Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 538 Let Orochimaru study the time machine

This time, Trunks did not take the time machine and leave after delivering the medicine for the heart disease as in the original book.

Because his time machine has some faults in the process of traveling through time, and needs to be repaired.

However, Trunks himself does not have this ability, so he needs to find the original maker of the time machine, that is, his mother Bulma.

Although Bulma of this era has not yet built a time machine, Trunks brought details about the time machine~ this time.

I believe that as long as you give her the information, she should be able to repair the time machine - right?!

After talking to Lin Xuan, Trunks found Bulma.

Looking at his mother, who was about the same age and appearance as his own, Trunks couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and his thoughts drifted into the distance for a while.

"I don't know how my mother is now after I left?" Trunks thought to himself.

Bulma looked at the handsome little brother in front of her, and was a little shy at first, but she found out that the other party was actually a clone, and couldn't help but ask a little angrily: "It's really rude to think of something else in front of a beautiful woman."

Trunks quickly came back to his senses, and suddenly said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I lost my mind for a while! 99

He secretly sighed in his heart, this temper is really his own mother!

Afterwards, Trunks took out his capsule box, took out one of them, and threw it forward gently, and the time machine he was riding before appeared on the ground.

Seeing the logo on the capsule box, Bulma was a little surprised and said, "Isn't this the logo of my house? How can you have a capsule of my house?"

Trunks smiled and explained: "This may be difficult to explain for a while, but I hope you can help me fix this machine."

Bulma looked at the machine in front of her suspiciously and asked, "What kind of machine is this?"

"This is a time machine, and I came here from the future in it. As for my name, I'm sorry I can't tell you, but I can tell you that you invented this machine!" Trank S explained.

Originally, he didn't want to tell others about the future, for fear of causing unintended effects, but in order to ask Bulma to help repair the time machine, he had to reveal some information.

"Wait! What did you say!? What do you mean from the future! And I made this machine?" Bulma said in surprise.

Trunks nodded, pointed to the sign on the machine and said, "Your name is still here!"

Bulma followed his fingers and saw the logo on the machine, which was also the logo of her company, and there were several letters below the logo, which were the abbreviations of her name.

"I didn't expect that it was actually made by me, and my future was really successful! It's great, I knew that a time machine could work! 35

Trunks smiled slightly, he knew that his mother had the extreme idea of ​​making time travel a long time ago.

However, due to the development of science and technology, it took many years to finally realize his idea.

"On my way here, the time machine seems to have some glitches. I brought your notes about the time machine, and I believe if you have this, you should be able to fix it for me soon. 35

Trunks took out another thick book and handed it to Bulma, which contained all the data about the machine.

Seeing this, Bulma's eyes lit up.

Soon, she took the notes and began to get into her research room impatiently.

As for the "handsome guy" Trunks, she has long since left her behind. Who cares about the handsome guy at this time?

・・For flowers...

Trunks was not surprised when he saw this. He knew that his mother's personality was like this. She was usually sloppy, but when it came to scientific things, she would suddenly become serious.

It is said that his father is a cultivator. I really don't know how my father and mother came together?

Thinking of this, he felt even more headache.

The things of this era are very different from what he knows, and his father has not come to earth.

Will I really be with my mother in the future? Will there really be me?

Lin Xuan actually read the time machine notes that Trunks brought, because she is also very interested in time machines.


If the master masters this technology, it will also be of great benefit to himself, such as traveling in various worlds. With this thing, the problem of time flow rate can be solved to a certain extent.

However, after reading the results, his mind was blank.

No way, he really has no talent in science, and seeing these data is only blind.

However, after obtaining the consent of Trunks, he copied the notebook and sent it to Orochimaru in the pirate world in the form of a red envelope.

Let Orochimaru and Vegapunk tinker with a time machine?

Not to mention, this idea seems like a good idea!

Maybe they will be able to bring themselves unexpected surprises.

Because of the previous improved version of the sacred tree and the fact that he broke through the Super Saiyan, Lin Xuan is also more and more aware of the help that the Super Dimension Guild Research Lab has brought to him.

Orochimaru and Vega Punk alone, he always felt that it wasn't enough.

It seems that Urahara Kisuke must be brought under his command as soon as possible. In addition, Bulma and her father, two scientific madmen, can also consider three.

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