Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 510 A sudden and long-planned plan

Something seems wrong with my body.

Link stood up from the ground, groped for a while in his abdomen, and after noticing something strange, he hammered hard on the left side of his waist to straighten the disorganized bones of his body.

Then he jumped on the spot twice, feeling that the awkward feeling in his body disappeared, and then he smiled again.

Hehe, I thought I had a bad stomach, but I didn't expect it was just a few broken ribs, so it's not a big problem.

Pulling up the autumn water that had been stuck on the ground, Link squinted and looked forward. He could only see Shanks in the distance as a small dot. It looked like he had been kicked far away.

But yes, even with the overlord-colored entanglement used, it’s normal to be hit farther away.

After laughing twice, Link stopped using time acceleration because it took too much energy to maintain it, so he just used it when attacking.

With the force exerted under his feet, the cracked ice instantly collapsed, and Link turned into a golden flash of light and rushed towards Shanks.

On the other side, Shanks looked at the blood spraying around him and stood up from the ice pit with a sigh.

Although he used his life to restore the cut flesh as soon as he fell, some blood still sprayed out.

It feels like as long as you fight Link, you have to replenish your blood afterwards.

Shanks was enjoying himself and secretly complained. He saw the figure flying in front of him and without hesitation, he raised his sword and slashed at it.

A sharp slash appeared instantly, but it was not the dark slash that Shanks used when using Divine Avoidance, or it didn't look like a slash at all.

It was a huge blue bird, and one could feel endless sharpness from its body. Its sharp aura made everyone feel as if the air had turned into a knife.

This may be a griffin, or it may be some other creature, but in Link's eyes, this is a slash in the shape of a blue bird, and it is also very noisy.

This move aroused Linkin's interest. The two swords in his hands were once again covered in bright red overlord color, and he slashed at the blue bird flying towards him.

The sky fire collided with the blue bird, and the sharp blue bird was immediately chopped out of shape. However, the blue bird seemed to be spliced ​​together. Except for the parts that were shattered and affected by the sky fire, the rest of the parts continued to attack Link, and the endless sharp edges cut through the forest. Ke's clothes will split open Link's flesh and blood in the next moment.

In an instant, the color of the world began to dim, and the sound disappeared in Link's ears, becoming extremely quiet.

He uses the ability, and the next time until the point when Link releases the ability, this period of time will be eliminated.

Link's body was wrapped in the power of time and was not knocked down by the remaining Blue Bird.

Looking at the dim blue bird flying away, Link sat cross-legged on the ground, tilted his head and looked over in confusion. After about five seconds, he laughed.

"That's it, hehe..."

After the ability was released, in everyone's eyes, Link was still resisting the blue bird, but in the blink of an eye, he sat on the ground. Even Shanks' attack disappeared. They immediately understood that Link had used his ability just now.

Link looked at Shanks and said with a smile: "This slash is very interesting."

Shanks raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said with a low smile: "Indeed, it's very interesting."

Shanks was not surprised that Link understood the move just now, because it was just a form of slashing, and swordsmen of their level would react after contact.

To put it bluntly, this is just the shape shown by several slashes attacking together. Link felt that the reason why it was noisy was because the blue bird contained more than one slash. However, Link didn't think of this when he first regarded it as one body.

And because there were many slashes, even if Link blocked some of them, there were still many slashes left to continue attacking.

The attack power of this move is actually not much worse than that of Divine Avoidance, but it is a new move that can catch Link off guard and make him stop.

"Link, what do you want to do after becoming the Pirate King? In other words, why do you want to become the Pirate King?"

Shanks stood with a knife and asked calmly. This was a question he had wanted to ask Link a long time ago.

However, Link was stunned for two seconds after hearing this question, and said doubtfully: "What to do? I don't have anything I want to do?"

As for why he wanted to become the Pirate King, this was the agreement he had made with Uta, and it was also the reason why he became the Pirate King.

Uta in the distance heard their conversation and smiled helplessly.

Shanks and Link would start chatting while fighting, and it was the same last time. Maybe this is because Shanks never thought Link was an enemy, right?

Because of her relationship...

Sighing, Uta looked at the confused Link and chuckled twice, and then said to Shanks: "I'll tell you."

She should have said this.

"Before, when I was on the Redfors, you told me that most of the people who become pirates are evil people, and then there are people who can't live or are looking for excitement. The rest are people who want to become the Pirate King."

One Piece, a title that many people are competing for, Uta actually doesn't think it's good.

"At that time, you said that you also wanted to become the Pirate King like Roger. I always thought that you would become the Pirate King, but you abandoned me, but this is actually not bad for me, because it allowed me to meet Lin gram."

Uta said, unable to stop smiling in his eyes, looking at Link with tender eyes.

Shanks just bowed his head slightly without explaining, and just sighed again.

"I met Link at that time and asked Link to become the Pirate King for me. It was just a joke at first, but Link agreed seriously. Then Boss Shiji also asked Link for this purpose. teaching, so that they hardly had a break for several years.”

The Golden Lion taught Link really hard and did not hide anything. Not only did he give all his moves, experience, etc. to Link, but he also wanted to give it to him, Mu Ku and Ying Shi, who had been fighting with him all his life.

If the two knives and Link hadn't rejected both, the Golden Lion would have left almost everything to Link.

"Many times, I saw Link being beaten badly by Boss Shiji because of training. It was very miserable. It looked like he would die in the next second. Many times I wanted to persuade Link to forget it. Stop working hard to become the Pirate King, but this is an agreement between me and Link, so anyone can persuade Link to give up, but I can’t.”

"That's all you want to know."

This is a very simple story. I met Link, met Boss Shiji, met my subsequent companions, and then walked all the way on the sea to where I am today.

"Why do you want to become the Pirate King? If you have to say it, it should be because of a sudden impulse and a long-planned plan."

Uta smiled and answered Shanks' doubts. It was because of these that Link wanted to become the Pirate King, so there was no need to explain what to do after becoming the Pirate King.

Shanks stood there, silent for a long time, seeming to be thinking about Uta's words, and finally smiled slowly: "That's it."

It turned out that Link's appearance was created by him, but looking at Uta who was smiling happily, Shanks felt that this was not bad, at least Uta would be happy because of Link.

He glanced at the live broadcast screen projected by the phone bug and saw that a full-scale war had begun over there. He calculated the time and knew that he could probably mess around with Link for a long time.

"Come on, Link, I will deal with you with all my strength."

I just don't know if my remaining strength after fighting Link is enough to stop the war over there.

Link laughed twice, nodded with Uta, and then looked at Shanks. The two of them rushed towards each other at the same time.

Farther away, on the Redfors, Beckman looked at the barbecue that was stretched out to his mouth, and waved his hand to reject Lakilu's kindness.

"You can eat it yourself, I'm not in the mood right now."

Shanks started a new round of fighting with Link, and Beckman was not in the mood to eat barbecue.

After taking two more puffs of cigarette and looking at Uta standing quietly on the ice watching the battle, Beckman shook his head helplessly, returned to the cabin, found a thick brand new coat, and walked towards Uta.

Although a long time passed, Beckman remembered that Uta was afraid of the cold.

The two men in the battle noticed that someone was approaching Uta, and they all looked at him together. When they saw that it was Beckman who was struggling to get dressed, they continued to fight.

"Uta, put it on, this one is new."

Beckman handed Utta a thick black cloak.

This is Shanks' cloak, velvet, which he wore on Winter Island.

Uta glanced at it twice, but did not take it, and continued to watch Link and Shanks fight.

Seeing this, Beckman did not force himself, but put his cloak aside, and then sighed and said: "If the two of them fight, they will all be seriously injured. Is this really good?"

Whether it is Link or Shanks, there is no need to be injured here. After all, not only Shanks, but also Beckman has never regarded the Star Pirates as an enemy.

"I just don't want Link to get hurt."

Uta said softly, and then nothing more happened.

She didn't want Link to get hurt, but when he was wandering on the sea and fighting against these strong men, unless Link could be a level stronger than them, injuries were inevitable.

Over the years, Link has been injured countless times, but Uta still feels bad every time he sees Link injured.

But just as Link would listen to her unconditionally, Uta would also listen to Link.

There is actually no difference between the two of them.

Beckman on the side saw this and knew that Uta would not stop the battle. He shook his head helplessly and turned to leave, but the black velvet cloak was left at Uta's feet.

Link used Sky Frost Three Thousand Miles to freeze the sea here. But after all, this is not the sea area of ​​​​Winter Island. The temperature is not low, and the clouds in the sky have long been torn apart by the collision of Link and Shanks' overlord color. cracked, and the warm sunshine shone straight on them.

So it's not cold here at all, it can only be said to be a little cool.

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