Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 158 The next stop destination


Enelu stopped moving, carrying the bucket, and looked at his clothes.

It's completely normal. I don't know why Olvia suddenly thought of buying him clothes.

But this was Olvia’s kindness, and Enelu didn’t refuse it.

To be honest, it seemed like he hadn't changed into a new style of clothes for a long time. He hoped that the clothes Olvia would choose later would be in line with his aesthetics.

The three of them sorted it out for a long time before sorting and putting everything away. The last thing left on the deck was a pile of clothes.

Olvia not only bought Enelu, she also picked out clothes for everyone. The styles were similar to their previous styles, but because Enelu didn't wear a shirt, his clothes were Olvia's free choice. Yes.

A casual suit, an everyday outfit.

Enelu's body is slender and strong, and she looks much better when she wears it than before.

However, Enilu pulled the collar and felt that his neck was a little tight and not very comfortable.

"It'll be fine once you get used to it."

Crocodile said next to him, Enelu had never worn a shirt before, so naturally he was not very used to it now.

"But I just don't want to wear it if I'm not used to it."

Enelu looked in the mirror and looked at the reflection inside. It was indeed very different from before, which made him uncomfortable for a while.

"Okay, very handsome."

Olvia walked up to the deck, glanced at Enelu, and praised with a smile.

Link also sat on the guardrail of the Stardust, looking at Enel's new image, and put on clothes. His bohemian aura seemed to have restrained a lot, and he looked less inaccessible than before.

At the dinner table, Enel tried to take off her clothes several times, but Olvia stopped her every time. She said with a serious face: "If you don't put on your clothes today, tomorrow you will be like Fran." If Qi doesn’t wear pants, won’t he become a pervert the day after tomorrow?”

This serious look made Enel extremely speechless.

"I still have some sense of shame."

But Anilu's words made several people look at him, not believing his words at all.

Enelu had no choice but to surrender and stopped mentioning the shirt.

After dinner, everyone chatted for a while and then went to rest.

After spending two leisurely days like this, the record pointer finally pointed to the next island, and Link and others were finally setting off from the Capital of Seven Waters.

"How about we lend you the pirate flag?"

Before setting off, Enelu found Franky and said to him with a smile.

After Crocodile's popular science, he also learned some rules on the sea.

For example, letting Franky hang their pirate flag means that the Franky family has been blessed by the Star Pirates. If they attack them, they must be prepared to face the Star Pirates' liquidation.

Although the moment of contact was short, and Franky was still a pervert, Enelu got along well with him and shared the same interests on the boat, so as long as Franky agreed, Enelu would go to Link and let him He agreed to the Franky family flying their pirate flag, and Link wouldn't care about this little thing.

"Oh? Didn't I tell you? Brother Enel, I don't like pirates very much."

Franky laughed and rejected Enelu's proposal without hesitation.

"I am a reputable man who wants to protect the Capital of Seven Waters. How could I accept the protection of pirates?"

Looking at the energetic Franky, Enel also laughed. Although Franky rejected his proposal, it made him appreciate Fran even more.

"Hahaha, that's why I think you are a very good guy. If it were before, I would definitely take you to the infinite land."

"That's really an honor, Brother Eniro."

It was said in the newspaper that the Star Pirates were extremely brutal, but after so many days of contact, Franky felt that these guys were pretty good, and they had not yet destroyed the Capital of Seven Waters. They even paid for things they bought, which was considered good. It’s rare for a pirate group to get along well with each other.

Franky raised his arms above his head again, and the stars formed by his arms appeared again, with a shameful posture, laughing and calling Super to see them off.

Enelu waved his hand, and the golden Star sailed away.

"Hehe, although he is a pervert, his personality is surprisingly good."

Gureva leaned on the side of the boat and said casually as she looked at the Capital of Seven Waters that was gradually moving away.

Olvia nodded. Although she was a little disgusted, Guleva was speaking objectively.

"Go! Go! Go!..."

Link stood happily on the bow of the boat, shouting happily, and Uta stood behind him, looking at him with smiles in his eyes.

Crocodile called everyone over and talked about the next route.

"Starting from the Capital of Seven Waters, passing through the Devil's Triangle, we will arrive at the last island in the first half of the Grand Line, which is our next stop, the Chambord Islands."

Without introducing the Chambord Islands first, Crocodile paused and said instead: "The Devil's Triangle is filled with fog all year round and has extremely low visibility. Hundreds of ships are lost in it every year."


Enelu smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be nice to just fly over there, but I think Link wouldn't like it very much, right?"

That mist is not difficult for the Star at all, but as Link said to him before, pirates are pirates on the sea. If they fly in the sky, they become snitches. He can no longer become the Pirate King.

Link, who was standing at the bow of the ship, heard Enel read his name, turned around and jumped off, pulling Uta towards the crowd.

"What are you calling me for?"

Link came over and asked everyone with a smile.

Gu Lewa chuckled and repeated the question just now, saying: "There is a section of sea ahead that is filled with fog. Should we fly directly there?"

When Link heard this, he shook his head without thinking, and said with a smile: "No, Boss Shiji said, the sea is a man's romance, and it's just mist, so don't just run over it!"

As he spoke, Link pulled out the knife from his waist, and struck a golden slash across the sea in front of the Star, causing the Star to sway slightly with the waves it brought.

"Whatever is in front, I will cut it off, hehe."

Link smiled, holding Utta in his arms to keep her from falling on the swaying Starship.

Enel's sailing skills were excellent. When he saw something was wrong, he quickly adjusted the Star and did not let the shaking last long.

"Just say it nicely, there's no need to draw the sword."

Gureva didn't pay attention and almost fell down, but Olvia stood beside her and caught her in time. However, her physique was very ordinary, and she was almost knocked down by Gureva.

Just as Robin was about to activate his ability, he saw the two of them being stabilized by Crocodile with yellow sand, and then he chuckled and lowered his crossed arms.

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