Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 472 Why didn’t I know?

Reilly chuckled, raised the cup in his hand to the golden lion, and then drank the rum in it.

The golden lion also grinned. Rayleigh's praise of Link made him very happy, but then, Rayleigh's words made the relatively relaxed atmosphere tense again.

"Even so, I won't tell you where the sign is."

With a faint smile, Rayleigh's words were so firm that the golden lion's smile gradually faded, and then he calmly said to Rayleigh: "This is not the answer I want to hear."

The two swords behind him have slowly come out of his body. If Rayleigh is still stubborn and does not tell him the answer, Mu Ku and Ying Shi will fall into the hands of the golden lion and chop directly at him.

The sharp breath reverberated in the tavern. Rayleigh glanced at the golden lion and smiled casually: "You care about Link, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the golden lion's domineering aura suddenly emerged, and its extremely domineering aura shocked the minds of the two people in the room.

Xia Qi frowned slightly and her arms trembled a little. Seeing this, Rayleigh also used Overlord Color to fight against the Golden Lion.

"Are you threatening me?"

The golden lion's voice was extremely cold, and the overbearing collision caused some cracks in the wine bottles and glass in the room.

Lei Li on the opposite side shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile: "No, you may have misunderstood."

They were all remnants of the old era, and Rayleigh had no interest in fighting the Golden Lion, and it was true that he didn't make it clear at the beginning.

He withdrew his domineering aura, but the golden lion across from him still had a cold face. Lei Li knew that the golden lion was waiting for his explanation.

"What I want to say is, if you care about Link, don't worry about finding road signs for Link, otherwise even if he gets to Ravdru, he will be disappointed in the end."

"Returned disappointed?"

The golden lion frowned and continued to ask Reilly: "What is on that island?"

After making Roger the Pirate King, will the pirate group be disbanded and then captured by the navy?

This question has actually been confusing Golden Lion.

Rayleigh just looked down at the cracked wine glass in his hand, smiled silently, and said: "Back then, when we arrived at Lafdru, there was something very interesting on it, which made everyone on the ship laugh out loud after seeing it. "

The journey has become a memory, and every time he thinks about it, Reilly will feel nostalgic.

"But after the laughter, Roger felt a little emotional and helpless, because we arrived too early, and the world was not ready to welcome the appearance of Rafdru, so even when we got there, we only knew some of the long history. That’s all, nothing can be done.”

Rayleigh smiled to himself, looked at the silent golden lion on the side, and said again.

"Roger was suffering from a terminal illness at the time and was about to die soon, so he planned to..."


Speaking of this, Golden Lion suddenly interrupted, looked at Rayleigh in shock, and said in disbelief: "Terminal disease? Roger has a terminal disease?! How come I don't know?!"

When fighting Roger, Golden Lion couldn't feel these things at all. He always thought that Roger's body was still very healthy.

"Didn't we walk through the Grand Line all over again? It wasn't long ago that we discovered Roger was ill."

Rayleigh said slowly, understanding the Golden Lion's mood, so he didn't continue talking for a while.

Back then, after Roger was arrested, Golden Lion rushed into the Navy Headquarters alone in order to get an explanation, and his legs were lost there.

Reilly didn't know what Roger would think if he found out, but at that time Reilly was in a very complicated mood and couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Terminal illness, huh..."

Thinking about what he had done back then, Golden Lion laughed a little complicatedly.

"Go on, tell me what Roger is going to do."

The golden lion's tone was a little low, and Rayleigh glanced at him before continuing.

“Captain Roger disbanded the pirate group, lived in seclusion for a while, surrendered to the navy when he was about to die, and used his little remaining life to start the era of great pirates.

Because if what Raff Drew said is correct, a new era may usher in more than 20 years later, and Roger chose to be the guide of this era. "

He reached out and handed Golden Lion a bottle of wine. Although it was full of cracks, the bottle was still strong.

"So don't worry, when the time comes, the fourth road sign will appear, and maybe that road sign has been found, but it has not been publicized."

Thinking of the last road sign in Wano Country and Kaido of the Beasts stationed there, Rayleigh chuckled softly.

"You have said so much, but you still haven't told me what Ravdru has."

The golden lion looked at the wine bottle and continued, that was his original question.

Rayleigh laughed when he heard this and said: "You still remember it, but I can't tell you this. If Link comes to Ravdru by then, let him tell you personally."

It's just a piece of history, or the most important thing on the island is a piece of history, but these things Rayleigh didn't intend to say to the Golden Lion.

When the golden lion heard this, he just looked at Lei Li. After a long time, he said coldly: "I will believe what you said and won't ask you about the location of the road sign. But if I find out that you lied to me, you will Even if Roger is resurrected, he won't be able to save you!"

After thinking about it again and again, the Golden Lion chose to give up questioning for the time being. He didn't want Link to be as disappointed as Roger when he found Raff Drew.

And according to Reilly, that shit time should be in the past few years, and he won't have to wait long.

"Thank you for your trust, but don't worry, Roger will tell me the same thing even if he comes back to life."

Reilly smiled, took out a bottle of rum and started drinking.

The Alloy Lion clinked glasses, and the tense atmosphere suddenly disappeared, and the two began to chat. Xia Qi, who had been quiet for a long time, saw this and silently began to clean up the glass that was shattered by the domineering collision.

"When I first met Link, I thought he was the person Captain Roger was waiting for, the person chosen by fate to carry the next era."

Reilly said with a smile that as long as he didn't talk about road signs, he could still chat with the Golden Lion. After all, they were both people who had lived through the same era.

"But there's something wrong with him, it doesn't seem to fit the bill, so even if he can become the Pirate King, he's not the person Captain Roger is waiting for."

What initially made Rayleigh think this way was because of Link's age and strength, but other than that, his character and beliefs were completely inconsistent.

"Link is Link. He is no one, let alone the person who is waiting for him."

The golden lion said calmly, put down the bottle, and turned to leave.

The signpost will not ask anymore, he will continue to wait in the world of strong men to see what the new era that Roger calls is.

As for Link, all he needs to do is become the Pirate King, and there is nothing else he needs to do.

Bearing the fate of changing times, this sounds too heavy and does not match Link at all.

So Roger waits for whomever he likes, as long as it's not Link. Otherwise, when they meet the Golden Lion in the future, he will first chop Roger a few times.

Just like that, the more the golden lion thought about it, the more something was wrong. He had already gone far away and flew back. He kicked open the door and said to the confused Reilly inside: "That bastard Roger expects pirates to change the world. He must be mentally ill." ?!!”

After cursing and feeling much happier, the golden lion flew towards the world of the strong again.

"...He came back just to say this?"

Lei Li and Xia Qi looked at each other, somewhat speechless.

Xia Qi leaned on the counter, took out a lady's cigarette, put it in her mouth, lit it, looked at Lei Li, smiled slowly and said, "Then I'll say something."

Pointing to the broken glass and the broken wine bottles in the box, Xia Qi continued to smile and said: "Did you see those broken glasses and wine bottles? These losses will be deducted from your pocket money in the future."

"Ah? This was caused by that guy Shi Ji, how can it be blamed on me?"

Reilly said with a wry smile, looking at Xia Qi, hoping that she would change her mind.

However, Xia Qi had made up her mind, so she just smiled and said, "But he came here because he was looking for you, so of course you will be blamed."

"Why is this so..."

Reilly smiled bitterly, looked at the unfinished half bottle of rum in his hand, and drank helplessly.

"Boss Shiji, have you found Rayleigh?"

In the world of strong men, Indigo asked with some confusion.

He had been following the Golden Lion for a long time, so he was also very familiar with Rayleigh. After all, the original boss Shiji was not only occupying territory, recruiting younger brothers, but also harassing Roger.

"Found it, but I didn't ask about the road sign. He said that the road sign would appear on its own in a few years."

He casually replied that Golden Lion did not tell Indigo and Gordon about what Reilly said.

It's not that they can't be trusted, it's just that they know that this is completely unnecessary.

"But if Rayleigh is on the island, why didn't the people from Fish-Man Island find him?"

Indigo was a little curious. When Crocodile said that Neptune didn't find him in the Shampoo Islands, Indigo thought that Rayleigh had gone to some remote island, but he didn't expect that he was still here.

"Oh, isn't it easy to avoid those losers?"

After saying something casually, Golden Lion sat back in his seat and began to close his eyes and rest, digesting the information he got today.

The two knives behind him also fell on the knife holder beside them. Indigo and Gordon looked at each other and left silently at the same time.

The golden lion stayed alone like this for a long time, thinking most about whether to tell Link the news.

Actually, the Golden Lion felt that Link might not be disappointed by arriving at Raffdrew early.

But what if?

Would Link be disappointed if the things on the island that he had worked so hard to realize for so long could not be fully 'displayed' because time was running out?

This probability was not even 10% in the golden lion's mind, but it was this less than 10% probability that made the golden lion choose to give up telling Link.

Although the probability is small, the Golden Lion still doesn't want to disappoint Link and Uta.

Anyway, it has only been the past few years. He knows the Golden Lion's body best, and there will be no problem if he persists for a few more years.

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