At this point, all the leaders of the underground world were beaten by Crocodile.

Some of these people consider themselves unlucky, some have unresolved grievances, and go crazy looking for the person who took the blame for them.

However, this person seemed to have disappeared from the world, and no matter how hard he looked, he could not be found.

Crocodile didn't care about this, he had finished his work and was on his way back to Kalai Bali.

In Kalai Bali, Alni Road is already a bit busy.

"Hey, that Crocodile guy, leave the mission to me. Aren't my abilities much more convenient than his?"

Enelu sighed speechlessly. His orchard has been in good condition recently. Although the apple trees brought back from Kongdao were a little unaccustomed to the soil and environment at first, they are still growing vigorously after being taken care of by the gardeners. He doesn't have to keep an eye on them, so Enelu It will feel a little boring.

"Then you go to Link's amusement park. Aren't there a lot of toys there?"

Gulewa said casually, causing Link, who had already eaten and rested, to open his eyes immediately and said with a smile: "Okay, we can play bumper cars together. Rabbit said there are too few people and it would be boring to bump into each other. If you come, there will be more people." too much."

Rabbit is Link's name for Olga. This name is not fixed. Sometimes it's a rabbit, sometimes it's a red-eyed person, or it's a little person. In short, the name depends on what Link thinks of.

"Stop, I don't think that thing is any fun."

After waving his hand, Enelu said boringly.

He has also been to Link's amusement park, but the amusement facilities there are very average, either too childish or not exciting at all, and there is nothing interesting at all.

The bumper cars in Link's words were small cars with rubber rings that collided with each other. Enelu couldn't figure out what the fun of this thing was even if he wanted to.

The speed is so slow, the intensity is so weak, the control is awkward, and it's boring as hell.

"Eh? Will it be boring?"

Link said doubtfully, and Enelu on the other side nodded quickly, saying again that he was not interested in those things.

Olvia on the side saw this, chuckled and said: "You can leave Kale Bali and go around. Link is here, and nothing will happen."

However, Eniru has also thought about this method, but he is afraid that the crazy Kaido will come to the door again, and then bring his men with him.

By the time Link is entangled by Kaido, and Uta's abilities have long been revealed, Kale Bali may not be easy to defend.

The huge pure gold at the top of their base has been spread on the sea as the world's treasure. Some people even think that this is the great secret treasure that Roger mentioned. There is no Rafdru at all, and Shuixianxing Island is the last island.

For various reasons, there are many people who are eyeing pure gold, but no one dares to do it.

"Let's talk about that kind of thing. I'm not interested in a journey I've walked once."

Although they didn't go to all the islands, they had already walked through the Grand Line. In Enelu's heart, except for the last Raff Drew, there was nothing that interested him.

"Then there's nothing I can do."

Olvia spread her hands, stood up, said goodbye to everyone, and left the restaurant.

Now that Crocodile is away, she has to handle all the documents, but with Robin's help, it's not too troublesome.

Today, people from New Saken Island came, and it was Mayor Kevin who planned to apply for some assistance.

After dealing with his affairs, there is nothing important today.

"Hey Ace, look what I found?"

On the Moby Dick, Thatch smiled and held a weird purple fruit and said to Ace.

Ace was eating. When he heard this, he looked back and couldn't help but smile: "Isn't this a devil fruit? When did you find it?"

Devil Fruit, this thing is actually very rare, but for the Whitebeard Pirates, it is not difficult to find Devil Fruit.

"I found the pirate group I defeated a few days ago in a room. I didn't know if I wanted to eat it, so I decided to come over and ask for your advice."

Sage and Ace have a very good relationship. When Ace was admitted to the Whitebeard Pirates, Sage was the first crew member to talk to him, and their personalities were very compatible with each other.

After hearing this, Ace looked at the Devil Fruit in Thatch's hand and smiled: "You have to see what Devil Fruit this is before deciding? Otherwise, wouldn't the ability you don't like just have a weakness out of thin air?" "

Sachi thinks this is very reasonable, and it just so happens that his father has a devil fruit illustrated book. He will go over and take a look at it later. If he is good at it, he will eat it himself.

But now he has to cook for everyone, so he has to wait until after dinner to read.

So Sachi chatted casually with Ace for a few more words and left with the fruit.

Neither of them noticed. While they were chatting, a little fat black man was hiding in the dark, looking greedily at the Devil Fruit in Sage's hand.

At night, after dinner, Sachi was chatting and drinking with his brothers and forgot about the Devil Fruit. He didn't realize it until he went back to his room to rest, and staggered towards his father's room with the Devil Fruit in hand.

While walking, I met Tiqi who was keeping watch.

"Hey, Teach, why didn't you drink more just now?"

Sage's body was full of alcohol. When everyone was drinking together just now, Teach only drank two drinks and said he would have to stay vigil later so he left.

It can be said that Tiqi's drinking capacity is not to mention two drinks, and even drinking two more bottles will have no effect on him.

"Ah, this is because my dream is about to come true, so I drink less so that I can feel this joy clearly."

Tikki touched the back of his head and said with a silly smile.

Saatchi opposite looked at him twice, then patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "If you need help, just say it. We are brothers on dad's boat, and we should help each other."

If it's going to come true, it means it hasn't come true yet. Sachi said a few words with a smile, then turned around and walked towards his father's room.

But as soon as he took two steps, a sharp pain came from his heart, and his mouth was covered by a pair of big hands, making it impossible to make a sound.

The drunkenness dissipated instantly, and Sage could clearly feel that behind him, Teach stabbed his heart from his back with a knife.

"I need your help, Captain Thatch. Thank you for helping me find this devil fruit."

Then, killing you with my own hands will completely break the bond between me and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Tiqi smiled, turned the hand holding the dagger, and directly crushed Saqi's heart. Feeling that the strength of the struggle was getting smaller and smaller, Tiqi slowly let go of his hand, letting the dead Sachi fall to the ground. On the ground, he got the coveted Devil Fruit from his hand.

"Leaving suddenly makes me a little bit reluctant to leave, thief hahaha..."

Suppressing his voice, Tikki couldn't help laughing, and without hesitation, he took the Devil Fruit and quickly ate it.

Finally, after eating the Devil Fruit, Teach looked down for one last time, then quickly turned around and left, using the spare boat on the Moby Dick to leave here.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates drank a lot, and Whitebeard also went to bed early, so when Sachi was found, his body was completely cold.


Ace pounded the floor angrily, with a faint fire igniting on his body. Looking at Thatch's body in front of him, his heart was filled with endless sadness.

The murderer was actually obvious, and Tikki had no intention of concealing his identity. The knife was carried by Tikki. It was a gift given to him by Whitebeard, but now it has become the murder weapon that killed Tikki.

Whitebeard's face is calm, but his eyes are also full of anger, and he harms his companions, which is the number one taboo among the Whitebeard Pirates.

But no matter how angry he was, Teach had already left, and he didn't even know where he had gone.

"Dad, I'm going to find him! I'm going to use his blood to sacrifice Sachi!!"

Ace's brain was filled with anger, but Whitebeard still had reason. Knowing Ace's identity made it inconvenient for him to wander around, so he rejected his proposal directly.

"You can't go, I will leave this matter to others."

Ace is no longer a Shichibukai, and is still being secretly arrested by the World Government, making him worried about Ace leaving.

"But that bastard killed Sachi! I must catch him with my own hands!!"

Ace was very stubborn and ignored Whitebeard's stop. He immediately turned into flames and left with his boat, starting to hunt Teach.

Whitebeard seemed to have not reacted. He was still looking at Sachi's body blankly, with a faint fluorescent flash in his eyes.

Marco next to him was also speechless and stood silently, but looking at his clenched fists, you could tell that he was also not at peace inside.

"Let me go too, Dad."

Marco whispered, and Whitebeard shook his head silently after a while.

"Since Ace has left, let him go. Trust Ace, he is not weak."

Whitebeard was a little confused at this time. Although it was not the first time that his son died in front of him, it was the first time in so many years that his sons killed each other, which he couldn't accept.

"Prepare Sachi's funeral."

After saying something depressed, Whitebeard turned and walked towards his room. He needed some peace and quiet.

Marco nodded, walked forward slowly, pulled out Tikki's dagger, threw it aside, then picked up Tikki and went to tidy up his appearance.

The Moby Dick fell into silence for the first time in a long time. Everyone looked at Marco, who was leaving with Sage's body, and felt very uncomfortable.

Joz silently walked to the helm of the ship. His Sachi always told them how beautiful his hometown was, and now, he was about to send his brothers home, back to the hometown he had mentioned many times.

As for this period of time, if anyone can get here and plans to go to Shuixian Star Island, then let them go.

Shuixianxing Island is not that easy to get to, and Sachi’s matter is the most important thing now.

The war is over, and the book is coming to an end. I can’t finish it this month, and it will most likely be finished next month. I won’t be able to finish it next month either, so I won’t be able to finish it next month...

It was supposed to be two years later, when Luffy fought Kaido, Link went to Rafdru at that time, but after thinking about it, it was not necessary.

More than a million words have been written in an outline of more than 100 words. There is no need to be more superficial. The normal ending will be fine.

As for the ending, it was decided very early on. I also reminded it many times in the book. It should be possible to guess it... Although it's not obvious, it should be there, right?

Then, regarding the comments, I haven’t read them for a long time, but this is all my fault. I have a normal mentality and can easily get upset over a sentence, so I simply don’t read them.

So I'm sorry, I can't provide timely feedback on many things.

The above is what I want to say, goodbye.

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