Dr. Gro looked at Lin Xuan and the others, and said indifferently, "I didn't expect you to find my research base so quickly. It seems that you can't be let go."

"Kill him on the 19th for me!"

Following Dr. Gro's order, the fat android No. 19 immediately rushed out and attacked Lin Xuan and the others.

“President Lin Xuan be careful!”

Trunks let out a low voice, and a qigong wave condensed in his hand and blasted towards No. 19.

However, what shocked him was that his qigong wave landed on the palm of No. 19 android and was absorbed by him at a very fast speed.

"What? He was able to absorb gas?" Trunks widened his eyes.

At this time, the fat man cyborg had already rushed over, but chose to shoot Lin Xuan, because in his data storage, this man should be the strongest!

"Energy absorption? Actually, I can do this trick of yours!"

The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth twitched, not 29 but he didn't dodge, instead he took the initiative to grab the Fat Man android head on.

Immediately, the palm of the android number 19 and Lin Xuan's palm touched each other, and began to frantically absorb the energy from his body.

Soon, Lin Xuan was a little surprised that the other party could not only absorb the Qi in his body, but also Chakra.

It seems that because of his appearance, the data collected by Dr. Groo has also changed when he created the artificial human!

At this time, Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly turned into Rinnegan, and he directly activated Kidō.


The complexion of No. 19 android changed suddenly, because he felt Lin Xuan's palm, and an even more terrifying suction burst out, which actually drew the energy from his body from the beginning.

He began to struggle desperately, trying to get rid of Lin Xuan's palm, but found that he couldn't break free, and his whole body seemed to be fixed.

In the back, Dr. Gros saw the strange behavior of the android No. 19 and couldn't help frowning and said, "No. 19, what's the matter with you?"

However, just as his voice fell, he heard a "puchi" sound, and the No. 19 man made black smoke from his chest, and fell weakly to the ground.

Obviously, he has been completely scrapped.

Dr. Gros couldn't help widening his eyes, looking at the scrapped android No. 19 on the ground in disbelief, exclaiming: "How is it possible? Damn it, what the hell is going on?

He is still very satisfied with the No. 19 android. The technology on his body is the same as his, and it can absorb other energies. This is the ability he developed after collecting various energy data in the world.

However, now he was actually killed by someone with a single move?

He could see that the energy on the android No. 19 was exhausted, and it was obviously absorbed by the man. He didn't expect the other party to have this ability.

In fact, he knew Lin Xuan's identity.

Because in the previous time, after he was defeated by Sun Wukong, he sent a large number of miniature scouts to track the whereabouts of Sun Wukong, and also collected various data.

So, naturally, I also learned about the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference a few years ago, and also collected the Chakra data in the air at that time.

It is precisely because of this that he has greatly transformed the technology of artificial humans.

But he didn't expect that the robot No. 19, who satisfied him, would be defeated so easily in the opponent's hands.

"No. 17, No. 18, you also shot, kill them, I will use their bodies to continue to transform androids!" Dr. Groo ordered.

However, the androids behind him did not move. One of No. 17 and No. 18 stretched and the other kept yawning.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Groo couldn't help shouting angrily: "What's the matter with the two of you? Are you going to disobey my order? Why don't you hurry up and kill these three guys!

At this time, No. 17 and No. 18 reacted and walked slowly past Dr. Gro.

No. 17 looked at Lin Xuan and the others and said with a smile, "Well, since Dr. Gero ordered us like this, then it's just your unlucky, I had to kill you all!"

When the voice fell, he quickly shot.

However, this time, instead of attacking Lin Xuan and the others, he reached out and grabbed the energy controller in Dr. Gro's hand, crushing him directly.

Dr. Gros widened his eyes and shouted angrily: "No. 17, do you know what you are doing?"

"Hahaha, I know this is the 430 energy controller. It can turn off the energy of me and No. 18 at any time, so that we can't move. In this case, such a dangerous thing will of course be destroyed." No. 17 cyborg sneered.

"Damn, how dare you disobey my orders, you damn android!"

"Dr. Gro, don't be so angry, aren't you also an android now?" Robot 18 said with a smile.

The next second, before Dr. Gero could continue to speak, he saw that the android No. 17 suddenly twisted his head from his body, and then grabbed it with one hand.

Looking at this scene, Trunks also widened his eyes and couldn't believe the scene in front of him. Naruto didn't understand, and scratched his head beside him.

At this time, the android No. 17 ignored him, looked at another liquid tank in the research base, and said with a smile: "It seems that we have another companion who has not woken up! 99

"Then I'll wake him up!" No. 18 said with a smile.

Then, she turned around and walked towards the liquid tank on the edge, and reached out to lift the lid directly above.

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