Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 539 Can androids be reincarnated sacrifices?

The next day, early morning.

While Bulma was working on the time machine, Trunks set out with Lin Xuan and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya to find Dr. Rock's institute.

According to Trunks' description, after three years, two androids will appear on a small island in the south, and then start wanton killing and destruction.

However, Lin Xuan, who is familiar with the plot of the original novel, knows that Dr. Gro's laboratory is not near the island, but is located in a small cave in the north.

A Luffy line, came to the north near a mountain range.

The scope here is very large, and I am afraid it is not an easy thing to find out Dr. Gro's research room.

"Four Three Zeros" However, this is not difficult for Lin Xuan.

He looked at Ōtsutsuki Kaguya who was beside him and said, "Kaguya, it's over to you!""

At this time, Trunks looked at Ōtsutsuki Kaguya with a curious expression on his face.

He did not feel a particularly powerful aura from Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, but he would never underestimate anyone around Lin Xuan.

On the contrary, he felt that since Lin Xuan was traveling with her, it meant that the other party must also have his own uniqueness.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya nodded, stood on top of the mountain, and then rolled his eyes.

When it comes to search ability, I am afraid there is nothing more convenient than rolling eyes!

Soon, in Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's field of vision, the mountains in front of him began to become transparent, and her eyes glanced around.

Soon after, she noticed a scene, pointed in a direction and said: "There is a cave over there, and I see what seems to be a building inside!

Lin Xuan and Trunks looked at each other and flew in that direction quickly.

Soon, they discovered what Ōtsutsuki Kaguya said was the cave, which happened to be built on a hidden cliff and was hardly noticeable.

Looking at this cave covered with moss and cobwebs, it is even more difficult to believe that there is a scientific research institute hidden in it.

"Is it here?" Trunks said solemnly.

Several people flew towards the cave, and soon found the depths, and found that it was a dead end, and there was nothing in it.

"Did we get it wrong? Trunks wondered.

However, Lin Xuan shook his head with a smile and said, "It's just some ordinary tricks.59

Then, he raised his hand and tapped lightly on the stone wall in front of him.


I saw that the stone wall in front collapsed directly, and even the metal gate with a thickness of one meter behind it also deformed and fell under this palm.

The bright light in front of them came into view, and what caught the eyes of the three was a well-equipped research base.

On the innermost wall, there is a row of liquid tanks, and there seems to be a figure in each liquid tank.

These tanks were all labeled with sequential numbers, number 16 to 20, respectively.

Trunks suddenly said in surprise: "This is impossible! At this point in time, Dr. Gros should have only made No. 18, how can there be No. 19 and No. 20? 55

"Look here." Lin Xuan pointed to an experiment report on the center console.

I see it says:

Cyborg No. 1 failed, the reason for failure: unable to act....

No. 2 android failed, the reason for failure: action machine, no independent thinking...

The 3rd android failed, the reason for the failure: frail body, low combat effectiveness....

Cyborg No. 16 succeeds, flaws: weak personality….

Cyborg No. 17 Succeeds, Flaws: Sometimes doesn't follow orders....

Cyborg No. 18 Success, Flaws: Sometimes Disobedient

When he saw the introduction of the No. 20 android, Trunks widened his eyes and said in surprise, "Dr. Groo actually transformed himself into an android?

This is different from his time.

In his era, Dr. Gro was killed directly by No. 17 and No. 18, and did not transform himself into an android at all, so there were no No. 19 and 20 behind.

At this time, Trunks quickly reacted, and now is not the time to think about it.

So he hurriedly looked at Lin Xuan and said, "President Lin Xuan, let's destroy these androids quickly, lest they wake up and cause damage to the world!"5

Lin Xuan nodded and smiled: "I have no problem, but the key is that they have woken up!"


Trunks' complexion changed, and he hurriedly looked towards the liquid chambers, seeing that four of the liquid chambers suddenly opened, and four figures came out of them.

These four people stood in front of Lin Xuan and the others, and one of them, an old man, looked at them and sneered: "Yes, you have no chance of 0.3!

Trunks' eyes fell on No. 17 and No. 18, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted: "It really is them, I didn't expect to wake up at this time! 99

In contrast, Lin Xuan and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya were much calmer.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya stood quietly behind Lin Xuan, gazing at the androids quietly, but was ready to fight at any time.

As for Lin Xuan, he also looked at these androids with great interest, and couldn't help but wonder: "This is an android, it doesn't look much different from a real person, and I don't know if it can be used as Impure World Reincarnation. Sacrifice? If possible, would the people from Impure World Reincarnation be stronger?

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