Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 386 The aesthetic gap between Qinghai people and Kongdao people

About two years ago, when Crocodile was still a Shichibukai, this Gurantezolo suddenly appeared. Before that, he had no information at all.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that his Baroque studio is stationed in the first half of the Grand Route.

As a maritime city, the most special thing about Grantezzolo is that it is a peaceful area.

Regardless of whether they are pirates or navy, even if they meet, they can only live in peace and are not allowed to attack. Moreover, because of the prosperity of this maritime city, the Tianlong people are also frequent visitors here.

"Oh, in the end it's just a large casino, and none of us are interested in it."

Crocodile said coldly.

Although he has opened a casino, it is not easy to gamble.

And precisely because he has opened a casino, he understands the tragic end of those gamblers who get into trouble.

Selling houses, selling wives, selling children, etc.

Gamblers who lose will sell everything of value and then re-invest in the casino, hoping to recoup their money or even make another profit, but in the end they lose everything and are kicked out.

Gamblers win less and lose more, but gambling houses never lose money.

Thanks to those people, thanks to the existence of Yu Yan, Crocodile didn't need to worry about the expenses of Baroque Studio at all, and he was even quite wealthy.

Olvia listened to Crocodile's words, smiled, and said: "The only powerful place there is the so-called peace zone. Pirates and navy can put aside their respective identities, as long as they have enough Bailey, they can It was very comfortable there.”

Link nodded and understood what kind of place it was. He threw the golden envelope away and said boringly: "You can't fight, and the gambling hall is not fun, so it's boring."

So although this golden envelope looks good, it is of little use to them.

Gambling is something that Golden Lion doesn't play much, so Link doesn't play it either.

In the world view of the Golden Lion, strength determines everything in the sea, the winner takes all, and gambling is just a game for the weak.

"It's time for me to leave, Link. Next time we meet, I will compete with you in swordsmanship."

Mihawk said calmly, pressed the brim of his hat, turned and left.

He was still in a hurry.

Eniro in the restaurant reached for the somewhat hard envelope and opened it. Inside was a life card with the name Gilder Tezzolo written on it.

"Is this the owner of the casino? He actually named the casino after himself. He is really narcissistic."

Looking at the life card that was constantly fluttering in one direction, Enelu laughed directly.

But Link was no longer interested in that place. He leaned on Uta's shoulder and yawned lazily.

In this leisurely atmosphere, as long as Link smells Uta's scent and listens to the familiar heartbeat, he wants to sleep with Uta in his arms.

Robin looked at the life card and chuckled to explain Enelu's doubts.

"A first-class artist, Gilder Tezzolo's name is the best sign. This should be the reason why he named the sea city Gurantezolo."

But why there is a "Gran" in front of it, Robin is not very clear about this.

"Artist? You mean he's good at singing and dancing? Is his singing voice as good as Uta's singing voice?"

In Anilu's understanding, the job of an artist is to sing and dance, which feels similar to Uta as a singer, so she compares it.

Uta was resting his head on Link's head. Hearing Enel's words, he said casually: "I don't know, but it shouldn't be as good as my song."

This is not something Uta is bragging about. Anyway, she feels that her singing voice is the best in the world, and she has been recognized by Gordon.

Gordon was once the king of Iregia, and Iregia was a famous island spread across the sea in the name of music, a holy place in the hearts of most musicians.

Although, the people on Iregia were killed many years ago because of her fruit power's rampage, and the island was later destroyed by the aftermath of Link's battle with the Golden Lion.

But no matter what, Gordon's musical attainments are definitely extremely high. In his heart, Uta's singing is one of the best even in the entire sea.

Robin glanced at the confident Uta, nodded with a smile, and continued: "I once saw the images taken by the phone bug, and Tezzolo's singing voice is indeed not as good as Uta's."

Even worse.

However, the images captured by the phone bug are definitely worse than those heard live, so how much worse Tezzolo's singing is than Uta's can only be known by listening to it live.

"That's it, then forget it."

Enel also lost interest and stuffed the life card back into the golden envelope. He also threw it on the table and ignored it.

He originally thought that if this Tezzolo's singing voice was similar to that of Uta, it would be okay for them to go to Gulantezolo instead, and just go and listen to the song.

But after hearing Robin say that the song was not as good as Uta's song, he gave up the idea. There was no need to go out of his way to do this.

After all, although Uta only sang to Link most of the time, he would also sing to them every ten days and a half.

"Haha, Gilde Tezzolo is just an artist and he is still very legendary."

Olvia chuckled twice. Although she was not interested in the performances of those artists, she still knew a little about Tezzolo.

"An artist can reach this day and own this maritime city like a golden city, and even let the world government make a special exception to make it an unprecedented peaceful zone. Tezzolo is not as simple as you think. "

Power, wealth, power.

If any of these things fail to meet certain requirements, this peaceful zone will simply not be realized.

"Are there not enough legends in this sea? We are also legends now, right? Can that Tezoro still have the strength of Link?"

Enelu had an average feeling about this Tezzolo and didn't think it was anything special.

Maybe the Golden Lion taught him for a period of time, so Anilu also believed in the supremacy of strength.

However, there is still something about Olvia's words that makes Enel more interested.

"Golden City? Is this so-called maritime city made of gold?"

In addition to the infinite land that Enel longed for before, gold and apples are the two things that Enel is most interested in.

"Yes, it is said that Gilder Tezoro owns 15% of the world's wealth. In addition, he is a user with the golden fruit ability. It is normal to use gold to build cities."

When Gurantezolo opened for business, Elnilu had not yet left Sky Island, so it was normal not to know.

However, Olvia had a photo of the Golden City, so she took it out and showed it to Enelu, which also made Enelu very interested.

"Hey, Crocodile, let's build our base like this!"

The shiny gold must look great!

Crocodile was closing his eyes to rest. When he heard this, he was speechless and said: "You should ask Link instead of me. And if you want to build it like that, even if you remove all the gold inlaid in the Star, it will not be enough."

What's more, the whole thing is made of gold, which is completely inconsistent with Crocodile's aesthetics, so naturally he won't agree.

"Then go grab Tezzolo's gold. By then there will be enough gold bricks to pave the road!"

Hearing that there was not enough gold, Anilu was naturally concerned about Tezzolo's gold, but at this time even Gureva on the side began to say to him speechlessly: "Why are you so obsessed with gold? And with your Think about it, can a building made entirely of gold still look good?"

Anyway, this is not within her aesthetics, and as far as Gureva knows, Olvia and Robin will not like it either.

"Are you okay? Doesn't it look so golden?"

Just thinking about Enelu makes me feel very good, and I don’t understand why Gureva said that.

"It's all in vain if I talk to you. Forget it, I'm going to bed. You guys can talk slowly."

Gu Lewa was too lazy to talk nonsense and turned around to leave.

The chaotic schedule of the past few days has been adjusted, and Gureva has resumed her usual schedule. In order to prevent her delicate skin from being affected, she is going to rest.

After Gureva left, Enelu had no choice but to turn to look at Olvia and Robin, and asked them again what they thought of the golden base.

Olvia showed an awkward yet polite smile and said, "If Link agrees, can my room and library be free of gold?"

Although I don’t hate it, Olvia really doesn’t like it.

Robin was similar, and smiled gently: "My mother and I have the same choice."

Enelu: "..."

What kind of aesthetic is this? When did golden gold become so unpopular?

You know, when he was still on Sky Island, gold was the most popular thing. If there was a house made of gold, the people on Angel Island would laugh out of their dreams.

Enelu had no choice but to look at Crocodile again.

But before he could ask, he heard Crocodile's cold voice.

"I wouldn't choose to use gold either."

Just saying that pure gold should be laid out before was enough to make Crocodile speechless. If the base was built with gold again, the golden light would probably be so dazzling that people would be unable to open their eyes.

Enelu: "...Okay, I understand."

Just like that, his golden dream was shattered before it could be realized...

There was no way, except for him, none of the other companions seemed to be interested in this golden base.

"Daz, what do you think of my proposal?"

Finally, Enelu looked at Daz with hope, making Daz, who was already silent, even more silent.

"...I'm going to practice."

Although Daz didn't answer, his attitude was the best response.

Seeing this, Enelu sighed deeply.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say this."

Enelu left in a state of despair. He couldn't figure out why his companions were so indifferent to gold.

In the end, Link and Uta didn't ask. Enel felt that it would be meaningless even if they asked, and the answers they would get would be similar anyway.

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