Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 258 Another group of thieves from the Ōtsutsuki clan?

Finally, after a short period of depression, Sage of Six Paths finally recovered some emotions, but looking at Lin Xuan still felt unable to calm down.

It's not because the mother became Lin Xuan's maid, but the two heard something about Lin Xuan from Senju Hashirama and the others before.

At that time, they were still very curious about the otherworld's president Lin, and now they finally met the real person.

It's just that they didn't expect that the strong man who could control the Fourth Ninja World War, and even the person who helped them solve the turmoil from a distance, would be such a young man!

"Where is the enemy?" Lin Xuan didn't bother to talk nonsense with the two old men, and asked directly.

At this time, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura also recovered and gave Lin Xuan a deep look.

Then Ōtsutsuki Hamura said: "They found the rhizome of the tree of gods in space, and now they are carving something there. 35

In the current state of their brothers, they dare not get too close.

It is Ōtsutsuki Hamura's bloodline left on the moon, which is his only descendant now - Ōtsutsuki Shiren, Ōtsutsuki Hamura also told him to avoid each other.

Because they knew that just relying on Ōtsutsuki's strength to give up their people was simply not enough to compete with each other.

Therefore, at this time, Sage of Six Paths and the others have not yet found out what those people are doing.

Lin Xuan fell into deep thought after listening to their introduction.

I have to say that this time node of his appearance this time is also very interesting.

In the original plot, this time node should be when Ōtsutsuki Shiren was preparing to invade the ninja world.

However, now that the ancestor Ōtsutsuki Hamura has appeared directly in front of him, Ōtsutsuki Sheren completely understands the previous misunderstanding of the ancestor's intention, and naturally it is impossible to invade the ninja world again.

Moreover, because of the protection of the Ōtsutsuki Hamura brothers, Ōtsutsuki Shiren was not directly sealed by the other party as in the original plot, when the Ōtsutsuki Ura-shi of the Ōtsutsuki clan came to the ninja world.

So, now he can even appear in front of Lin Xuan, and when Lin Xuan and the others were almost finished talking, he personally offered a cup of tea to Lin Xuan and Orochimaru.

At this time, Ōtsutsuki Sheren was not the one with only blood holes in his eyes in the theatrical version of the plot, but a pair of ordinary white eyes.

After all, whether the Ōtsutsuki clan who came to the ninja world earlier this time is the Ōtsutsuki Ura-style that Lin Xuan knew, or the Ōtsutsuki peach-style and Jin-style group, Lin Xuan can't be sure now, he can only go and see Just found out!

While tasting the tea brought by Ōtsutsuki's servants, Lin Xuan made a decision, pointed at the two of Sage of Six Paths and said, "Orochimaru, you can cast Impure World Reincarnation on them `々!"

The body of the Impure World Reincarnation before the two of them still collapsed, and now the strange Chakra is in the state of the soul attached to it, and there is no entity, and it is not convenient to do things next.

"No problem!" Orochimaru readily agreed.

After the Six Paths brothers were reincarnated by Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation, Lin Xuan waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go and see what the enemy is like!"

It is worth mentioning that the Sage of Six Paths brothers are both dead and can survive in space without air, while Lin Xuan and Orochimaru, two big living people, cannot do it for the time being.

Before they flew over from the ninja world and tried it, it was not a big problem in a short time, but if there was a battle, it would be hard to say.

However, this certainly does not fail Lin Xuan.

He bought four blades of grass directly in the Prestige Mall, and Orochimaru and Orochimaru put them on the cheeks, and they were able to play happily in space.

These two leaves are called Star Spirit Grass. According to the system introduction, they are special plants from the world of "Devouring the Starry Sky". They can absorb all kinds of free energy in space, and then convert it into oxygen. The price is only 10,000 reputation points. That's it.

However, this time, it also reminded Lin Xuan that he will find a way to solve the problem of adapting to the vacuum, otherwise this will be a big weakness.

Immediately after solving this problem, Lin Xuan and his group set off directly on the moon, and under the leadership of the Sage of Six Paths brothers, they came to the space near the section where the root of the sacred tree was said by Hanamura. .

From a distance, Lin Xuan saw a few figures, and the style of clothing and appearance was indeed very similar to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

However, after looking around, Lin Xuan did not find any figure he knew among them!

Whether it is the Ōtsutsuki Ura style, or the Ōtsutsuki peach style, the gold style, etc., none of them actually appeared!

This made him suddenly a little confused: What happened? Could it be because of the butterfly effect that I caused, which caused another group of Ōtsutsuki guys to accidentally discover the existence of the ninja world?

Before coming here, Lin Xuan actually approached Ōtsutsuki Kaguya to learn about the situation of the Ōtsutsuki family.

According to the introduction of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, the Ōtsutsuki clan has a very large power in the universe. There are many branches of the clan, and they are usually scattered all over the universe, ruling the life planets, which are used as nurseries to cultivate sacred trees.

She belongs to the branch of Ōtsutsuki peach style, and is a servant of this branch, but she is not born a servant, but her parents made a mistake and she was punished, which will become servant!

However, she is clearly not the same as the other Ōtsutsuki-style minions that Lin Xuan saw in the original plot.

She was unwilling to accept such a fate, and coupled with some things that happened on this planet, she finally ate the fruit of the divine tree more than a thousand years ago, trying to resist her fate.

Now, when Lin Xuan saw this group of strange Ōtsutsuki clan members (good enough), he naturally guessed that the other party was from another branch.

Of course, he has to check with Ōtsutsuki Kaguya for details.

As for the confirmation method, it is also very simple, as long as Uchiha Madara or other Uchiha clan people find Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and use illusions to show Kaguya the images of these people they see in the chat group, and they will naturally know.

Soon, Lin Xuan saw the answer that Uchiha Madara got in the group:|| Ōtsutsuki Kaguya said that these people are not from their branch!39

Seeing such a result, Lin Xuan couldn't help but twitch his lips slightly and said, "So, these guys are actually here to be thieves?

ps: Regarding the character setting of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, the original Hokage book is ambiguous, and there is a conflict with the blogger's statement, and the original manga and anime also conflict. The author can only do it according to his own understanding and the needs of the follow-up plot. set.

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