Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 360 Wish me a happy birthday by the way

But Link hid behind Uta again. Although Robin's voice was not unpleasant at this time, it couldn't be said to be very pleasant. He wanted to use Uta's voice to suppress other sounds.

Looking behind Uta towards the cake, Link was still thinking about when he could eat it.

Three minutes, or five minutes, in short, Robin broke away from the memories, wiped the tears on his face, turned to Uta and said: "Thank you, Uta, this cake is the best cake I have ever received. A great birthday present, and thank you, Mom."

Robin looked at Uta and Olvia with his red eyes open, his eyes full of emotion.

Uta waved her hands carelessly and said with a smile: "Just thank Olvia. Most of these are designed by her. I am just responsible for making a cake."

And if Olvia hadn't spoken, no one would have known that today was Robin's birthday.

After hearing Uta's words, Olvia just smiled gently and said softly to Robin: "Go and blow out the candles. After today, Robin, you will be twenty-six years old."

Olivia's tone was a bit sighing, Robin rubbed his eyes again to prevent tears from flowing out, smiled and nodded in response.


After saying that, he turned back to look at the top of the cake. Only then did Robin notice the decorations on the second and third layers. Just as he was about to be moved, he saw a round pattern and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Pointing to the pattern, Robin said to Uta in a funny way: "If I'm not mistaken, that one should be Crocodile, right? It's round and cute."

A round little crocodile with its belly turned over looks equally out of place with the civet cat next to it.

Everyone looked at what Robin was pointing at. Crocodile took a deep breath of his cigar and said nothing.

"Ah, you said that. It was originally a hook, but Enel said the image was inappropriate, so I changed it according to Enel's description. This was all his idea and has nothing to do with me."

Uta also suppressed a smile and said, throwing away all the pots.

She laughed for a long time when she was painting this round little crocodile, because this cute pattern obviously didn't match Crocodile's cold painting style, so they felt particularly happy.

Enel also laughed twice, patted Krohnkadar on the shoulder and said: "Haha, it's very appropriate. I have long said that this pattern is good. Robin is happy right now, isn't it? And you see, even Daz laughed, so my design was still a success!”

Pointing at the smiling Daz beside him, Enilu said proudly.

However, when Daz saw everyone looking at him, his expression returned to a calm expression, but as his eyes unconsciously glanced at the little crocodile on the cake, he couldn't help but laugh again.

Except for Crocodile, who looked calm, everyone else was smiling happily.

Turning his head to look at Robin with a smile on his brow, Crocodile snorted coldly, thinking that he would not care about Enel this time, because this pattern was indeed very effective, making Robin, who was still a little sad, laugh all of a sudden. out.

After laughing for a while, Gulewa stopped first, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said to Robin: "Okay, stop laughing now, and blow out the candles quickly, otherwise the candles will be gone soon." Burned out.”

On the third layer of the cake, three-quarters of the two digital candles have been burned out, and the remaining candles are very short.

Robin also nodded, took two deep breaths, no longer thinking about the round little crocodile, and gradually calmed down. He was about to blow out the candles, but found that the candles were on the top of the cake, plus the table, which meant that the candles The height is about four meters.

After reacting, the first thought in Robin's mind was not how to blow out the candles, but that the kitchen of the Star was big enough and high enough, otherwise the huge cake would not be able to be placed.

Crocodile looked at Robin frozen in place, and realized that it might not be convenient for Robin to blow out the candles.

So one of his arms turned into yellow sand and separated from his body, forming a step that spread upward around Robin, looking just like the one on the cake.

Seeing this, Robin put down her hands that she had just raised. She originally wanted to use the fruit ability to blow out the candles, but now with Crocodile's help, she could do it herself.

Smiling and nodding to Crocodile, Robin stepped onto the steps made by Crocodile and walked up.

Gureva came close to Crocodile and said with a strange smile: "I didn't expect you to be very reliable at critical times."

Looking at the yellow sand steps and the cream steps on the cake, Gureva became more and more satisfied as she looked at them. She patted Crocodile on the shoulder and was just short of saying, "You did a good job, kid."

Crocodile just snorted and did not pay attention to Gureva. Instead, he looked at the star on the cake. The seven chocolate figures on it were waving to the bottom, looking like they were greeting Luo who was walking up. Same as Bin.

Robin, who was walking on the yellow sand steps, also had the same feeling. He walked to the top of the sand steps, looked at the nearby Star and the two candles that were about to burn out, smiled, clasped his hands, and closed his eyes. Eyes closed.

Before blowing out the candles, she wanted to make a wish.

Olivia below looked at Robin who was making a wish, smiled gently, her eyes gradually moved to the first layer of the cake, the little man in front of the Tree of Omniscientity, she also clasped her hands together and closed her eyes.

Dr. Cloba, Robin has grown up, and she has now become an excellent archaeologist. She has lived up to your teachings. Thank you for your care...

Dr. Ruth, Dr. Jay Hume, Dr. Walker... Thank you for protecting me in the flames. I'm sorry, I am no longer a pure archaeologist, but I am still chasing history...

Sauro, may your soul that disappeared in the ice and snow rest in peace. Thank you for letting Robin spend a happy time...

Finally, I would like to wish myself a happy birthday...

Happy 51st birthday, Olvia.

Olvia looked at the little figure on the cake and muttered silently in her mind, with a gentle smile on her face.

February 6th, today is Robin’s birthday, and it is also Olvia’s birthday.

What a coincidence that both their mother and daughter's birthdays are today.

Olvia opened her eyes, and Robin on the yellow sand steps also completed her wish, and blew out the candle above with a gentle breath.

But actually it doesn't matter if you don't blow it, because those two candles will burn out in a few seconds.

He stretched out his hand to pinch the cotton thread of the candle and took out the solidified residue to prevent anyone from eating it later.

The yellow sand under his feet also slowly dropped at this time. After placing Robin back on the ground, all the yellow sand rushed towards Crocodile and became his arm again.

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