Elbaf, Northern Coast.

Tilu, Link and Uta walked for less than an hour and finally arrived here.

It was already sunset, and the setting sun made the clouds in the sky faintly glow red. On the front coast, a huge figure could be seen, with his back turned to them and looking towards the sea.

The back is curved and looks very lonely.

Tilu walked to him and then whispered to him: "Prince Loki, it's time to have dinner."

As he spoke, he squatted on the ground and laid out all the barbecue and soup bit by bit.

"Ah, thank you."

Loki's voice was very hoarse, and he sounded unusually depressed. He was still looking at the sea in front of him, his eyes were blank, and his stiff face looked particularly haggard.

Tilu was already used to this kind of treatment and didn't care.

Link held Uta and jumped off Tilu's shoulders. After waiting for a long time, seeing that Loki had no intention of eating, he stopped waiting and walked to the huge barbecue nearby, opened his mouth and ate.

"Hey! Wait, Link, let Prince Loki eat first."

Tilu was a little anxious, but Link moved quickly and ate a lot of the roasted meat, which was larger than him, in just a few bites.

"Well, meatballs, but I'm very hungry, and the black eye won't reach out, so I have to eat first."

Link chewed the huge barbecue in front of him, turned around and gave Tilu a thumbs up, and said with a smile: "Hey, meatballs, the barbecue you made is delicious!"

"It's delicious, so let Prince Loki eat it first."

Tilu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Link had already eaten a lot of the piece in front of him, so he had no choice but to let him go.

Uta was smiling on the side and wanted to say something, but seeing that Tilu didn't seem to care about it, he didn't continue to speak.

As for Prince Loki, even if there was such a noise coming from here, he still didn't look back, and he obviously didn't care about it.

Shaking her head helplessly, Tilu placed the barbecue and soup next to Loki and whispered about other things.

They are all very boring things, such as what happened to so and so in the village, what is new in the next village, etc.

Finally, he mentioned Link and Uta again, saying that two good-looking humans came to the Island of Giants.

These were the instructions of the old king, who asked Tilu to talk to Loki while delivering food, so as not to make him stupid just sitting here all day long.

Uta found a small stone and sat down. Link cut off a large piece of meat with autumn water, inserted it and gave it to Uta, while Link held the barbecue and gnawed it.

"Link, Qiu Shui can cry."

After taking the autumn water and looking at the roasted meat stuck on it, Uta couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah? It's okay. Qiu Shui didn't say anything, which means he didn't refuse."

Link waved his hand and said with a smile, but Chunyu was also smiling like him.

There was only Qiu Shui, who was very silent now and didn't say anything.

But in Link's mind, since Qiu Shui didn't express his opinion, he agreed.

"Okay, I'll take care of Qiushui later."

Anyway, it’s almost time to take care of them.

Uta smiled, said no more, and ate the roast meat on the knife.

On the other side, not far away from them, Loki finally moved. He glanced at Link and Utta with a dull look, then ignored them. He stiffly picked up the barbecue on the side and ate slowly.

Tilu was still telling interesting stories, and she started laughing as she spoke. Uta, who had been watching for a long time, finally understood why the king of the Giant Kingdom sent Tilu to perform this task.

Unlike the depressed Loki, Tilu is a cheerful and gentle girl, so it is most suitable for her to come.

Although Loki was eating slowly at this time, his eyes were still looking at the north. He was completely unaware of Tilu's words, and Tilu didn't care either. He was talking and laughing. He looked more like a man than chatting with Loki. Nature talks to herself.

Link, who was next to him, had already eaten a whole big meat steak. At this time, he had become a round ball and was lying comfortably on the ground.

She didn't finish the roasted meat she cut for Uta, so she took off the roasted meat, wiped Qiu Shui's blade clean to make sure there was no oil stain, and then put it back into the scabbard on Link's waist.

Taking out a clean handkerchief, Uta wiped away the oil and meat residue on Link's face, and said with a smile: "Are you full?"

"I'm full, hey, the barbecue is delicious and the soup is delicious too."

Link lay on the ground with his eyes squinted and replied with a smile.

Loki in front has also finished eating. Although he moves slowly, he eats very quickly. For Link, the huge barbecue is only two bites for Loki.

Loki glanced at Tylu who was starting to put away the dishes. Loki watched Uta gently wipe Link's face and asked them softly: "Do you love each other?"

The voice was hoarse and obscure, but Tilu immediately turned her head and looked over, because she had been delivering the food for so long, but she still heard the first words Prince Loki said besides thank you.

"Is this a habit of the giants? I don't have time to tell all the giants I meet."

Uta's voice was a little flat. He looked at the haggard Loki and did not answer his question directly.

But Tilu said quickly: "Love! Prince Loki, they love each other very much!"

As he said this, he kept winking at Uta, hoping that Uta would give him a good answer.

"...I love Link very much, and he loves me very much."

Originally, Uta was not going to answer again, but Link was very happy after eating Tilu's food, so he regarded it as a favor to Tilu.

"That's great."

Loki's eyes were complicated and he let out a long sigh.

Two people, two people who love each other, can be together. This is the most beautiful thing in Loki's opinion.

You won't be like him, looking in the direction of your loved one and thinking about him day and night.

Loki returned to his previous appearance, looking lonely at the sea, his eyes full of bitterness and longing.

"Don't worry, Uta, Link, and Prince Loki are like this. It's been more than a year."

Tilu looked at Link and Uta apologetically and explained to them in a low voice.

"Prince Loki was not like this before. He was a strong and gentle warrior, but then..."

Later, due to an accidental reason, Loki met a human woman, fell in love with her at first sight, and wanted to marry her like crazy.

Even if the human woman was the daughter of a pirate who was at odds with the Giant Country, Loki was not going to give up.

After begging the king for a long time, the king finally agreed, promising that as long as Loki married the woman, he could no longer care about the past and could even form an alliance with the pirate.

It was for this reason that the pirate agreed without hesitation, but on the wedding day the bride was replaced.

Although they looked exactly the same, Loki could recognize at a glance that the person he married was not his beloved. Therefore, the wedding ended immediately, and the relationship between the Giant Country and the group of pirates became even worse. .

"I remember, what is the name of the human that Prince Loki likes... La? Is he the daughter of the pirate mother?"

Tilu scratched his head in distress, unable to remember the name for a moment.

At first, because it was Prince Loki's wedding, the old king loved his son very much, so the momentum was so great that even Tilu in the village heard about it.

But she didn't go. She only knew this from listening to some elders chatting.

"It's Charlotte Rolla."

Loki's hoarse voice sounded from the side, and the bitter memories of the past were recalled in his mind.

This name is unforgettable for Loki.

He had met Laura twice, but to Laura, they had only met once, and that was the one he met when he went to Cake Island to propose marriage.

But before, before Loki asked for his father's permission, he had met Laura at a long distance. Although it was only once, Laura's smile at that time directly hit Loki's heart and made him fall into Fall in love.

The giants are a race with very single-minded feelings, so even after all this time, Loki still couldn't forget her.

"Charlotte Rolla?"

Uta's expression was a bit complicated. He looked at Loki and didn't know what to say for a moment. Link was heartless and had already rested his head on Uta's thigh and closed his eyes to take a rest.

"Yes, yes, that's the name!"

Tilu said with some surprise, then her face froze, she reacted, looked at Loki, and said pitifully: "I'm sorry, Prince Loki, I didn't mean to say this in front of you."

She remembered that she had said it very quietly, so why did Prince Loki still hear it?

Tilu was a little troubled and anxiously waited for Loki's reply.

But Loki didn't pay attention to this, but looked at Uta. He heard something was wrong in Uta's tone, and asked her: "Have you seen Laura? How is she doing now?"

Without waiting for Uta to answer, Loki asked the second question directly, because he hoped that Uta could answer these questions for him.

"It should be pretty good now. There is also Tilu. She is BIGMOM, not mother. You can also call her Charlotte Lingling."

Uta replied, and then began to explain Tilu's mistake.

But Link, who was lying on Uta's lap, couldn't help but open his eyes when he heard the name, looked around, and said curiously: "Aunt Lingling? Is Aunt Lingling here?"

Speaking of which, Link suddenly wanted to eat cake again.

"She didn't come, she just suddenly mentioned your Aunt Lingling, please continue to sleep."

After lightly patting Link twice and not paying attention to Loki's complicated look at Link, Uta also fell into deep thought.

Charlotte Lola, when I met her, she was still in the Devil's Triangle in the first half of the Grand Line, on Moria's terrifying three-handed sailing ship.

And according to her crew members, Lola has proposed thousands of times to different men. Although she has never been successful, Lola seems to be extremely persistent in proposing.

And after meeting Charlotte Lingling, Uta also got some clues from her mouth and learned more about Laura.

Coupled with what Tilu said just now, Uta has figured out the whole story.

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