Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 508 Believe in the General

In the eyes of many civilians, the admiral is not only the strongest combat force of the navy, but also their security guarantee.

So the people watching the live broadcast also cheered along with the navy, but the perspective of the live broadcast moved away from the three generals, and gradually moved higher, and finally settled on the top of the empty execution platform.

This is the highlight of today, the public execution of Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The perspective of the live broadcast has been here. After a few minutes, several steady but extremely slow footsteps gradually came. Two executioners took the chains and brought Fire Fist Ace to the execution platform. Then, they put the chains on Shrunk to the platform and fixed it.

Ace just knelt here with his head lowered and said nothing.

Behind him, a white figure walked up, it was Marshal Sengoku in navy uniform. He also boarded the execution platform at this time, holding a phone bug in his hand.

Looking around, he saw that the navy below was still cheering for his arrival. Sengoku reached out and pressed down to keep them calm.

Sengoku was very prestigious in the navy, so it only took a few seconds to silence the noisy naval headquarters.

He cleared his throat and asked Ace seriously: "Portcas D. Ace, tell me your father's name."

The majestic voice can be clearly heard by everyone here through the phone bug, and it is also broadcast live to the world through the image phone bug.

Some people in the Navy had strange expressions, because they thought Ace was Garp's grandson, and since Garp was not seen on the field at this time, they speculated about the conflict between Garp and Sengoku.

But some people thought that because Ace became Whitebeard's crew member and was called Whitebeard's father, this should be the starting point of the Warring States Period.

Ace, who was kneeling on the execution platform, knew what Sengoku wanted him to say, but he just raised his head slightly and said calmly: "My father is Whitebeard."


As soon as Ace finished speaking, the person next to him shouted loudly, talking about Ace's mistake.

"Your father is the Pirate King - Gol D. Roger!!"

"...It's Gol D. Roger!"

Sengoku's words spread throughout the world through phone bugs. Everyone looked at Ace in shock as he lowered his head slightly on the platform. They didn't expect that he actually had such an identity.

But it may be precisely because of his identity that the Navy held this grand execution ceremony for him.

Thinking this way, the Navy's propaganda these days can't help but be reasonable.

In Kalai Bali, in the banquet hall on the second floor of the Star Base, Golden Lion was drinking alone and watching the live broadcast. After hearing Roger's name, he lost control of his strength and instantly crushed the wine glass in his hand, looking straight at the live broadcast. Ace looked at the screen.

"Roger's son..."

Did that bastard leave a son behind before he was caught?

The golden lion's eyes were a little complicated. He looked at Ace's figure and thought for a few seconds. In the end, he still had no idea of ​​getting up. Even if he came now, he could reach the navy headquarters quickly.

Kalai Bali needed him, and since they already had children, why did Roger get caught in the first place?

Roger's bastard child had nothing to do with him. All he cared about was Roger, and being caught by the navy was simply too weak.

So does Roger, and so does his son.

The Golden Lion, who was comforting himself in this way and didn't know that Roger was surrendering, sighed and drank directly from the wine jar instead of using the cup.

As for Rayleigh and Jabba elsewhere, or Charlotte Lingling on Cake Island, their moods are different.

Some are surprised, some are regretful, and some are gloating about their misfortune.

At the Navy Headquarters, Ace on the execution platform didn't know this. After hearing Sengoku's rebuttal, he loudly replied: "No, I only have one father! That's Whitebeard!!"

The Pirate King Gol D. Roger is a father he has never met. Ace has no feelings for him. He even used to doubt that he was born right because he was his son.

Therefore, Ace does not recognize Roger as his father.

But Warring States just looked at him flatly and talked about his origin.

In order to let Ace be born safely and avoid being searched by the Navy, his mother, Portcas D. Luju, kept him in her belly for more than 20 months, so that the Navy did not discover Ace's existence.

These words had a huge impact on many people, and they all lamented Ace's luck in meeting such a mother, and some marines were wondering what role Lieutenant General Garp played in it.

"That scumbag is not my father."

Ace said in a low voice that Garp had told him his mother's story, so Ace had even less favorable impressions of Roger.

Seeing that Ace's attitude was still the same, Warring States on the side stopped worrying. After introducing Roger and Lujiu, he talked about Ace's life.

Of course, the Warring States Period deliberately erased Garp's existence.

But before I could say a few words, the sea in front of the naval headquarters port suddenly rose upwards, and a coated beluga-shaped ship floated up from the sea.

When all the navy saw this big ship, their hearts sank, knowing that the rightful owner had arrived.

Regarding Ace's execution, everyone knew that it was a bait to attract Whitebeard. Although Ace's life experience was shocking, Roger had been dead for a long time, and Ace was also pressed on the execution platform. They are afraid.

Whitebeard is different, because for the justice in their hearts, they will really fight against the Sea Emperor.

The navy photographers holding the image phone bugs also knew how to do it under the instructions of the Warring States Period. At this time, they all pointed the phone bugs at the Moby Dick. The ship just parked here, causing countless The audience watching the live broadcast was terrified.

One of the three legendary pirates who are still active, the former strongest man in the world, the Emperor of the Sea, and many similar titles are used to describe Whitebeard, which fully illustrates his power.

With a soft bang, the coating of the Moby Dick cracked. Whitebeard slowly appeared in front of everyone, holding the naginata, and walked steadily to the bow step by step.

Looking at the densely packed navy ahead, Whitebeard grinned, his calm expression containing endless domineering power.

"Gu la la la, Warring States period, is my son okay?"

He hadn't met each other during the Warring States Period for many years, and the scenes of the battle back then flashed through his mind quickly. Then, Whitebeard looked at Ace who was kneeling on the execution platform, and said slowly: "Don't worry, Ace , Dad will take you home right now."

Whitebeard's tone was very relaxed, as if he was saying a very simple thing.

Ace, who was kneeling on the execution platform, had his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly open. His face was very complicated. After hearing Whitebeard's words, the emotions in his heart surged even more, and he couldn't help but let out a shout.


Garp and Ace talked about their plan to use him to attract Whitebeard, but Ace didn't know if his father would come to save him, but he hoped that his father wouldn't come.

Because the Navy Headquarters is too dangerous, Dad will most likely be arrested like the Golden Lion when he comes there by himself, and there will definitely be casualties if he brings the others.

Ace didn't want his brothers to die in order to save him. It wasn't worth it, because it was all his own fault that things had developed to this point.

"Ace! We're here to pick you up!"

"Ace, let's have a party together when we get back!"



The white-bearded crew members on the Moby-Dick shouted loudly to Ace. These were brothers who had drank with Ace before, and they also showed no fear on their faces.


Ace's tone already sounded like he was crying, and then he slammed his head on the execution platform, not wanting his father and brothers to see his tears.

"Soon, Ace."

The white beard had a smile on his face, the naginata stood aside, his hands raised high, and a white translucent light ball emerged.

Because he lost a palm, two energy balls were in his fist and wrist.

Condensing energy, steadying his steps, and then slamming his arms into the void, the space began to shatter inch by inch with the place where Whitebeard hammered as the center. The vibrating power continued to spread here, making the people here feel as if the whole world was shattered. In general vibration.

Cracks appeared on the ground in Malinfando, and the sea was even more terrifying. The sea surface was shaking irregularly, and the largest difference in height was several thousand meters.

The turbulent waves roared wildly, and several waves huge enough to engulf the naval headquarters swept over.

The terrifying sight frightened countless people through the phone bug, showing the world the ultimate power of the Sea Emperor.

Some of the sailors in the square had never seen strong winds and waves, and they started to panic. However, they were immediately stabilized by the experienced sailors around them, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be nervous, trust the general."

It is not difficult for the general to solve this horrific scene of destruction.

Under the execution platform, Kuzanlan stood up, looked at the waves around the navy headquarters, and sighed: "Isn't it a little too much?"

If not stopped, the waves will hit the Navy Headquarters heavily, and the damage will probably be even worse than the last time the Golden Lion came over.

Escaped high into the air, Kuzan opened his arms to the thousands of meters of waves around him, the breath of ice still surrounding him.

"Ice Age!"

Icicles emerged from his palms and pierced into the surging waves. Once in contact, the water was instantly frozen. In just two or three seconds, the roaring sea became quiet and turned into an endless continent of frost.

The icy cold wind made people shiver.

Kuzan used his ability to freeze the entire sea near Marinevando.

Because he is a user with the frozen fruit ability, he can do this with less effort than Link and Yamato.

"Haha, you did a good job, ice cube kid."

Whitebeard grinned and praised Kuzan.

With a wave of his backhand, the vibrating force hit Kuzan accurately through the space, knocking him out of the air.

However, Kuzan, who sensed the attack with his knowledge-color Haki, had already elementalized in advance and was not injured.

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