Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 253 Are they old and confused?

That night, people on Fishman Island also woke up one after another. Neptune and the Star Pirates discussed it and did not control public opinion.

Without knowing Shirahoshi's identity, everyone would only think that the Star Pirates had obtained Neptune, although this would bring the Star Pirates to the attention of all forces and cause a lot of trouble.

But Link is the Emperor of the Sea. With this title, there will be countless pirates who plan to step on his head to rise to the top and become famous in one fell swoop. So just having the title of owner of the Sea King is just that to them, and to myself Enel and Crocodile don't care about the confidence in others' strength.

Moreover, this can remove Fish-Man Island to the greatest extent and make White Star safer.

Moreover, although Shirahoshi did not get on the ship, Shirahoshi was very kind to Link and Uta. It didn't matter whether he got on the ship or not. When they needed Neptune's power, Shirahoshi would also help.

It was precisely after understanding this that Crocodile was willing to cooperate with Neptune and shoulder this big pot.

Just as they thought, the Fish-Man Island side had indeed been taken out. Those who contacted the outside world said much the same thing, meaning that Neptune had been controlled by the Star Pirates.

They all saw Enelu taking Link into the sea with their own eyes, and soon many Neptunes appeared. As for White Star, they all viewed White Star similarly to Smoothie, who was just Link's means of transportation in the water.

Link and Enel are both Devil Fruit users. Even with a waterproof coating, it is inconvenient to move in the sea, so it is normal to have a mermaid who can move quickly in the sea.

In just one night, this matter spread almost throughout the entire sea, and King Neptune was so angry that he almost demolished the house. After all, according to the rumors from the outside world, he almost got Neptune.

The next day, with the release of the World Economic News, Morgans directly brought the matter to the public, making a big news and letting everyone know the news.

The fifth sea emperor, Link, obtained the legendary weapon Poseidon, which made many people fear the Star Pirates and made them famous.

Morgans from the newspaper headquarters also laughed happily. Today's newspaper sales were very good, which made him feel very happy.

"Seeing your friend become such a person, you will also be happy for him, right? Hahaha!"

Morgans said with a smile, patting the shoulder of an albatross on his desk.

The albatross wore an ID tag with 9527 printed on it around its neck. It looked at Link's photo on the table and screamed happily, but no one here except Morgans could hear its words clearly.

In the navy headquarters, in the marshal's office, Sengoku sat on a chair, with a sleeping phone bug on the table in front of him.

Ever since he learned the news about Neptune being captured by the Star Pirates last night, Sengoku has been sitting here, waiting for the phone bug to ring for the Five Old Stars to contact him.

However, it was already noon of the next day, and the phone bug still had no response. Warring States could not figure out what the five old stars were thinking.

In Pangu City on the Red Earth Continent, the five old stars also looked at the phone bug in silence, and no one made a sound for a while.

Just now, they reported about Neptune to the master behind the world government, the owner of the Void Throne, and their immediate boss, Lord Im.

But Im's response was different from what they expected. He didn't say anything about Neptune's decision. Instead, he told them in the same cold tone as usual to ignore the matter. He didn't even say anything else and hung up directly. Phone bug.

This is the reason why Wulaoxing is silent at this time.

They know very well the power of the three ancient weapons, not to mention the superior Lord Im, so the Five Old Stars are very puzzled now.

But Yim's order is absolute, so Wu Laoxing will act according to Yim's instructions now, even what he told Warring States.

Just ignore these four words.

The phone finally rang, and Zeng Guo's question was easily answered by these four words. Looking at the phone that had hung up, Zhan Guo wondered if the five old stars were too old and confused.

That is the legendary ancient weapon Neptune that can control the sea! Still got it by a group of pirates! No matter how you think about it, you shouldn’t just ignore it, right?

Warring States lost a lot of hair thinking about it, but he still couldn't figure out the profound meaning of this sentence. He sighed, put away the phone again, and started to deal with other documents.

In Pangu City, Yi Mu left the flowers after a long absence, walked to the Void Throne, turned around and sat down, looking at the sword pool below with calm eyes.

The gentle tapping of fingers on the armrest made a rhythmic sound resound in the silent room.

After a long time, Im stopped this action, stood up with a chuckle, left the room, and walked slowly towards the flowers.

Let the room where the Void Throne is placed return to silence.

And no one knows all this except Im himself.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was night.

Due to the death of Vanderdaken IX, Shirahoshi regained his freedom and no longer had to live in the hard-shell tower. Neptune also told Shirahoshi not to tell anyone that he was Neptune. After Shirahoshi nodded in agreement, he let her She can move freely.

So, Bai Xing, who was free, wandered around the Dragon Palace City, and unknowingly came to the kitchen where he met Link, and found Link and Uta here again.

"You are quite good at finding time."

Uta glanced at Bai Xing who was sticking his head at the door and said casually.

Before the cake she had just made was put on the table, Bai Xing came. Utad suspected that Bai Xing came because of the smell.

"Stop standing at the door. Come in and I'll divide Link's cake less."

She was about to leave Fish-Man Island, but she hadn’t made many of the specialty desserts here yet, and she didn’t know which ones would suit Link’s taste. That’s why Uta wanted to make them all for Link before leaving to filter out his favorite ones. Eat desserts.

Bai Xing at the door heard Uta's words and walked in with a silly smile. She had a very good impression of Link and Uta, and she didn't feel restrained when they were together.

"Hey, I can eat the cake made by Lord Uta again."

With a silly smile, Bai Xing walked to the side of the table, removed the bubble from his waist, and Bai Xing sat directly on the bubble.

Once born, twice familiar, Bai Xing has already experienced it.

Bai Xing smiled happily while eating the various desserts Utade gave her.

Uta gave her some and returned to Link, listening to his evaluation of various desserts.

But Link always said it was delicious, so Uta could only judge Link's love for this dessert based on how fast he ate it, and gradually he gained a ranking.

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