Neptune gave Minister Zuo a look and asked him to leave first. Although he was a little confused about the situation, Minister Zuo left quickly.

Link's eyes lit up when he saw the takoyaki that was served, and he ate it directly. Uta held his chin with both hands and looked at Link with a smile on his face.

The heavy atmosphere lasted for a long time. Neptune stared at Crocodile and said slowly: "Whether it is a request or a request, I can only say that I will try my best to help you find it."

His tone was much colder than before, but Crocodile didn't care at all. He said with a smile: "You can understand it however you want. We only need to see the results within half a month."

With these words, the princes Huang Xing and Carabao couldn't stand it any longer. They raised their weapons and wanted to start a battle with the Star Pirates, but they were stopped by Neptune sitting in the middle. He whispered and told them to clam down.

Enelu looked at this scene and smiled silently, his fingertips already lit up with blue-white electricity.

Yellow Star and Sunstar are much uglier than Shark Star. They are both Neptune's sons, so there is no resemblance at all.

Link held an octopus leg in his mouth, chewed it, swallowed it, looked at the yellow star, then at the overturned star, and laughed.

One of them is fat and the other is thin, one has a raised corner of his mouth and the other has a lowered corner of his mouth. Together with their strange hairstyles, they look very funny.

The takoyaki that was served before was all finished. Uta looked at the plate with only the sauce left, and took out a napkin to wipe the corners of Link's mouth.

After cleaning the sauce on his face and hands, Uta took Link's hand and said softly: "On the way here just now, I saw some very interesting places. Let's go and see them together. Bar."

Link smiled and nodded, and left the banquet hall with Uta.

Link didn't care about Neptune's affairs at all, and Uta also let Crocodile handle all these things. After all, he was the one who was most passionate about Neptune.

"Wait, let's go together too."

Olvia and Robin called to Uta, stood up from their seats, and followed.

They had finished eating. Instead of watching the negotiations in boredom, they might as well go out for a walk. Moreover, this was the Fish-Man Island under 10,000 meters of the sea. Maybe some historical information would be preserved.

But after they left, the atmosphere in the banquet hall became heavier.

The fishman singer had finished singing the song and exchanged glances with the musicians behind him, wondering whether he should continue singing.

"Keep singing, why don't you continue? Although it's not as beautiful as our singer's singing, it can still be heard."

Enelu leaned on the chair and said to the mermaid singer.

Although he thought the singing was average, it could help him kill some of his boring time.

Enelu looked down upon Crocodile's negotiations.

If it were him, he would directly use force to suppress them, seize the dominance of Fish-Man Island, and then order them to find the Sea King.

Enel has used this method once, and it is very easy to use. If it weren't for the arrival of Link and the others, he would still be a god on the empty island, building ships in a leisurely manner.

After leaving the banquet hall, Uta pulled Link out based on his memory. After passing a fork in the road, Link suddenly stopped, tilted his head, and looked towards another passage.

There was a soft sound from that direction, which sounded like the sound of an ax hitting an iron plate.

"What's wrong?"

Uta looked at Link, looked over, and asked softly.

"It's okay. They seem to be testing the sharpness of the ax over there?"

Link said casually and stopped paying attention. Seeing that there was nothing unusual, the three of them took Link and continued walking out.

However, Link looked back midway. In the same direction as before, he heard another soft sobbing cry. He didn't know if he was frightened by the sound of the axe. The cry was very small, as if he was suppressing it. He didn't dare to say anything, but he was so frightened that he cried.

Link just glanced at it and ignored it. Who that person was was irrelevant to him. Whether he cried or not was none of his business, but the crying was quite rhythmic and didn't sound unpleasant.

After leaving Dragon Palace City, Olvia and Robin left on their own initiative.

"I won't disturb you anymore. Let's take a look around and separate here for now."

Olvia said with a smile, waved to Uta and Link, and left with Robin.

The phone bugs they bought in the Shampoo Islands were handed over to them respectively. If they encounter danger, they can notify Anilu. Unless they encounter an enemy that makes it impossible for the two of them to dial the phone bug, Elnilu will With such speed, they will be by their side in a few seconds and deal with those who have evil intentions.

So this time Olvia came out and didn't ask Daz to follow her.

"Well, goodbye then."

Uta said, holding Link's hand and walking slowly along the street next to him.

When pedestrians pass by on the road, some mermaids will greet Link and Uta because of their gentle appearance.

It's like a hidden world here. Many civilians are living their own lives and don't care much about things outside Fish-Man Island. These civilians did not recognize Link's identity.

However, not everyone is like this. There are still some mermaids and fishmen who pay attention to the outside world. They recognize Link and Uta, but seeing their harmless appearance, they slowly let down their guard, but still dare not get close.

The shopping experience on Fish-Man Island is much better than in the Capital of Seven Waters. People here will not dodge them as if they were demons, but will smile at them.

This is also because many people saw them coming out of Dragon Palace City, and the soldiers were extremely respectful to them.

Coral Hill, the most prosperous port town on Fishman Island.

Uta held Link's hand and walked for a long time. Finally, she let Link carry her and walked for a while, and then they finally arrived here.

The sky gradually darkened, and Uta looked at the sky, a little curious as to why there was sunshine and clouds even though it was under the sea.

But she didn't think about the actual meaning. Many things felt romantic because she didn't know the reason.

He jumped off Link's back, held Link's hand, and walked on this busy street.

There were more people here who recognized them, but Uta didn't care. He took Link's hand and walked around the street, pulling Link into a clothing store.

Uta planned to take a look at the clothing styles here and pick some clothes for Link if they suited her aesthetic.

Although there are still many clothes in the wardrobe that Link has never worn, this does not conflict with Uta choosing clothes for him.

Then, Link was taken to the fitting room by Uta, where he honestly changed into sets of clothes.

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