Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 482 Didn’t understand the situation

However, when it came to this, when Crocodile came to the door, Stusy had already scolded the CP man bloody in his heart.

There was no way, the Celestial Dragons were superior, and Stussy's status prevented her from blaming the Celestial Dragons, so she had no choice but to scold the person doing the work.

You've done something so stupid, you can't even pretend to do it?

I heard that the people who went to Kalai Bali to exchange pure gold were a group of gangsters, so why not pretend that they were framed by their enemies?

Do you still need someone to teach you such a simple thing? Are they going crazy after spending all day with the Celestial Dragons?

He kept scolding the man in his heart, but looking at Crocodile who was drinking tea calmly, Stussy still smiled gently and said: "Mr. Sand Crocodile, I know your purpose very well, but I think there may be some misunderstanding. .”


Crocodile chuckled, looked at the smiling Stussy and said slowly: "I thought you would be as knowledgeable as Morgans."

Originally, Morgans was the last person Crocodile wanted to find, but this guy was well-informed and learned the cause and effect not long after he attacked the first Piecro.

Then, seeing Crocodile's attitude, he knew that he couldn't escape, so he took the initiative to send Crocodile to his door and let Crocodile get a beating.

There is cooperation between them, and the news of the exchange of pure gold for red historical text is still in every issue of the newspaper. In addition, Crocodile did not kill any emperor of the underground world, so Morgans dared to come.

Then, Crocodile gave him a moderate beating, and he was fine, and compared to others, there was no loss of property.

Having learned from the past, Crocodile was invited over as soon as he arrived at Happy Street, thinking that Stussy thought the same way.

But she is different from Morgans. She has no relationship or cooperation and at least one arm is missing.

When Stusy heard Morgans' name, the information from the past few days quickly flashed through her mind, and she knew that Morgans took the initiative to find a fight.

Now it seems that he is indeed right. Compared with other people who are missing arms and legs, he only needs to lie in the hospital bed for a month. If the doctor is better, he will not even need a month. It is really nothing.

But Stussy didn't even want to be beaten, so she planned to negotiate with Crocodile.

"I'm just a flower street boss. I have never had any extravagant demands for pure gold, so that person will definitely not be me."

Crocodile was still sitting in the chair drinking tea. Hearing Stussy's words, he just smiled disdainfully.

"Everyone of you says that, and I'm a little tired of hearing it."

Putting down the teacup and lighting a cigar, Crocodile continued: "You have to pay a price for deceiving the Star Pirates, but whether it's a big deal or a small matter, I don't have that much patience, so I just Choose the one with the greatest possibility to take revenge.

And if you feel you have been wronged, you will naturally find that person and make him suffer the price he deserves. "

After saying that, Crocodile moved his wrist and wanted to attack Stussy.

Seeing this, Stussy quickly said "Wait a minute," and then drove all the attendants out of the room.

When the door was closed and they were the only two people in the room, Stusy said: "Do we all have to bear the price?"

Crocodile nodded when he heard this, and then said coldly: "If you feel wronged, find that person and take revenge yourself."

These words let Stussy know that Crocodile was determined to teach them a lesson, but it didn't matter, she still had a trump card, maybe she could avoid this beating and save her property.

"My name is Bajin Gom Stusi, and I was a member of the Rocks Pirates."

Stussy said slowly, her eyes full of helplessness, as if she was reluctant to reveal her identity.

When these words came out, Crocodile was indeed a little surprised. Looking at Stussy's young appearance, he couldn't help but frown.

The Rocks Pirates, a pirate group that was covered up by the World Government, Crocodile knew a little bit about it because of the Golden Lion.

Bajingom Stussy is indeed a member of the Rocks Pirates, Golden Lion once said, and she seemed to have an unclear relationship with Whitebeard at first, but I don’t know why they didn’t get together.

These gossips were all told when the Golden Lion came a few days ago.

However, the most important point is that the woman in front of him is too young. She does not look like a remnant of the old era.

Looking at Stussy with a frown, thinking about the information he knew, Crocodile thought for a few seconds, and then said coldly: "In the new world, there is a person named MISS Bajin. Her mantra is that she was once a white woman. The woman Beard loves deeply is accompanied by a fool named Whitebeard II, who looks more like Barkingom Stussy than you do.”

Although MISS Bajin is old, it can still be seen that her appearance is somewhat similar to the Stussy in front of her.

"You are talking about her. That is my sister. Because she is jealous of my life, she imagined that she is me. If you know her information, you should know that she is mentally abnormal. In addition, the Rocks Pirates have dissipated. , so I gave her this identity, thinking to make her happy."

As she said that, Stusy wiped away her tears and looked like a sister.

"That Whitebeard II is not Newgate's child. It's just a child she found somewhere that looks very similar to Newgate. Since she always deceives herself, she unknowingly believes it. ”

This temporary excuse should completely confirm her identity. Stussy wanted to see Crocodile's face to see how much he believed it, but she was afraid that he would notice something strange, so she was still wiping tears.

As an intelligence officer and spy, acting is a required course.

Crocodile looked at the sad Stussy in front of him and did not choose to believe her words, because it actually made little difference to him. He came to beat people, not to listen to stories.

So even if what Stussy said was true, this beating was still unavoidable. At most, it would save her from missing arms and legs.

Stussy on the opposite side sobbed twice. Crocodile didn't speak at this time. Thinking that he believed this, he said again: "I often attend Lingling's tea parties, and I know that the relationship between you two is not as bad as the outside rumors. So whether I pray to Lingling or go to Shi Ji, the success rate is higher than this method, and that person is definitely not me."

Stussy moved Lingling out, but fearing that it was not enough, she said the name of the golden lion again.

But according to the intelligence, Bajin Gom had an average friendship with Golden Lion and a good friendship with Whitebeard, so I don’t know how much restraint Crocodile can have.

"I just thought you were Barkingom Stussy, but you didn't seem to understand the situation from the beginning."

After a moment of silence, Crocodile, who was staring at Stussy, suddenly laughed. With him as the center, everything around him began to turn into yellow sand.

"I would only find it troublesome if Charlotte Lingling was standing here today. You don't understand the Golden Lion. Link and Utta are far more important to him than you, so it's useless even if you move out the Golden Lion. He Being here won’t stop me from taking action, and I might even take action myself.”

If the person in front of her was not lying, then she must be quite strong as a crew member of the Rocks Pirates, so Crocodile directly used his fruit awakening ability to avoid accidents.

But I remember Golden Lion said that she didn't seem to be a combat-type crew member, but after so many years, she should have some strength.

Stusy smiled bitterly. It seemed that her trump card was not easy to use. As for her identity as a CP organization, Stusy never thought of mentioning it from the beginning.

Without knowing Uta's identity, this is top-secret information that she has no access to, so naturally Stussy won't tell a group of pirates about her information.

"Stop awakening, I won't resist."

Looking at the ground and tables and chairs that had completely turned into yellow sand, Stusy sighed. Her family knew about her family affairs, and she would never be able to defeat Crocodile, so she had no choice but to look at Crocodile and said helplessly: "I There is only one last request, don’t slap me in the face.”

After saying that, Stusy closed her eyes and smiled helplessly.

Crocodile raised his eyebrows slightly. Unexpectedly, Stussy actually gave up the resistance, but it was also a lot easier for him.

"Looking at the fact that you were in the same boat as the Golden Lion, you only need to stay in bed for one month longer than Morgans."

The woman in front of him has a friendship with the Golden Lion, but he has no friendship with them. If he doesn't destroy her island or destroy her limbs, Crocodile is already giving the Golden Lion face.

"Then I really want to thank you."

Stussy smiled, but sighed helplessly in her heart.

Bajin, Bajin, why did you go to find Whitebeard in the first place? Wouldn't it be better to go find the Golden Lion?

You will be beaten even if your identity is revealed, you are really useless.

Still complaining in his heart, Crocodile's attack had already arrived, so Stussy couldn't think about anything at this time, only remembering the pain in her body, and then lost consciousness.

Crocodile was very precise. He said that if Stussy stayed in the hospital bed for two months, he would never let her stay in bed for one more day.

Looking at Stussy who was unconscious and passed out on the ground, Crocodile checked her unnaturally bent arms and leg bones before nodding and leaving.

Then, the maids who had been waiting outside the door hurriedly ran in. Seeing Stussy's miserable condition, they immediately screamed and shouted to find a doctor quickly, and then they all ran towards Stussy's side.

It wasn't until the strangeness here alerted the guards in the distance that the doctor was brought over.

Crocodile agreed to Stussy's request and did not slap her in the face, so except for her face, almost all the rest of Stussy was injured. Her swollen body and unnaturally bent limbs looked like Extremely miserable.

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