Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 509 Are you going to be chopped down by me too?

Warring States must have thought up a lot of plans to lure Whitebeard over. Although Whitebeard didn't know what Warring States had arranged, he didn't come to save people without making any preparations.

The sound of explosions rang out in the distant town at the right moment. Whitebeard chuckled twice, knowing that his sons should have arrived and were besieging the town, and could tie up some navy.

At this time, the crew members on the Moby Dick saw the frozen seawater, and they all smiled knowingly.

In their eyes, this is the road that can lead directly to Ace's location.

So with a roar, they jumped off the ship one after another and began to rush towards Ace. Seeing this, the navy knew that the time had come to start a war, and they all picked up their weapons to block the pirate's way.

Warring States put away the phone bug and gestured behind him. Upon seeing this, the navy immediately nodded and carried out the plan ordered by Marshal Warring States.

As mentioned before, Malinfando has a unique topography. It is an island that looks like a waning moon. There is only one exit from the arc-shaped coast.

Ace was caught very early, and the Navy had been renovating the place before announcing his public execution.

At this time, thick iron walls began to rise from the edge of the island. These were all made of solid iron. Although they were very hard, they were extremely heavy, so the rising speed was extremely slow.

But once it is completed, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates will be locked inside, like trapped animals.

The pirates fighting below also thought of this, so they struck more ruthlessly, intending to defeat these marines and then quickly save Ace.

Kizaru was also dispatched. His mission was to entangle Whitebeard, so he flew directly to high altitude and used the Eight-foot Magatama on Whitebeard.

But a blue figure flew over, and Marco, who turned into a phoenix, blocked all these attacks. He laughed at Kizaru's idea of ​​attacking Whitebeard as soon as he came up, and then kicked him away.

Kizaru's body turned into light, dissipating all his power. The removed power blew up many of the buildings at the Navy Headquarters.

These... should be included in the battle damage list, so he doesn't need to pay compensation, right?

Kizaru thought helplessly, and then the scattered light gathered into his complete body shape again.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he challenged Marco and said, "It's a very effective attack~"

The greasy tone and his spotless suit made Marco sneer after hearing it and not pay attention.

On the other side, where the Shichibukai were, Cavendish, as a newcomer, looked around and saw that no one else around him was making any moves. He asked doubtfully: "I was invited to the Navy Headquarters to help deal with the Whitebeard Pirates. We don't need to take action now. What?"

The rest of the people ignored Cavendish's words, and Boya Hancock didn't even look at Cavendish, making the place a little cold.

Mihawk glanced at Cavendish calmly, and then pulled out the long knife from his back.

"You can go down and fight, or you can stay here and prevent the members of the Whitebeard Pirates from passing by."

Cavendish was a swordsman, and Mihawk had challenged him to a duel before, so they had some sort of friendship and didn't embarrass him too much.

After helping him out, he looked at Whitebeard standing on the bow of the Moby Dick, swung his sword forcefully, and struck Whitebeard directly with a huge cyan slash.

Link defeated Whitebeard and won the title of the strongest man, while Mihawk and Link competed in swordsmanship, pure swordsmanship.

Therefore, when he attacked Whitebeard at this time, he just wanted to see how strong Link's full strength was.

However, this slash didn't reach Whitebeard's body at all, and was stopped by Diamond Jozi, who threw it directly into the sky with both hands.

Mihawk looked twice at this and put away his long knife.

The time was not right at this time, and Whitebeard had been defeated by Link, which greatly reduced his interest in it, so he did not try again.

Not to be outdone, Jozi, who blocked the attack, directly dug out a huge block of ice nearly a kilometer long from the ice and threw it at the Navy headquarters.

Akainu, who had just dealt with the pirates in the town, returned here. Upon seeing this, his arm instantly turned into lava, melting the ice directly. After that, he used the meteor volcano.

Countless giant lava fists fell from the sky, and the all-out war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates officially began.

The sea area between Fishman Island and the Navy Headquarters.

Link stood on the ice, pulled out his two swords, and disappeared.

This is his time deletion. Shanks, who had fought with Link, was very familiar with it. He wanted to use the sight color, but found that the sight color could not be used at this time.

Therefore, Shanks didn't have time to think too much and instinctively drew out his long sword and slashed backwards, blocking Link's attack.

But because he was unprepared, Shanks was cut away directly.

Shanks, who was cut away, adjusted his body in the air and landed smoothly on the ice. He looked at Link on the Redfors and said solemnly: "Kill with knowledge? You learned it after the last battle?" "

Although Shanks planned to teach Link this move last time, Link said no need. Unexpectedly, he learned this move just by fighting. His talent is really powerful.

"Hey, I've been thinking about killing it for a long time, but it's very useful."

Link said with a smile, then turned to look at the red-haired pirate crew members who raised their weapons against him, and said with a smile: "Are you going to be chopped down by me too?"

Except for Beckman, who was still leaning against the fence and smoking, everyone else drew their weapons at Link who suddenly chopped Shanks away, but did not attack. After hearing Link's words, they even retracted their weapons.

"Link, don't go too far with Shanks. He has something to do later."

Beckman sighed and said, but after saying that, he knew that Link would probably not care about what he said.

Alas, now this situation has been expected by Beckman, because now the worst situation is also the most likely situation.

"Well... although Sky Fire is called Sky Fire, it is not fire."

Link's serious explanation made Beckman sigh again and said helplessly: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

After walking aside with his companions and no longer disturbing the battle between Shanks and Link, Beckman was thinking about how to convince Uta to cooperate with them.

But no matter how I think about it, I feel like there is little hope...

"Uta, what Crocodile gave you just now is a phone bug that can watch live broadcasts. Can you turn it on?"

Shanks waved to Utta who was standing aside, and said with a smile that he needed to pay attention to the situation on Malinfando's side so that he could calculate how long he could accompany Link and Utta's mischief.

After hearing this, Uta couldn't help but look at the phone bug in her hand, and after thinking about it, she turned it on, because not only Shanks, she also wanted to pay attention to the affairs of her companions.

But as soon as he turned on the phone, Sengoku's words revealing Ace's identity came out. Shanks was stunned for a moment and looked at the picture projected on the ice with some surprise.

"Ace is Captain Roger's son?"

He really didn't know about this. When Ace came to visit him once, he only said that he was Luffy's brother.

So, now we have to choose to convince Link and Uta to let him go to Malinvando?

While thinking, Link's slash struck again, and Shanks had to stop thinking, because it was easy to get into trouble if he was distracted while fighting with Link.

For now, let’s place our hopes on Kaido’s daughter for the time being.

After calming down, Shanks also vented his Overlord Color's Haki, and also used the Knowledge Kill. The two people's Haki influenced each other and became entangled, making them unable to use the Knowledge Color at this time.

This is more of a test of Shanks' combat ability, because Link's attacks may not necessarily come from somewhere.

He quickly inserted the knife into the ground and cut his finger with the blade, allowing the bright red blood to slowly flow out.

The ability to delete time can also be understood as meaning that no one except Link is aware of what happened during this period of time.

But this does not mean that the things done during this period disappear, so as long as Link eliminates time, his blood will flow out a lot in an instant. Whether it is precise control of himself or traces on the ice, Shanks can Quickly realizing that Link used an ability.

Just one drop of blood fell, but there were more than ten drops of blood on the ground. This is proof of Link's ability!

Shanks pulled out the long sword with his backhand, and violent domineering covered it. Feeling the movement around him, he quickly slashed to the right side.

Link was already standing there laughing, holding his swords high and slashing at Shanks quickly.

The speed of descent is wrong, a little too fast.

Shanks, who noticed this, focused his eyes and realized that Link not only used time deletion to get close to him, but also accelerated time to make himself faster.

And speed also represents power. Link's attack power will be stronger as he accelerates with time!

Thinking of this, Shanks immediately tightened his grip on the long sword and slashed at Link's double swords.

In terms of physical strength alone, Shanks is much stronger than Link, but his advantage is not as obvious as that of Kaido or Lingling, so the power gap is not big.

The two Hakis were similar, and it was hard to tell the difference for a while, but Shanks lost an arm, which meant that he was inferior to Link in the battle of strength.

So while he was confronting Link, Shanks suddenly raised his leg and kicked towards Link.

Although this will disperse his power, it will also allow Link to make changes.

Link, who was accelerating with time, looked at Shanks as if in slow motion. When he looked at Shanks' leg kicking towards him, he did not dodge, but took the opportunity to slash at Shanks whose power was dispersed.

As a result, Shanks's overlord-colored kick directly hit Link's abdomen. Link also split Shanks' long knife, and slashed Shanks' body.

Black lightning continued to scream on the ice, and two figures, one golden and one red, were knocked back one after another.

Upon seeing this, Uta couldn't help but clenched his hands and stared closely at Link's figure. Beckman and others on the Redfors opposite also looked at their captain.

Just now, both Link and Shanks were hit very far by the opponent's attack and hit the ice, causing a long gap to appear on the ice.

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