Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 215 This is not a request

"Okay, I will ask Tipton to help you."

Whitebeard said calmly.

In his opinion, Crocodile's words seemed like he wanted to rob Fish-Man Island, but the loss of money was already the minimum.

"Then I'll trouble you."

Crocodile smiled, threw the phone bug at Minister Zuo, and said to him at the same time: "Did you hear it? Our request is very simple. As long as we find what we are looking for, we can try not to kill anyone here."

Minister Zuo nodded, then said a few words to Whitebeard, and then hung up the phone.

Shark Star covered his shoulder, which had just been pierced by Enel's lightning, and the burnt wound was torn again due to the struggle, and blood slowly seeped out.

"Then please go to Dragon Palace City. We will arrange a banquet. King Neptune will personally receive you and talk to you."

Minister Zuo made a gesture of invitation, and the surviving soldiers stood on both sides in fear, giving way to a path, looking at Anilu with fear.

Crocodile and Enelu walked down, waiting for Link and letting him go at the front.

Gureva laughed and walked off with Olvia and the others, leaving only Link, Uta and Daz on the deck.

"Let's go, they've prepared a banquet for us."

Uta looked at Link and pushed him gently, but Link was still sitting here and said hesitantly: "Didn't you just agree to eat takoyaki?"

He wanted to eat takoyaki when he saw the giant octopus that was hundreds of meters tall. Link didn't really want to go to that banquet.

"Do not worry."

Uta smiled and pinched Link's face.

"There will be takoyaki at the banquet."

As long as Link wants to eat, he will definitely have it.

Listening to Uta's firm words, Link no longer hesitated, nodded with a smile, jumped down with Uta, and walked in front of Anilu and the others.

Crocodile also called Daz down and asked Shark Star to find someone to keep an eye on the Star. Although his tone was calm, they all knew the consequences if something happened to the Star.

Dragon Palace City is in the middle of Fish-Man Island. Minister Zuo arranged some fish carts to take Link and the others to Dragon Palace City.

Looking at the scenery on the road, Uta decided to take a walk with Link for a while. The scenery in some places here was indeed good.

Minister Zuo reported the news that the Star Pirates would go to Ryugu Castle as soon as possible, and during the rush time, Ryugu Castle had already prepared a banquet.

The fish cart stopped outside the gate of Dragon Palace City. Minister Zuo led Link and the others into the gate of Dragon Palace City and arrived at the banquet hall.

The space here is very spacious and tall, and looks very luxurious.

The banquet was already prepared. King Neptune and his second son and third son had been waiting here for a long time. Shark Star wanted to be treated for his injury, so he did not come with him.

In the center of the banquet hall, there was a huge shell-shaped stage, with a mermaid standing in front of it and singing a soft song, with several musicians playing behind her.

"Everyone please!"

Minister Zuo arranged seats for Link and the others, and left quickly after everyone was seated.

On the way back, Uta said that Link wanted to eat takoyaki, but there was really no such snack at the banquet, so on the way back, Minister Zuo had already told the chef to prepare some more takoyaki.

But when we arranged the seats just now, Minister Zuo was not seen at the table, so he thought of going to the kitchen quickly to see what was going on.

Uta's body also returned to normal. He gave Link some food and told him that the takoyaki would be here soon. He ignored King Neptune and the others because Crocodile and the others would take care of the conversation.

However, Mermaid Wutada on the stage took a second look. The song she sang was pretty good, but the level of the musicians was a bit average, and it didn't sound like a good match to her.

Neptune originally wanted to talk to Link, but Link came in and ate directly without any intention of talking to him, so Neptune had to focus on others.

"Ahem, I heard Minister Zuo say before that you are looking for something. You can tell me what you are looking for, and I will send soldiers from Dragon Palace City to help you find it."

Neptune looked at Crocodile, coughed slightly and said slowly.

"Of course, but before that, I have a question for you."

Crocodile smiled, raised his head to face Neptune and continued: "Do you know about Neptune?"

As soon as the word Neptune came out, Neptune immediately stopped, looked at Crocodile's eyes staring at him, and smiled: "Of course, I still know the name of Poseidon, the legendary ancient weapon."

Things were in trouble, but Neptune did not change his expression. Instead, he asked doubtfully: "You don't think Neptune is here, do you? That may disappoint you. I have lived on Fish-Man Island for decades, and I don't know much about Neptune. It’s just a name.”

There is no flaw in Neptune's performance, and even the pause before it just makes people feel that he is surprised to hear the word "Neptune".

"Is it?"

Crocodile smiled and continued: "But as far as I know, Sea King is on Fish-Man Island."

Holding out a finger, Crocodile held a cigar in his mouth and said calmly: "One week, I don't care if you really don't know or if you don't know, we give you one week, as long as we can see Neptune after one week Poseidon may have clues pointing to him, then we can be at peace with each other."

Neptune looked at Crocodile with an ugly expression, and said awkwardly: "That is a legendary existence. I can't find Poseidon within a week. I'm afraid we can't achieve your request."

"That'll be enough for half a month."

Crocodile didn't care, thinking that maybe the time was too little, so he gave Neptune some more time, but half a month was also not long.

Neptune wanted to say something more, but Crocodile stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Make no mistake, what I just said was not a request, but a request."

Although much shorter than Neptune, Crocodile showed a condescending attitude.

Enel was eating the fruit and watching with interest. He felt that what Crocodile said just now was very domineering, so he secretly wrote it down, planning to find an opportunity to do the same thing himself.

As Neptune's face became more and more gloomy, even the two princes on the side couldn't hold back and wanted to accuse Crocodile, but at this moment, Minister Zuo came back.

At the same time, he was holding a large plate of takoyaki in his hand.

“Here comes the takoyaki!”

After hurriedly coming to Link's table and placing the huge plate on the table, Minister Zuo breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he noticed a strange atmosphere here.

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