"Don't be stunned and follow along. There should be no need to cook dinner today."

Olvia smiled and followed Uta and Robin with Gureva.

Although Robin was covering his eyes by Uta in front, he still chuckled and said: "Well, please Uta, please give me light again~"

Although he was a little surprised at first, Robin quickly realized what was going on and why Link was acting strange yesterday.

It's her birthday, Robin knows that very well.

And thinking of Olvia who called Uta away last night, she felt warm in her heart.

"Don't worry, I won't lie."

Uta smiled and led Robin into the dim kitchen little by little, and the others followed. Olvia walked to the light switch with ease, and pointed at Uta who was looking at her not far away. nodded.

The room was filled with a sweet aroma, and the paradoxical smell was a bit like Charlotte Lingling's tea party again.

And although the room was dim, the others could still see a huge cake on the table in the center of the kitchen at a glance.

Gureva smiled and shook her head. After understanding what was going on, she stood aside with Crocodile and the others with a smile, all looking at Uta and Robin.

When Uta saw that Olvia had given her the signal, he motioned for her to turn on the light, and then positioned Robin so that she could face the cake in the center. Then she released her covering from Robin. hand.

"As promised, Robin, you have regained your sight~"

Uta said with a smile behind Robin, causing Robin to open her closed eyes.

Not far behind them, Enilu saw the candle on the cake and immediately tapped it twice with his fingers. The tiny arc of electricity directly ignited the candle representing Robin's age.

26. After today, Robin will be 26 years old...

Olvia looked at the burning candles and sighed slightly in her heart.

Except for Robin's birth, today can be said to be her first birthday for Robin. It turns out that she has missed it so many times without knowing it.

Olivia was in a very complicated mood at this time, and so was Robin not far in front of her.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she was stunned by the huge cake in front of her.

This is a huge three-tier cake decorated with various accessories and cream, which looks extremely gorgeous.

But what surprised Robin the most was the pattern. This was what shocked Robin's heart the first time he saw it.

On the first layer of the cake, there was a huge tree on the second layer of buttercream. Although it looked slightly different from what he remembered, Robin still recognized it. It was O'Hara's Tree of Omniscientness.

Under the tree, there are some little people made of chocolate, one of which looks much bigger than the others.

It stands behind all the villains and in front of the Omniscient Tree, looking forward with a smile.

The other chocolate villains were led by a little old man with a clover haircut and were laughing at the smallest villain.

Everyone's movements are a little different, some open their arms, some wave and say hello, all of them look very friendly.

The smallest one among them was the little Robin who was almost eaten by Link. It was wearing a dress and laughing with its hands on its hips.

Some distance away from these little people, behind a cream pattern, stood a little chocolate man with white hair, looking over there from a distance.

Then, the cream next to the Tree of Omniscientness was built into a gorgeous staircase, connecting the first and third floors.

There was also a little Robin standing on the steps of the second floor, apparently walking towards the top of the cake.

In addition, the entire second layer is full of various cream patterns, and the patterns represented by each person can be found on it.

Link's is a smiling face, Uta's is a musical note painted on the smiling face, Crocodile's is a round little crocodile, Anilu's is a golden lightning, and Daz's is a crossed blade. Gureva's is a reindeer that looks a bit like a civet cat.

Finally, Olvia and Robin are represented by two books, two stacked on top of each other.

And on the third layer, at the top of the cake, the Star stood tall on it.

There are seven figures on the Star, and all of them are little chocolate figures on top, standing next to the fence and saying hello to the people below, and underneath the Star is the grown-up Robin.

There are many details on this cake, most of which were finalized by Uta and Olvia.

But some are not, such as the round little crocodile representing Crocodile, which was temporarily changed after Enel sneaked over today.

Originally, according to Uta's design, the pattern representing Crocodile should be the golden hook on his hand, but when Anilu came over, he said that it was not unflattering and needed to be changed.

Then, with a strange smile on his face, he said that Crocodile's nickname was Sand Crocodile, so his design would be a crocodile.

For example, he is a thundering Anilu, and the pattern is also a golden thunder, which is very reasonable.

Therefore, under the influence of Enel, Crocodile's pattern became a round little crocodile.

In addition, because of Link's relationship, Uta also made a snake and a bird with butter on the second layer of the cake, corresponding to Nolan and 9527 respectively. I don't know if Link still remembers them now. .

Most of the Easter egg-like details are on the second layer of the cake, and there are countless them all around.

However, Robin's attention was fixed on the first floor and did not leave, just looking straight at the big tree and the little man in front of the big tree.

The expression on his face was full of nostalgia, his eyes began to sparkle with crystal tears, but the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

Laughing and laughing, he started to cry. Robin also whispered in a trembling voice: "Sauro... Dr. Cloba... everyone..."

All the faces in her memories appeared in front of her. Although it was just a small figure made of chocolate, it was enough for Robin.

Seeing that Robin was in a bad mood, Uta quietly approached Olvia and asked in a low voice: "Olvia, there is something wrong with Robin's appearance. Is it really okay to do this?"

This kind of Robin who seems to be crying and laughing looks very abnormal.

But Olvia shook her head at Uta and whispered: "Don't worry, Robin should be missing her now. It's hard to say whether she is happy or not, but she definitely likes this cake very much."

Looking at the stunned Robin, Olvia smiled, with mixed feelings in her heart.

The rest of the people didn't speak, they all stood behind Robin, waiting for her to come out of her memories.

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