Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 471 Hey, why did you say this?

Regarding the two knives of Mu Ku and Ying Shi, Uta once said that she could help them quarrel together, but Link said that he must find two knives to help.

Today, it can be considered that I got what I wanted.

After eating, drinking, and chatting, Golden Lion planned to leave with Indigo and Gordon.

To put it bluntly, he didn't want to listen to any music at all. He just hadn't seen Link and Uta for a while and missed them a little, so he thought of an excuse to come and take a look.

On the shore of the port, the world of strong men is slowly flying up. Indigo and Gordon are on it, and the golden lion is still talking to Uta Link on Kale Bali Island.

"When I get back, I'll take a trip to the Shampoo Islands to see if I can find Rayleigh and that bastard Jabba. He hasn't been seen in so many years and I don't know where he's hiding."

The golden lion said impatiently, these two Roger's right and left men had all disappeared and could not escape from the world. Now it is difficult to find them.

"So you'd better put on the solid gold ring, and you'll have a longer time to wait."

Uta said helplessly, it was obviously a treasure that the whole world was coveting, but when it came to the Golden Lion, the pure gold seemed to have turned into a stone on the roadside, which he didn't like very much.

"Stop talking, I'm sure I won't be able to use that thing, so hurry up and don't let me die without seeing Link become the Pirate King."

The golden lion waved his hand, but still did not accept the ring. He turned to look at Link and said with a smile: "And you, Link, you didn't even say hello to me this time."

Two knives behind him fell into his hands, and the golden lion raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Oh, here it comes."

Looking at the posture of the golden lion, Link then remembered that Boss Shiji once told him about greetings, but he couldn't be blamed for this.

Boss Shiji said at the beginning that when greeting someone, he should use all his strength to attract ruthless ones, but he did this to Aunt Lingling because no one else could catch his heavenly fire.

Uta on the side frowned when he saw this, and said quickly: "Wait! Go to the sky to say hello, and don't destroy the island."

She was afraid that Link and Boss Shiji would start fighting if she spoke too late, so she spoke very fast.

But Uta's worries are somewhat unnecessary, because she is still here, and Link will not fight here, lest the aftermath involve Uta.

"Well, then go to heaven."

The golden lion smiled and flew up directly. Link followed closely with Moon Step, and soon the two of them reached an altitude of several thousand meters.

The bright red overlord-colored domineering energy continued to wrap around the four knives. The golden lion and Link smiled, and the next second, powerful attacks collided.

A deafening thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and the clouds above were torn apart by the collision of overlord colors.

The sudden noise woke up the sleeping people in the city, and they all looked at the roaring black lightning above their heads in shock.

Crocodile looked up at the two people who suddenly started fighting. With a wave of his hand, countless tiny yellow sands spread out over the city, blocking the constant blowing wind.

The center point of the battle is far away from the ground, and the power of the attack has become very weak when it reaches here, so even if Crocodile does not intervene, it will basically not cause any damage.

After the blow was completed, the two of them stepped back. Link was still using Moon Steps to keep himself floating in the air, so he could still hear the sound of the air exploding.

With a smile on his lips, the golden lion clenched the two swords that were almost knocked away again. He looked at the smiling Link and was very satisfied.

Long time no see, I didn’t expect Link to become so strong.

Although it was just one move, the Golden Lion could confirm that Link was definitely stronger than him.

"Link, hurry up. I can't wait to see the day when you become king."

He laughed twice and retracted his two knives. Warm liquid was flowing continuously from the tiger's mouth of his hands. The golden lion knew that the skin of his palms was cracked and bleeding.

Link smiled and replied: "They say I am the Emperor of the Sea, and I am the king now."

The emperor and the king should be similar, right?

Hearing this, the golden lion on the other side also smiled and said, "That's not enough. Go find Raff Drew. You are just short of the last road sign. Come on."

After saying that, the golden lion didn't stay for long, laughed and flew towards the world of the strong. After returning to the world of the strong, the artificial sky island slowly floated towards the Chambord Islands.

Link didn't say anything. When he stopped, his body immediately fell vertically downward. When he was about a hundred meters away from the ground, he used the Moon Step to adjust his body shape, landed smoothly, and returned to Uta's side.

"Boss Shiji is only here for two days, why do you need to come here?"

Uta rubbed Link's face in amusement, not expecting him to answer the question.

The time it took to get here from Boss Shiji's sky island group, and even bring the world of the strong here, was longer than the time Boss Shiji spent in Kalai Bali.

"Boss Shiji said he wanted to listen to music."

Link held Uta's hand and said with a smile.

"Oh, listen to music, then just think he wants to listen to music."

After saying something funny, Uta took Link and walked towards the star base.

Those who were awakened by the sound of fighting had no idea what was happening. The sudden thunder and exploding sky just now made them think that Enel was developing some new moves.

After spending some time, the strong world flew directly above the Chambord Islands, leaving Indigo and Gordon on top, while the Golden Lion flew towards the Chambord Islands below.

Looking at the island that was completely different from before, the scene when I came to help was still vivid in my mind.

At first, Aniru used thunder to directly engulf most of the Shampoo Islands. Coupled with the subsequent battles, only 7 of the 79 Arqiman mangroves in the Shampoo Islands were left, and the area was greatly reduced.

However, after a period of maintenance, the place has regained its prosperity. The population is definitely not as large as before, but now the buildings here are denser, so it seems more prosperous than before.

Walking on the streets of Shampoo Island, people around him were frightened when they saw him and moved out of the way, for fear of offending him.

The golden lion looked around, seeing and hearing his domineering presence. Before he reached his limit of perception distance, he felt the familiar aura in front of him on the left.

"What? Isn't this bastard right here?"

After laughing twice, the golden lion was in a good mood and flew directly towards the location of the familiar aura.

There was a tavern, a situational tavern called New rip-off, with only the atmosphere of two people inside.

Reilly lay on the counter, drank the rum in the glass, and said to the busy Xia Qi: "Xia Qi, take a rest."

Xia Qi, who was cleaning the room, couldn't help rolling her eyes at Lei Li when she heard this, and said speechlessly: "If you are so determined, you might as well come with me to clean up."

"but I……"

Reilly was about to say something funny, but he suddenly raised his head and looked outside the room. His originally relaxed brows immediately wrinkled.

Xia Qi, who was waiting for a reply, heard that Lei Li was suddenly silent. She couldn't help but look back. Seeing Lei Li's expression was wrong, she knew something had happened. Before asking, a very heroic voice sounded outside the door.

"Hahaha, bastard Rayleigh, you're still here."

Xia Qi recognized the voice as soon as she heard it, and looked towards the door with a solemn expression.

I saw that the door of the tavern had been pushed open, and a golden figure walked in.


Rayleigh said in a deep voice, thinking of his relationship with Link, he immediately understood why he came.

"Hahaha, don't be nervous, I'm just here to chat with you."

Smiling, he walked to the empty seat next to Lei Li and sat down. The golden lion turned to Xia Qi and said, "I remember you are Xia Qi, right? Give me a bottle of wine."

The former captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, Golden Lion had seen news about her in the newspaper.

After hearing this, Xia Qi walked to the box aside and took out a bottle of wine, put it in front of Golden Lion, and said with a chuckle: "Since a big man like Golden Lion will come to my tavern, it really makes the shop shine." ah."

Ignoring Xia Qi's weirdness, Golden Lion drank half of the wine in the bottle, looked at Lei Li and said with a smile: "You should also know what I mean. I won't talk nonsense. I can tell the location of the last road sign." Tell me?"

The golden lion said his intention straight to the point. Rayleigh was about to refuse, but suddenly noticed the golden lion's words and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Finally? Link already has three road signs?"

How could it be so fast?

The Star Pirates were established in less than three years, and they found three of them in such a short period of time? Calculated, this is an average of one per year!

"Hey, why did I say this? I was really careless."

Golden Lion laughed and said, but looking at Golden Lion's proud expression, Rayleigh knew that he had definitely said it on purpose.

"Since you heard it, let me tell you that Link has obtained a road sign on Cake Island, Fishman Island and Zou respectively. He is only the last one left to find Rafdru!"

Looking sideways at the surprised Rayleigh, the golden lion laughed and said, "Hahaha, you and Roger weren't so fast in finding road signs back then, right?"

As he spoke, Golden Lion laughed triumphantly again, causing the entire Xinjiao Tavern to echo with his laughter.

Rayleigh frowned slightly in thought, and if he continued like this, Link would probably find all the road signs before the time was up, and then reach Lafdru.

But it's too early to go now.

"It's very fast, much smoother than what we had before, and among all the people I met on the sea, no one at Link's age is better than him."

Riley said slowly.

After the Shampoo Islands incident, he had little contact with Link when he was coating the Star, but he got some information from Link's companions, very basic information.

That is, this blond boy who could compete with the general was only 17 years old at that time.

At the age of 17, I stood on the top of the ocean, possessing a power that countless people would never have in their lifetime.

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