Uta didn't know exactly what happened. She saw this when she went to deliver food to Link and Boss Shiji.

Boss Shiji sat aside and kept laughing, while Link pointed at Ying Ju and Mu Ku and kept talking. Although Link was the only one to speak, it still felt like the quarrel was very intense.

"But there are very few of them."

Uta looked at Link and explained to them with a smile.

"Link said that many things can only make sounds but cannot communicate. There are very few dead things that can communicate."

Because of this, Boss Shiji wanted to hand over Mu Ku and Ying Ju to Link, because this kind of sword is really very rare, and he will not have much use in the future. It is better to follow Link to conquer the sea again.

But Link didn't want it. He said that Mu Ku and Ying Shi didn't want to leave Boss Shiji and were unwilling to follow him.

Therefore, Boss Shiji sent people to look for swords for a while, but no surprise, there was no one who could communicate with them, and in the end it was nothing.

Fortunately, they walked around on the sea later, and Link also found two knives, two conscious knives.

This was an idea that Link had had before. He had lost the argument with Mu Ku and Ying Shi that time, so he planned to find two knives, and he would win the argument three against two.

"It sounds really awkward to be a dead creature with a will."

Gulewa shook her head, understanding what Uta said, and looked at Qiu Shui and Chun Yu, thinking about what kind of sound the sword could make and what words it could say.

However, I am afraid only Link can know this.

At this time, Link was still looking at Qiu Shui and kept talking, but he didn't get any useful information.

In the end, he had no choice but to look at Chunyu again, but it had been carefully absorbing his armed domineering energy, and it only responded with a gentle voice to Link's doubts, without any other expression.

"Although I don't know why Chunyu turned into a black sword, as long as I keep cooperating with the input of domineering, it will be fine, right?"

Link asked, and received an affirmative answer from Qiu Shui. Then he put his two swords back, put his hands on Chun Yu's handle, and jumped off the bow.

Whether it's autumn water or spring rain, if you want to actively absorb Link's Haki, you must touch his hands. Although I don't know that it can't be absorbed by touching other parts, this is very troublesome.

Fortunately, Link has two hands. He only needs one hand to touch Chunyu, and the other hand can move freely.

And according to Qiu Shui's wishes, there is no need to keep transporting it, as long as you remember to give Armed Color Haki regularly.

"Is it over?"

Looking at Link walking over, Uta asked with a smile.

"Well, it wasn't much trouble originally."

Link replied with a smile, then picked up the black tea with his free hand and drank it.

Uta looked at Link's hand that had been placed on Chunyu, smiled, and didn't ask any more questions.

The sea is called a romantic sea in the eyes of many people. In fact, it is because of this kind of thinking that they add a filter to the sea.

But in fact, during the journey between islands, unless something unexpected happened, simply sailing would be very boring.

However, the Star Pirates have long been accustomed to this kind of boredom. Everyone has their own way of passing the time, so even if they are sailing, they will not feel too boring.

It was a sunny day, the wind was calm, which was considered a very good weather in the New World, and Enel was lying on the sofa eating an apple out of boredom.

The training has been temporarily stopped, and the internal destruction of Armed Color Haki has been mastered. When he has no clue in other aspects, Eniro decided to give himself a long vacation.

"The weather is really nice today."

Enelu said very leisurely, causing Crocodile beside him to squint at the clear sky above his head and disperse the yellow sand in his hands.

Although Crocodile beside him didn't respond, Enelu didn't care either. He just said it casually, then looked towards the sea in front of him, picked up an apple and put it into his mouth.

Sunshine, big trees, blue sea, breeze, today is really...

Wait, big tree? !

After looking at the shadow in the sea in front of him, Enelu sat up, held the apple in his mouth, and kept rubbing his eyes with both hands.

He actually saw a big tree on the sea. Was he dazzled? Or did he drive back to the Chambord Islands unknowingly?

Putting down his hands, he looked at the shadow in the distance again. There was indeed a big tree there.

There was still a long way away from them, and the big tree looked like a small black dot, but Enelu's eyesight was good and he could see it more clearly.

Okay, at least I'm sure it's not the Chambord Islands, because there is indeed a big tree in front of it, and it should be quite small.

"What's in front of you?"

Crocodile asked.

He was sitting next to Anilu, so he naturally noticed his actions and looked towards the sea, but he saw nothing.

"There is a tree over there, or something that looks like a tree. That place should be the next island."

Enelu said, looking at the record pointer on his wrist. The small record pointer in the middle was pointing straight in the direction of the giant tree.

"The huge tree and the next island..."

Crocodile was thoughtful when he heard this. Why does this place sound more and more familiar to him?

I pulled out the chart again, determined the general direction, and knew what island was ahead.

"Haha, I won't take things lightly this time."

With a chuckle, Crocodile put away the chart.

Enelu didn't ask where the next place would be. Anyway, he would know it when he got there.

After finishing the apple in two or two mouthfuls, the remaining core was thrown into the sea. Anilu then stood up from the sofa and walked towards the controller.

"Everyone, get ready, we're almost at the station!"

Shouting loudly and pointing to the big tree in front of him, Enelu said loudly.

As we get closer, the black spots in the distance have become clearer, and we can clearly see something on the sea in the distance.

However, the distance is still far away. If we continue sailing at this leisurely pace, it will take some time to reach the island.

"Okay, it just so happens that I have run out of many medicinal materials."

Gulewa stood up, stretched and walked to the cabin. She was going to the medical room to count the medicinal materials that needed to be purchased.

Although they haven't been injured much recently, the consumption of various medicinal materials is still very fast.

A small part of it is necessary for Daz's practice, and the rest is the loss of Gureva's research on potions.

The sleepless mushroom has been around for so long, but the fact that it is not included in any refreshing drug shows how difficult this mushroom is to handle.

Therefore, Gureva's current research is only to continuously enhance her existing refreshing potion formula. The pink potion in Uta's hand is Gureva's latest achievement.

The disadvantage is that no matter how the formula is changed, the effect is not as strong as taking the sleepless mushroom all the time. The advantage is that the side effects are very small, very small, and you only need to take a good rest afterwards.

"I hope this won't be a boring island like Thunder Island."

Olvia said with a chuckle, Robin on the side just laughed in a low voice and said nothing.

Whether Thunder Island is boring or not depends on who sees it from what angle. Although they did not stay there for a few days, for them, Thunder Island is indeed boring.

It was so boring that this was the first time that Link and Uta stayed on the boat almost the whole time without wandering around the island.

Crocodile on the sofa nearby heard Olvia's words and said to her: "Don't worry, this island won't be too boring."

However, Crocodile did not name the island.

"Then I'll look forward to it."

Looking at the growing black spots, Olvia said with a smile.

Robin beside her also got up and walked towards the cabin. She didn't have anything to buy, but she wanted to wake up Link and Uta.

In the afternoon, the Star, which was dazzling in the sun, stopped on the shore of the island. Olvia looked at the towering giant tree in the center of the huge island and laughed.

"Giant country, I didn't expect that the next stop on Thunder Island would be here."

That's why they were able to meet Hawkeye in the nearby sea who was going to the Giant Country to attend a banquet.

However, the Giant Country...

Speaking of which, Olvia once knew a giant.

Thanks to him, Olvia was able to return to O'Hara at the last moment and see Robin as a child at that time.

Looking back now, it has been so long.

"Yes, this is the island where giants live, so I said before, it won't be boring here."

Crocodile looked at the towering giant tree in the center and laughed.

This is also the iconic existence of the Giant Country. Although this was not the place he traveled to the New World before, Crocodile heard pirates who had visited the Giant Country describe the situation here.

So he knew it as soon as Eniro said it.

"Wow, what a tall tree! You should be able to see very far when you climb to the top, right?"

Link said with a smile. Uttara held Link's hand and said with a faint smile: "If you are interested, let's go and have a look together. This is a place close to the sky."

But there are many places like this.

The giant bean vine on Sky Island, Boss Shiji's world of strong men, Uta has been to these places, but he just doesn't know what kind of scenery there is at the top of this giant tree.

"Hey, let's go and take a look now!"

He picked up Uta by the waist and quickly ran towards the big tree in the center of the Giant Kingdom. Crocodile behind him just wanted to stop him, but Link had already disappeared with Uta, so he had no choice but to put down his arms feebly.

Whatever, with Link's strength and Uta's fruit ability, there should be no existence in this world that can pose a threat to them.

"Go to the top of the tree. When he arrives, you should be able to see the sunset."

Olivia said with a smile, and then saw Robin who was in a daze behind her, and held her hand gently.

"Don't be sad. If Sauro saw you now, he would laugh with his unique voice."

Olivia knew what Robin was thinking, so she explained to her gently.

Robin nodded and said softly: "Well, I know, Mom, I just...miss him a little."

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