Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 385 Qiu Shui still wants to fight

The nervous words made the companions stunned, and then they immediately looked towards what Skar was pointing at.

Ace raised his head tiredly and looked in the direction of the setting sun, but his body could no longer keep him awake.

The last thing I saw was a tall figure with a crescent-shaped white beard.

"Enilu, we have been driving for five or six days, right? How come we haven't seen a single island? Was the record pointer broken when it rolled over before?"

Gulewa picked up the record pointer on the gold tray, shook it left and right, and then put it back when she saw that the direction had not changed at all.

"It's not broken. It's just that the lantern fish may have taken it too far, and it normally wouldn't take five or six days to reach the next island."

Eniru replied casually, focusing on the Haki in his hand, constantly honing his armed Haki.

Because Crocodile learned to foresee the future, it put some pressure on Enel, so he didn't even eat apples these days. Apart from eating and sleeping, the rest of the time was spent on training, and he worked harder than ever. Got on Daz.

Link was still fishing with his unreachable fishing rod. He looked at the sea and pulled the hook that had fallen into the sea toward the fish, but no fish bit the hook.

A small boat gradually floated in the distance. Uta leaned on Link's shoulder and fished with him. His eyes were different from Link's. Instead of focusing on the fishhook, he kept looking towards the sea and spotted the boat at a glance.

The shape of the ship looks like a cross on a coffin, making it highly recognizable.

Uta had seen this boat before and knew who it was, so he whispered: "Why is Hawkeye here?"

The person sitting on this small boat that kept drifting toward them was Hawkeye. He was a little curious when he saw the magnificent Star here. He did not change the direction and continued to float towards the Star.


Link said curiously, looked in the direction of Uta's gaze, and then laughed.

"Oh, it's a round eye, hehe."

Because the opponent was very strong and he learned his moves instantly, even though he had only met him once, Link was still very impressed with him.

Enelu in front of the controller heard Link and Uta's words and looked towards the sea. He dissipated the domineering force in his hands and said curiously: "How did you find this guy?"

He didn't even know where he was now, so he was surprised to meet Hawkeye here.

"Maybe you want to test your swordsmanship with Link, right?"

Olvia speculated and said, except for this, she had never thought of the possibility of Hawkeye appearing here.

"That's why you said how did he find him?"

They don't even know where they are now, and they don't understand why Hawkeye appears.

Robin looked at Enelu, thought for a while, and said to him: "It's a coincidence. Hawkeye happened to be passing by here before he met the Star."

After all, Hawkeye didn't have their life cards in his hand, so he couldn't have come specifically to find them.

But even if it was a coincidence, given Hawkeye's temperament, he would probably have to compete with Link to test his swordsmanship if he met him.

"Hey, circle eyes! This way!!"

From a distance, Link greeted Mihawk with a smile.

He didn't hate Mihawk, and when he saw him, a little fighting spirit emerged in his waist.

There was no winner last time, so Qiu Shui still wanted to fight again.

But the other Chunyu was much gentler, with no obvious fighting intention, and even used a vague voice to ask Qiu Shui to calm down.

Mihawk looked at Link who was sitting on the fence of the Star and waving. He pressed the brim of his hat and wanted to say hello, but he didn't know what to do.

His personality prevents him from performing actions similar to Link's.

But Link greeted him so enthusiastically, it would seem inappropriate if he didn't respond.

So after a slight hesitation, he still waved to Link, but said nothing.

He couldn't smile and shout in front of so many people like Link.

Soon, the coffin boat approached the Star. Olvia threw the Range Rover to Mihawk with ease. After he tied the boat, he jumped onto the deck of the Star in an instant.

"Why are you here?"

Mihawk asked Link calmly.

The last time I saw news about the Star Pirates in the newspapers was when Secon Island exploded. At that time, there was overwhelming publicity that Link and the others planned to destroy the new world.

But Mihawk, who had had a brief contact with him, naturally didn't believe it. He felt that there was some misunderstanding or that the people from Saiken Island had provoked them to end up like that.

But no matter what, the Star Pirates were definitely near Seken Island at that time, and they shouldn't have appeared here even after so long.

This is not a sea area that normal routes pass through. Generally speaking, no matter which direction they choose, they should not appear here.

"It's a bit complicated to say, but are there any islands near here?"

Crocodile answered, without explaining the reason why they appeared here, and wanted to determine their location.

Mihawk was not one to ask questions, so he took out the eternal pointer in his arms and said: "According to the speed of my ship, we can reach the Giant Country in five days. I originally planned to go there to find Shanks. I didn’t expect to meet you.”

The reason was that Mihawk received a contact from Shanks, saying that he was invited to attend a banquet in the giant country Elbaf.

At this time, Mihawk had also been staying in the ruins of the kingdom on Kraygana Island for a while. He had nothing to do, so he agreed to Shanks' invitation and embarked on a journey to Elbaf.

Meeting the Star Pirates was completely unexpected.

"The Kingdom of Giants...has it actually come so far?"

Crocodile also had a headache. In just one night and one morning, he had no idea that this giant lantern fish would lead them so far.

Uta frowned slightly, looked at Mihawk, and remained silent.

Before leaving New Seken Island, Shanks was still covered in bandages. Now inviting Mihawk to the banquet means that his injuries have fully recovered, right?

Link didn't care about this. Under Qiu Shui's encouragement, he pulled it out and said with a smile to Mihawk: "Circle eyes, do you want to fight again? Qiu Shui really wants to fight."

And not just Qiu Shui, the black knife behind the circled eyes also had a similar attitude. It seemed as if he heard Qiu Shui's provocation and was immediately filled with fighting spirit.

For a swordsman, the sword is an extension of the body, so although Mihawk does not have Link's ability to hear sounds, he can still slightly sense Ye's emotions.

But after thinking about it for a while, Mihawk still shook his head and refused.

"Forget it, save this battle for another time. I don't have enough time."

There was no way to tell the winner in a short battle with Link. Mihawk had promised Shanks that he would arrive on time, so he would not miss the promise.

"That's it, let's do it next time."

Link nodded and put Qiu Shui back into the scabbard. When he saw that he couldn't fight, Qiu Shui made a helpless sound.

Crocodile was looking at the map on the side. He had just looked at the direction pointed by the eternal pointer in Hawkeye's hand, and coupled with their record pointer, he had calculated their approximate location.

It's very far away, some distance from Kalai Bali. Although it's only an approximate location, it seems like this giant lantern fish swims really far away.

Putting away the chart again and looking at the silent Mihawk, Crocodile said to him: "We're going to make dinner soon. Let's go after eating. This is a thank you for telling us the location."

It's just a matter of letting him have a meal, so there's no problem.

Although Mihawk is a bit withdrawn, he is easy to talk to and will not be annoying to them. Of course, it would be better if he joins them, but with Mihawk's temperament, it is not difficult to persuade him.

Mihawk also nodded and did not refuse.

He is already extremely skilled at being a gangster. Although he has only ganged up on the Red Haired Pirates and the Star Pirates so far, he has rich experience.

Seeing this, Gureva said a few words casually, and then took Olvia to the kitchen to get busy.

Since none of them had breakfast or lunch except for Enelu and Daz, the dinner was extra hearty and it took them a while to prepare the dinner.

At the dining table, Link had already begun to feast, and others also started to eat.

Mihawk had already eaten twice on the Star, and he was not polite at the moment. He was drinking red wine and eating barbecue, his movements were elegant but not slow.

The food on the table began to decrease rapidly, and soon everyone ended the dinner.

After picking up the napkin on the table and wiping his hands and mouth, Mihawk returned to his coffin ship and found a golden envelope, which he handed to Link who was leaning on the chair.

"Here is the ticket to Gurantezolo. If you are bored, you can go there. I heard it is quite interesting."

Grandezolo is a huge entertainment city, and many things in it are related to gambling. Mihawk is not interested in these, so he has not opened it since he obtained it from the navy.

But thinking about the resplendent hull of the Star, I felt that they would be interested in that entertainment city, because the entertainment city named Gurantezolo is also filled with a lot of gold as decoration.

"Play? Is that Zorro a playground?"

Link asked curiously, holding the gold envelope.

Uta next to her was also a little confused. She had never heard of this name before.

But except for them, Eniro and Daz, everyone else knows about this place.

"It's not an amusement park. That place should be considered a gambler's dream place."

Crocodile said calmly, looked at the golden envelope in Link's hand, and sneered.

The core of the entire entertainment city is gambling, and people lose everything there every day.

He had this golden envelope before, it was sent to him by the Navy Headquarters, but Crocodile had no intention of going there.

In his opinion, Gurantezolo is similar to his Rain Feast. They are both casinos and entertainment venues. There is no need to go all the way from Alabasta to the New World to visit a larger 'Rain Feast'.

Gran Tesoro is not the Golden Emperor.

Gran Tezzolo is the city's largest ship, the largest entertainment 'city' in the world.

Gilder Tezzolo is the Golden Emperor.

The names are all Tezzolo, don’t forget them.

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