But she never thought about it again. Robin knew very well that in order to cover her escape, Sauro stayed in O'Hara forever with Dr. Cloba and others.

He stayed on the island that had experienced the demon-slaying order.

Enelu looked back and didn't interrupt.

When making Robin's birthday cake, Enel went into the kitchen and learned some information through Olvia.

For example, on the first layer of Robin's birthday cake, except for herself and Olvia, the prototypes of other chocolate villains are no longer there, including the chocolate giant standing behind all the villains.

This must be the person Robin was talking about.

Gureva walked out of the cabin at this time, carrying a large empty bag. She glanced at Olvia and Robin, then at the silent Crocodile and the others, and finally patted Olvia fiercely. Via and Robin's shoulders.

"Let's go and see this legendary kingdom of giants!"

With a smile in his voice, he pushed Olvia and Robin off the boat.

"Hey, wait! We can leave on our own!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Link and Uta are gone. If you could leave, would you stay on the deck?"

The quiet shore suddenly became lively. Looking at the three people pushing and shoving, Crocodile and others laughed.

Gulewa turned around again, glared at Enilu and the others who were standing still, and continued: "What's wrong? You won't leave, and you want me to drag you down?"

"No, no, no, come right now!"

There are many hills and forests on the islands of the Giant Kingdom, and the air is very fresh. This should be related to the fact that it is covered with green plants.

Link's original intention was to move towards the giant tree, but he stopped when he passed a huge village with Uta in his arms.

This huge village is not huge in the sense that there are many people living in it, but it is huge in the literal sense.

There are only six or seven wooden houses in total, but each one is tens of meters high, and the doors, windows, etc. are extremely huge. It looks like a normal wooden house has been enlarged many times. There is no difference except that it is bigger.

But what made Link stay was not because of the huge wooden house, but the fragrance that constantly emitted from the village.

Smells like mushrooms and barbecue.

Link's mouth watered as he smelled the smell, but after looking at the big tree in the distance, he promised Uta to go up with her to have a look, so he had to go to the top of the tree first and look for food when he came back.

Uta on Link's back naturally saw Link's appearance, rubbed Link's head in a funny way, and said with a smile: "There is no need to go to the top of the tree first, anyway, we have to stay on this island until the pointer After recording, there is still a lot of time, so == let’s go and take a look first.”

"Hey, Uta is the best."

Link laughed twice, and immediately ran toward the village with Uta on his back, looking for the smell. He sniffed while running, and soon came to the front of a wooden house.

The steaming heat is constantly wafting out along with the aroma of the food, and soft humming can be heard from inside the house.

It was a woman's voice, and her singing voice was at the level of an ordinary person's, not unpleasant.

Uta made a judgment instantly, but Link didn't care about this. What he was thinking now was that the barbecue should be very delicious, so he carried Uta on his back and walked into the wooden house together.

The room is very big, and even the chairs placed nearby are much taller than Link.

There was a stove not far in front of the two of them, and a giantess about fifteen meters tall was cooking. She picked up a wooden spoon that was very huge for Link, tasted the mushroom soup, and then smiled. Smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

He took out a huge food box and put mushroom soup and barbecued meat into it bit by bit, completely ignoring Link and Uta who were getting closer.

He jumped onto the stove with Uta and looked at the white mushroom soup being cooked in the big pot. Link smelled the smell and said with a smile: "Uta, this soup is so fragrant, it seems to be delicious!"

"Of course, this is what I give specifically to..."

When someone said that the food was good, the giantess immediately replied without thinking, but then she realized that she should be the only one in the room now, so who was talking?

Following the sound, the giantess saw Link and Uta at a glance, and said with some surprise: "Humans? When did you get here?"

The giantess didn't recognize their identities, so she wasn't afraid, just curious.

Uttara held Link's hand and said to the giant: "We just came here not long ago. We smelled the smell of your cooking."

Link looked at the huge food box in the distance, smelled the fragrance emanating from it, and jumped to the edge of the food box with Uta. Looking at the golden and tempting barbecue, he jumped in to eat it without even thinking about it.

The female giant was about to reply to Uta's words. When she saw Link's appearance, she quickly reached out to catch Link and put him on the stove nearby.

"Wanzi, why are you stopping me?"

Link was a little confused and wanted to go again, but was stopped by Uttara.

And the reason why Link calls her that is just because the giantess has a bun on her head.

"Two humans, these are prepared for others. If you are hungry, wait until I come back from delivering food and then cook them for you."

This female giant was so easy to talk to that she didn't even ask about the origins of Link and Uta.

"Also, my name is not Wanzi, my name is Tilu."

Tilu glanced at Link amusedly, then continued to pack, putting the mushroom soup in a container, and finally put it all into the food box, leaving nothing left.

"Oh, Wanzi, go and come back quickly, I'm so hungry."

Link waved his hand with a smile, not treating himself as an outsider at all, which made Tiru helplessly laugh.

"Well, hungry humans, I'll be back soon."

Tilu smiled and nodded to Uta, picked up the food box and planned to leave, but suddenly thought of something, turned to Link and said: "By the way, if you are very hungry, do you want to go with me?" ?Prince Loki will always have some food left over, although it’s not much, it should be enough for humans.”

Then, looking at the hungry Link, Uta decided to follow Tilu.

The two of them sat on Tilu's left shoulder and followed Tiru to the shore.

Not the coast where the Star landed, but the other side, a little north of the Star.

"Is the Prince Loki you are talking about the prince of this giant country?"

Leaning in Link's arms, Uta asked doubtfully.

"Of course, who else could be called Prince Loki on the Island of Giants?"

Tilu tilted her head to look at Uta and said with a smile. Link didn't pay much attention to their conversation, but looked at the food box in Tilu's hand below.

It was morning when Robin woke him up, but now it was almost evening, and Link was already a little hungry.

"But since he is Prince Loki, then why..."

Uta only said half of what she said, but Tilu also understood what she meant.

He smiled gently and said, "Due to some relationships, the father-son relationship between Prince Loki and the king has become a little stiff. He has been away from the giant country in the center for a long time."

After saying that, he looked around. After seeing that there was no trace of anyone else, Tilu whispered to Uta: "But I'll tell you secretly. In fact, it was the king who secretly ordered me to deliver food to Prince Loki. The king actually loves Prince Loki very much."

This news...is it really okay to just tell them like this?

Uta was a little confused. They had only known each other for less than half an hour, right? Can Tilu tell her about this?

Or do all giants have this kind of character?

Recalling the time when he saw Dongli and Brocki on the small garden island, Uta was very confused.

Of course Tilu saw Uta's doubts, laughed, and explained: "Don't worry, just don't talk about it everywhere, and you two are so good-looking, you shouldn't be bad people, so you won't tell others, right? "

She had never seen the bounty orders for Link and Uta, so she didn't know they were pirates.

Although she vaguely heard that there was another sea emperor after Shanks, Tiru was not interested in this, so she didn't inquire too much.

Because the Giant Kingdom is very powerful, and the old king has some friendship with the red hair, Tiru, ​​who does not plan to go to sea, does not care at all who is the emperor of the sea.

But in the final analysis, it was the outstanding appearance of Link and Utta that made Tiru have a high initial favorable impression.

"That's not the case. We don't go around talking about it."

Uta nodded. It is estimated that none of his friends would be interested in this kind of king's gossip.

Tilu continued to walk towards the north coast, and after crossing a 'path', she could reach the coast where Prince Loki was.

Looking sideways at Uta and Link, Tilu looked at the two people hugging each other and suddenly asked: "Uta, are you and Link a couple?"

Husband and wife, this word made Uta pause for a moment, and then he laughed: "Yes, you can understand it that way."

The two of them have been inseparable from each other for a long time. Although they are not married, it makes no difference to them.

"That's great, you can be together."

Tilu thought of something and looked a little emotional. She could see that Link and Uta cared about each other very much.

"But, what does love feel like? If you are a couple, you should know it very well, right?"

Tiru didn't like anyone. According to the giant's age, she was not yet an adult, so she was a little curious.

Prince Loki, who has been on the shore for so long and has been looking at the north, became like this because of love, which Tilu, who was ignorant of feelings, couldn't understand.

What is love that can turn the cheerful Prince Loki into the depressed person he is now?

"My love, it's hard to talk about this."

Uta looked up at Link's eyes and smiled slowly.

"To put it simply, you will want to be close to him, you will not be able to live without him, and you will be together for life and death. This does not include status, wealth, etc."

Because if it is mixed with other things, it is not love.

I wanted to go into more detail, but Aiuta really didn’t know how to describe it.

In the end, I had to say to Tilu: "Whenever you want to see someone so much that you don't want to be separated for a moment, you will be happy because of his happiness and sad because of his sadness, then you should understand what love is. ”

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