"Will not."

Uta explained with a smile.

Since he had no interest in Neptune, Uta was passing the time with Link, chatting casually.

Anyway, after returning home, Link will soon be attracted to other things and will soon stop paying attention to these things, so it doesn't matter whether he said it to Robin or not.

A long time has passed since the Water Gods. At this time, the rain also stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the stars and moon in the sky were revealed again, looking particularly pure.

"Okay, our trip is not in vain."

Enelu looked at the night, then controlled the Star to fly back, but still looked at Link from time to time on the way back.

The giant sea king creature was lurking at an extremely far distance before. It was somewhat outrageous that Link could hear his voice from a place where he couldn't even perceive it.

Moreover, Link's talent of being able to talk to various animals always feels very wrong. Even dead objects can feel some sounds, which makes people unable to understand the principle at all.

When the Starship returned to the Capital of the Seven Waters, Enelu didn't want to understand what Link's talent was, so he had to give up thinking and stop thinking about it.

The sea water brought by the water gods has receded. There are some small shining light spots in many places on the roofs of the city. Many people are collecting them little by little with bags.

It was deep sea salt, washed up in the Seven Waters Capital along with the water gods.

This deep sea salt tastes better than ordinary sea salt, so every time the water gods pass by, many people will come out to collect it.

After taking a casual look, Enelu took the Star back to Frankie's dismantling shop and parked the ship again.

After Frankie saw them, he just said hello and didn't ask too much. Their relationship wasn't good enough to ask them casually.

Early the next morning, except for Link and Uta, everyone started to buy the supplies needed for the voyage. Their record pointer was almost finished, and they could set off in two days.

The reason for not bringing Link and Utta is also very simple.

Because Link didn't wake up, Uta didn't get up either, so the two of them naturally didn't go together.

After passing the Water Gods, the streets became extraordinarily calm and tidy.

The sea seems to wash away the stains of the city, and it also washes away the impetuousness of people's hearts.

And because they have been here for a while and have not caused any damage to the Seven Waters Capital, people in the city, although they are still a little scared when they see them, will not think of them the first time they see them. And ran away.

"Speaking of which, the City of Seven Waters seems to be the island where Link has caused the least damage along the way, right?"

Gulewa clicked her tongue and said with a strange smile.

Olvia next to her shook her head, denying her point of view.

"No, if we really want to count, it should be Little Garden Island. Link has never touched there."

Although they didn't do much in the Capital of Seven Waters, the Star Pirates' current reputation has frightened many people.

"Small garden...are those two idiots still there?"

Guleva sighed and asked Olvia casually and with interest.

"Are you talking about Dongli and Brockie? They were indeed still there when Link and I left."

Olvia also felt a little nostalgic. Unknowingly, she, Link and Utta had traveled so far on the Grand Line, and were about to pass by the Red Earth Continent again.

"Hehehe, those two idiots from the giant race haven't finished fighting yet. It's really been a long time."

Guleva smiled and talked to Olvia word by word, causing Crocodile behind her to frown and said to them: "If you two are very free, please help get something!"

At this time, Crocodile's back was also full of yellow sand, followed closely behind the three of them, with all kinds of things on it.

"Oh, but your ability doesn't require our help at all?"

Olvia covered her mouth with her hand and looked at Crocodile in feigned surprise, as if she didn't see the pile of debris behind him like a hill.

"That's right, this is more stuff. We still have a lot of things we haven't bought yet."

Gu Lewa also pretended to be dissatisfied and said, but her eyes were full of smiles, obviously she said this on purpose.

On the street, the attention of many people around him was attracted. Crocodile really wanted to throw down everything and leave without looking back.

But if they really wanted to do that, the two of them would never be able to get these things back, so this idea had to be abandoned.

"...Let's go quickly, there are still a lot of things to buy."

Looking around indifferently, the people around them were immediately frightened and no longer dared to look at them. The streets were somewhat empty.

"Tsk tsk tsk, young people just have no patience."

As a joke, Gureva chatted with Olvia again while shopping, which made Crocodile frown.

Crocodile decided that next time he would be grouped together, he would definitely switch with Enel.

He went to protect Robin and asked Anilu to come over and protect Gureva and Olvia.

Although Robin is also shady, he doesn't want to buy everything he sees like these two people.

In other words, the current Xingchen is several times larger than before, otherwise there would be no room to put so many things.

By the time their group returned to Franky's dismantling shop, it was already approaching dusk. Robin and Enel had returned long ago, and only the three of them were the slowest.

Dragging a lot of things, Crocodile called on Daz and Enel to take the things to the storage room.

The things in here are very messy and complicated, and it will probably take a lot of time for him to sort them out by himself.

"Why did you buy so many things?"

Enelu asked doubtfully, but he was not slow and had already started to take action.

"You have to ask them both."

Crocodile said in a deep voice without any desire to explain. After a day on the street, he was already very tired, not physically tired, but mentally tired.

"Oh, right."

Olvia, who had been chatting with Robin Uta since she came back, suddenly remembered and shouted to Enel on the boat: "Enel, I picked some clothes for you, you can try them on after a while. .”

It was somewhat uncomfortable for Enel to be shirtless all day long, and Olvia took this opportunity to almost pick out some clothes for him.

Originally, she didn't have this idea.

Although Enelu doesn't wear a shirt, he still cares about his own image. But since meeting Franky, Olvia is afraid that Enelu's aesthetics will change, and it will be over if he doesn't wear pants.

After all, Eniro and Franky are in constant contact these days. Although this possibility is very low, it is not impossible, so this sign must be stopped in advance.

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