Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 259 My strength is not as simple as you think!

This group of people from the Ōtsutsuki clan who do not know which branch they are, obviously came for the fruit of the divine tree on the earth!

And the fruit of the god tree on earth, before it was stolen by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, actually belonged to the branch of Ōtsutsuki peach style!

The reason why it is not said to belong to the Ōtsutsuki peach style is because the Ōtsutsuki peach style is only the successor of their lineage in this era, similar to the Ōtsutsuki Shiren, the descendant of the moon Ōtsutsuki Hamura.

Before Ōtsutsuki Kaguya came to Earth, the ruler of their branch was not a peach.

Otherwise, a Ōtsutsuki peach-style who looks like a weak chicken and can even handle a Genin and an ordinary Rasengan from a blogger can make Ōtsutsuki Kaguya who has eaten the fruit of the divine tree so jealous?

Of course, no matter what, this divine tree fruit must have nothing to do with the group of unknown guys who appeared now.

Therefore, Lin Xuan will say at this time, these guys are here to be thieves!

However, after confirming the identity of the other party, Lin Xuan became vigilant.

In fact, if the enemy this time is a group of Ōtsutsuki peach-type people, Lin Xuan doesn't care because he knows the intelligence of the other party, and even Sasuke and Naruto who have broken arms, plus a fellow who can solve the problem , where does he need to care?

Now this strange group of Ōtsutsuki is different.

023 Lin Xuan has almost no information on them, let alone whether there are powerful characters behind them, so naturally he has to be vigilant.

And after some observation at this time, Lin Xuan also confirmed what this group of people were doing.

They were clearly depicting some mysterious technique on the broken root of the divine tree.

Lin Xuan couldn't see what the specific effect of this technique was, not even Orochimaru, who had a lot of knowledge by his side, or Sage of Six Paths, who founded the ninja sect, couldn't see what it was.

However, based on what these people said, they were able to guess a general idea.

This should be some kind of locating coordinates, the other party clearly wants to lead someone to the ninja world just like the Ōtsutsuki Ura style in the biography of the blogger!

After seeing their intentions, the Sage of Six Paths brothers became anxious at first.

These guys are not easy to mess with, this is what they have personally experienced.

Not to mention how powerful these people are, the key is that their abilities are very difficult to deal with.

The Chakra of the dead is not bad, even if they are sucked away by the opponent, the opponent cannot absorb the fusion (cjad), but if the power of the big living people in the ninja world is swallowed by the opponent, the enemy will become stronger and stronger!

"Lord President, are we going to stop them?" Orochimaru also asked Lin Xuan.

From the look on his face, it seems that he really wants to try fighting in space.

Lin Xuan thought for a while, but said, "No need, even if we stop the other party, there is no guarantee that the other party will not come again.

In his opinion, this is a good opportunity to test the true strength of Hokage's universe.

It doesn't matter how powerful the person summoned by the other party is really, the big deal is that he finds a way to get a stronger character from Impure World Reincarnation to come and kill him!

I have to say that Lin Xuan, who still has nearly 3 billion RP in his hand, is very confident!

Sage of Six Paths and the others saw him so calm, and they felt a little more confident.

Afterwards, they did not act rashly, and even just left a special item in space that Lin Xuan bought from the prestige mall to spy on these enemies, and then they returned to the moon, drinking tea slowly and slowly Waiting for the enemy to come to the door.

Of course, only two living people, Orochimaru and Lin Xuan, were drinking tea, and the Sage of Six Paths brothers could only watch.

The Sage of Six Paths brothers were also a little anxious for a while when they saw Lin Xuan's calm appearance.

"Aren't we taking our enemies too lightly?" Ōtsutsuki Hamura couldn't help frowning.

Lin Xuan said unhurriedly: "Don't worry, the enemy is not as invincible as you think, and our strength is not as simple as you think!"

Obviously, he couldn't help but start pretending.

However, in fact, if the powerhouses of other dimensions in the prestige mall who have not been released by his Impure World Reincarnation are also counted as their strength, his words are completely fine.

And the Sage of Six Paths brothers, who were still a little nervous at first, became calmer after hearing his pretending words.

At the same time, a few light years away from the Ninja World, on a planet.


A space crack suddenly appeared, and three humanoid creatures with snow-white skin ran out of it embarrassingly.

These three people are obviously different from the people in the ninja world, and their clothes are also very different from the earth, but they are quite similar to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Obviously, they are the ones summoned by the Ōtsutsuki clan who appeared in the ninja world!

Among them, the leader was a man who looked very short.

He let out a sigh of relief, then snorted coldly, and said, "This time spanning time and space has consumed us so much energy. If the major discoveries made by Shishi and the others are not satisfactory to me, I will not spare them!"

Beside him, there were two servant-like people, one was a tall and strong-looking young man, while the other looked a little old, a middle-aged man with wrinkles on his face.

The middle-aged man said flatteringly, "Don't worry, Hai Shi-sama, I have confirmed it through the influence of the stone style and the others, and I'm sure it's a mature divine tree!

After a slight pause, he said again: "Furthermore, I heard that the original Tao-style servant who was in charge of this place disappeared, although we don't know what happened, but now is a great opportunity for us to take advantage of it. what!"

Hearing this, Ōtsutsuki's face could not help showing a bit of interest, and he chuckled lightly: "Hmph, then let's go, I can't wait to see that peach-style guy, when he finds out the situation here , what will the expression look like!

"Yes, my lord! As long as we are in a space shuttle, we can reach the target location!"

The old servant nodded and bowed, then immediately joined hands with the tall servant and prepared to travel through space again.

The next moment, a space crack appeared, the three stepped into it again, and suddenly disappeared!

At the same time, Lin Xuan, who was above the moon, was suddenly surprised to find that the reputation value on his account had inexplicably started to grow rapidly!

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