through thick steel plates and cement walls in a different space. He arrived at a warehouse stacked with thirty-six suitcases. He opened the space door and appeared. On the outside of the world.

“one two three……”

Sephiroth quickly sorted out twenty boxes, opened the space door, and threw them all in.


Xia Qi twisted her slender waist, walked to the refrigerator in the living room, and opened the refrigerator door.

She asked while looking at the items inside:

“What do you want to drink? Wine… or coffee?”

“It’s still morning, coffee!” Hancock replied without thinking.


Sandasonia and Marigrud also echoed.


Under the surprised eyes of Rayleigh and others, Sephiroth, who had just left for two minutes, opened the space door again and threw out twenty boxes one after another.

“Mr. Reilly, here are two billion Baileys… Do you want to click on it?”

Sephiroth said as he picked up one of the suitcases and opened it.

He showed the stacks of Bailey’s bills in denominations of ten thousand dollars that were stuffed in the box to Rayleigh’s eyes.

“Brother, you are really refreshing…”

Lei Li stood up from the sofa, walked to the open box, picked up a wad of banknotes, and flipped through them, finding that they were all brand new and genuine banknotes.

This couldn’t help but make him secretly say “Honourable!”

He originally thought that Sephiroth promised to pay the two billion beli tuition fee with the intention of paying it back slowly in the future, but he didn’t expect that the other party would pay the full amount directly…!

Since Roger has always insisted not to attack ordinary people, Rayleigh and the others usually plunder pirates and navy…

Among the pirates, except for a few pirate groups who are rich, most of them are very poor. At most, they can only rob some supplies, and occasionally they are lucky enough to grab some treasures.

As for the navy…

I went to sea just to catch pirates, and I wasn’t a money-giving boy. How could I bring a lot of money with me?

It would be great if they could grab supplies!

Especially, Roger in the most

During the last voyage, he borrowed Kozuki Oden from the Whitebeard Pirates in order to acquire Kozuki Oden, who could read ancient texts.

Roger directly gave all the treasures that the pirates had hoarded over the years to Edward Newgate the Whitebeard, which made the Roger Pirates’ already poor finances even worse!

Therefore, after Roger arrived in Ravdru, completed his last voyage and became the Pirate King, when he disbanded the pirate group, the treasures distributed to each crew member were actually not much. Even “Hades”, who was the right-hand man of the Pirate King, So does Rayleigh…

Moreover, Rayleigh has always been fond of drinking and gambling, and spends money like water. In fact, the money he saved when he was a pirate has already been spent almost!

If he hadn’t also practiced ship coating technology and could barely make a living, he guessed that he would need to find other ways to make money in the future…

However, now that he has these two billion Baileys, he should be able to enjoy his old age in peace!

The premise is that he doesn’t gamble…

“Haha! Mr. Reilly, I have already paid the tuition… When will you start teaching?”

Sephiroth rubbed his hands with a smile on his face, feeling a little excited in his heart.

Spending two billion Baileys to learn the skills of using Bawang’s domineering energy is not a loss at all in his opinion!

In this sea, Overlord Color Coil is an essential skill for top experts…

Overlord color entanglement>Top fruit awakening>Top armed color>Fruit ability.

The famous gold medal teacher Kaido said that only domineering power can surpass everything!

Fruit abilities and other things can be resisted and ignored as long as the domineering force is strong enough.

Of course, the premise is that you have enough physical talent to be extremely powerful and domineering…

Reilly stretched out his hand to push up his glasses and said with a smile:

“You can start now…”


A mighty domineering aura burst out from the blond middle-aged man, instantly locking Sephiroth and Hancock, but it did not affect Xia Qi and the others…

In an instant, the two people locked by Lei Li’s Overlord Color suddenly accelerated their hearts. The Overlord Color in their minds seemed to have been provoked, and they were subconsciously released to compete with each other.

Dark red thunder and lightning burst out in the void, filling the entire room, causing the wooden furniture to make a subtle “crackling” sound, feeling oppressed by some invisible force.

After being affected by the aura of Sephiroth and Hancock, the two girls, Sandasonia and Marigrud, felt their chests felt tight and their heads felt dizzy.

They quickly used their few armed domineering energy to cover their bodies, forming a layer of transparent armor, which made them feel much better…

After a while, when Sephiroth and Hancock’s momentum began to decline, Rayleigh slowly regained his dominance and praised:

“You two have great potential!”

Sephiroth seemed to have thought of something. He suppressed the feeling of mental fatigue and said with a strange expression on his face:

“Mr. Reilly, the teaching you are talking about…couldn’t it be using domineering colors to oppress us?”



“When you awakened your overlord color, you must have awakened it because of emotional excitement, right?”

Reilly asked the two of them with a smile on his face.



“In other words, as long as you have enough pressure, you can release it…

As you continue to release, carefully feel the process of release and gradually master it.

Then, you can complete the initial retraction and release freely.

The next step is to partially release the overlord color…

When you two released your overlord color just now, you released it indiscriminately, while I locked it in part.

Doing this like me can increase the power and accuracy of Overlord Color…”

In view of the fact that Luffy learned Haki for two years in the original work, he didn’t know the future when he saw and heard the color, he didn’t learn how to release the armed color through the air, and the overlord’s color entanglement all depended on enlightenment…

So, Sephiroth subconsciously asked:

“What about the overlord’s erotic entanglement?”

“Huh!? I didn’t expect that, little brother, you know quite a lot!?”

Rayleigh first looked at the silver-haired young man in surprise, and then explained:

“The Overlord Color Coil requires one’s own strength and courage to be strong enough to be able to master and use it…

I can’t teach you this, I can only rely on you to realize it in actual combat!


In fact, it is just a partial release of overlord color!

However, it locks the release area to its own attack. Through the ultimate compression of the overlord color, it can cause a strong mental shock to the enemy and suppress the opponent’s attack.

Fang’s weapons are domineering.

Therefore, when the intensity of the armed colors is equal, the party with the Overlord color in attack will have a certain advantage!

Even if some people have domineering looks, they may not be able to master this skill in their lifetime…”


Sephiroth nodded inexplicably, thinking in his mind whether he would need to sign up for a class taught by the famous teacher Kaido in the future…

Xia Qi poured coffee for the five people sitting on the sofa and said:

“Rayleigh, these three little girls haven’t mastered the Haki of Wisdom and Color yet, why don’t you help them train them…?”

“Ah! This is…ok!”

Hearing this, a trace of troublesome expression flashed across Rayleigh’s face, but he still reluctantly agreed.

After some discussion, Sephiroth and Rayleigh finally decided that Rayleigh would need to help him train in Overlord color twice in the morning and evening…

At noon, the six of them found a pretty good restaurant on Island 13 and had lunch.

In the afternoon, the three Poya sisters began their formal domineering training, while Sephiroth went back to the naval base and continued his 9-to-5 work routine…

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