Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 254 I bought it just for you

"Lord Uta, are you leaving soon?"

After eating for a while, Bai Xing asked abruptly. Uta didn't even raise his head, still staring at Link eating the cake, and nodded as a response.

"That's it..."

Bai Xing looked down at the cake on the table. After hearing Uta's answer, she felt that the cake was not very tasty.

Bai Xing's weird tone finally caught Uta's attention. He looked up and down at Bai Xing, who seemed to be unhappy all over his body. Uta asked her thoughtfully: "Baixing, you don't have any friends, do you?"

The more I thought about it, the more likely it seemed, because Bai Xing had been living in a hard-shell tower and rarely communicated with the outside world. It was probably true as she said, not even a single friend.

Uta's words stunned Bai Xing, and then he nodded weakly, glanced at Link, then looked at Uta expectantly, and said, "Then can Master Uta and Master Link be my friends?"

Bai Xing's eyes were full of desire. Uta nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, we can be your friends, but we will not stop here."

He understood what Bai Xing meant, so Uta spoke directly.

"We have our own path, and now we are moving forward on the sea for our dreams, and we will not stop here."

Looking sideways at Link, Uta smiled gently.

It is said to be their dream, but it is just that Link is constantly pushed forward by this dream for her. And now, Uta is actually no longer so interested in revenge against Shanks. She now just wants to accompany Lin Ke. Gram, go all the way with him.

"I see."

Bai Xing nodded and stopped pestering him. He just lowered his head and ate his cake silently with a depressed expression.

Looking at her appearance, Uta sighed in embarrassment.

Bai Xing is cute, obedient and sensible, so Uta has a good impression of her.

After thinking for a while, he continued: "One day, you may meet someone or something and find the way forward, and you won't be as confused as you are now.

You just left the Shell Tower and don't have a friend, so you are sad to see us go. "

Bai Xing is just an eleven-year-old child, and her current thoughts are so easy to understand.

Uta and Bai Xing chatted for a while. Link looked around and secretly grabbed the cakes that Bai Xing had forgotten to eat because of chatting. Seeing that Bai Xing didn't notice, Link laughed and ate them all.

But Uta actually saw it, but she didn't say anything, just smiled gently.

After chatting until very late, Bai Xing finally left. Link held Uta and fell asleep for a long time, but because Bai Xing cried for a while, Link didn't fall asleep.

"Children are really difficult to deal with..."

With a soft sigh, Uta looked at Link beside him, smiled, pulled him up, and slowly walked towards their bedroom.

After a night of silence, Gureva took Olvia and Robin to the commercial street of Coral Hills early the next morning to start shopping. Daz did not escape the fate of carrying bags and left with them.

Crocodile and Anilu went to the Marin Shopping Center and split up with Gureva and the others to purchase different things.

Only Link and Uta were idle for a moment, holding hands and slowly walking towards the Star.

Today is their last day on Fish-Man Island. They have been delayed here for nearly a month in search of Neptune, and now they are finally leaving.

The recording pointer has already recorded the magnetism, and the magnetism of Fish-Man Island only needs to be recorded for half a day.

However, in the new world, this single record pointer will be eliminated. It needs to be replaced with a new record pointer with three hands. The one is already worn on Enero's hand. Link and Uta are also not needed for the route. worry.

At the port, Smoothie and Perospero of the BIGMOM pirates have already left Fish-Man Island with their men, but Sachi and Jozi of the Whitebeard Pirates have not left yet, and they still have to stay at Fish-Man Island. After a few days, until the Neptune incident has completely subsided, Sage and Jozi will take people away.

Link and Uta came to the port, and the guard soldiers here bowed down and saluted extremely respectfully when they saw them.

The domineering aura that enveloped Fish-Man Island before made these people feel Link's terror again, and now their attitudes are very normal.

Ignoring these murlocs who bowed to them, Link pulled Uta to the front of the Star, looked up and down, and said strangely: "Uta, has the Star become brighter?"

Today's Star is as if it's brand new from the factory, clean and bright. Uta nodded when he saw this, and said with a smile: "Well, Anilu asked someone to clean the Star before, and now it looks really good." It looks much better.”

Moreover, the Star has been re-coated, so as long as they come back, the Star can set sail.

Back on the Star, Uta returned to her and Link's room and gently touched the table with her fingers. There was more dust on her white fingers.

Also, it has been vacant for a month, and now it only has a thin layer of dust, which is not much.

"You go to the deck and stay for a while while I clean up the room first."

Pushing Link out, Uta knew that if this was not the case, Link would definitely cause trouble and increase her workload.

Link, who was pushed to the deck, looked at Uta with innocent eyes and wanted to follow Uta in. However, he stopped this idea after Uta's constant persuasion. He sat on the guardrail of the Star and watched boredly. The busy crowd below was passing the time.

In the distance, the guarding soldiers began to bow again, and someone from the Star Pirates returned.

Gureva took the lead and walked at the front carrying several boxes of wine. Olvia and Robin behind her also carried many things, but Daz was the most numerous. He was carrying so many large and small bags that only him could be seen. Her legs looked like shopping bags had become sperm.

Slowly walking to the front of the Star, Link looked at Olvia holding a baking pan in her hands, knowing that it was for food, so he was most interested in it.

"Olvia, what can you do to eat if you hold something in your arms?"

Link asked with a smile. When Olvia saw this, she also showed the baking pan in her hand to Link, so that Link could see it more clearly.

Gureva clicked her tongue, walked onto the Star and walked towards the storage room with the wine in her arms. When she passed by Link, she said to him: "Olivia bought this specially for you."

These words made Link even happier. He jumped down from the guardrail and surrounded Olvia asking questions, which also made Robin next to him chuckle.

"It's takoyaki. Didn't you really want to eat it before? I just wanted to buy a set of tools and put it on the boat so that I can make it for you when you want to eat it."

Olvia smiled, her voice still as gentle as ever.

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