Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 116 Arrivederci

"Fungi chain·God-tier Declaration (Gungnir)!!!"

The zippers scattered all over the sky follow Victor’s call, condensed and twisted into a huge spiral knight gun. From the grip to the top is a long cone-shaped gun tip. The surface of the gun tip is composed of a circle of barbed sprocket spirals. Composition, each sprocket above is spinning at high speed!

Victor gripped the handle of the gun firmly, stepped on Moonwalk and rushed towards Cracker!

"Wafer Biscuit·Wushuang Grip!"

Cracker lifted his hands up and slammed it, then pulled it down. His arms were immediately covered by the red and black full-covered armbands made of biscuits. There were a lot of air holes on his elbows and shoulders. , The finger bones are covered with spikes and rivets. Of course, these are all made of biscuits.

Seeing Victor rushing towards him, Cracker's mouth continued to fall with a smile, and then several cookie pedals appeared out of thin air under his feet. He stepped on these cookie pedals and faced the knight's gun that Victor stabbed. fist!

The tip of the gun and the glove did not collide with each other, they just rubbed the edges of each other and brought up a series of violent sparks. Cracker's right glove directly penetrated Victor's shoulder, and Victor's knight's gun slammed Cracker's chest! !

No, take a closer look. Victor opened several openings on his shoulder with a zipper and pulled it into a semicircular gap at the moment of his death. He would avoid this fierce straight punch, leaving only a blood mark on the side of his cheek. .

Cracker's left armband was also blocking his chest, and the entire armband was covered by Armament Haki. The palm of his left hand gripped the high-speed rotating gun tip, and sparks flew all over the place!

Victor screamed, and the spiral jet at the rear of the gun handle suddenly ejected a fierce flame. The whole tip of the gun was like an electric drill, and the force became stronger and stronger. It rushed towards the ground with the Cracker, as if crossing the sky. meteor!

Cracker only had time to cover the backside with soft crackers for shock absorption, and then felt the whole person suddenly shocked! The two figures smashed across the sky with a violent trailing flame stream, smashing several extremely huge hard coral trees one after another, and then smashed into the guard tower of the port of entry!

The 10-meter guard tower collapsed and fell amidst the roar. Amidst the rubble and smoke, Cracker slammed Victor open with a punch. He also retreated several steps and jumped out of the ruins of the tower.

Cracker's right armband is okay, the left armband is densely covered with cracks, and the position of the left palm has been worn to pieces, braving the heat.

The knocked-out Victor stepped on two false steps in the air, and a backflip steadily landed on the ground. The knight's gun in his hand was thrown into the air, and it was directly transformed into a box-shaped zipper compartment, which fell heavily on the ground with a bang. Behind Victor, a cloud of smoke arose.

"Huh... can drive me to this point... Except for Brother Kata Kuri, you are the first one!" Cracker gritted his teeth and laughed.

"With each other, apart from Mr. Moria, this is the first time I have encountered such a difficult enemy." Victor exhaled with sweat on his forehead. He tore off the black velvet cloak on his shoulders and threw it into the cabinet. In the zipper compartment: "But I have a question, I hope it can be answered."

"...Tell me?" Cracker got a chance to rest, naturally. He sat on a large rock and shook away the remains of the left armband.

"Why did you come to attack The fish men island? The fish men island is the site of [Whitebeard], and Poseidon Neptune is his friend. What on earth is the fish men island attracting you? At the risk of a war with the [Whitebeard Pirates]."

Cracker laughed loudly: "I thought it was a serious question, it turned out to be asking this hahaha!!"

After laughing for a long time, Cracker reluctantly suppressed his smile and raised two fingers: "First, my mother's order is [absolute]. The fish men island’s desserts are world-famous. She wants to eat them. Then we, as children, are natural. You have to be satisfied. And there is a legendary treasure chest and jade box here. Mommy loves treasure chests the most, so she can't let it go."

"Secondly, Whitebeard and Neptune have a good relationship. This is true. But they are too busy to take care of themselves. New World's "Ice City" is not handled well, which is a huge trouble. And he is only with Neptune. Good friends, if the royal family all die, do you think he will go to a full-scale war with our BIGMOM pirate group for a The fish men island with nothing left and no use value?"

Hearing this, Victor laughed slightly, causing Cracker to frown, "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at your stupidity."

Victor's laughter was full of chill and disdain:

"The reason why [Whitebeard] is [Whitebeard] is because he takes'righteousness' and'fetters' very important. Do you really think that after killing the royal family of The fish men island, Whitebeard will let you go? No, he will All the culprits involved are killed directly and use your first-level tribute to your friends. And your mother? She will mourn for you, cry for you, but will not avenge you. This is the difference between BIGMOM and Whitebeard. "

"...Crane Chain, you are too presumptuous." Cracker stood up with a sullen face, and slowly drew out the unique sword'Pretzel' from his waist, and said with a cold voice: "I respect your strength, but I don't allow you to slander mom like this."

"So, don't you even see that I'm [Save You]?" Victor sighed, and the blue-handled sharp knife "Lei Yu Zuo" slowly emerged from his palm. Behind him, the roar of the cabinet-style zipper compartment also stopped, and the doll covered in blue armor came out from it, it was the ‘steel chain finger’.

"Help me? It's really an ingenious way..." Cracker's mouth showed a grin: "You angered me."

"After playing for so long, I don't want to kill you anymore." Victor carried the sword on his shoulders and said in a melodious tone: "...I'll beat you hard, but I'm not serious about it. Come on, Mr. Cracker. , Don't die."

"Don't be ashamed of talking!!" Cracker's forehead burst into blue veins, and roared out: "Fluctuating·Pretzel!!!"

He held the sword in his left hand, and the sharp spiral wave wrapped around the sword slammed towards Victor's head!

Scattered sparks sprinkled under Victor's feet, and the whole person drifted strangely to the side, narrowly avoiding this violent spiral wave. Then he slammed the long sword in his hand, the blade broke every inch and the zipper that linked it was revealed, and the entire long chain blade was slashed toward Cracker.

The famous sword in Cracker's hand was wrapped in the dark Armament Haki, and the chain whip was opened with a sharp sword. He even took the hilt of the "Lei Yu Zuo" in Victor's hand and flew out. Cracker laughed and raised the long sword in his hand. He immediately locked the position of Victor's heart. Then he slammed his feet for a few steps, poking straight towards Victor!

"Dragon Roll·Pretzel——!!!"

A figure had already stood in front of Victu, it was a ‘steel chain finger’! Its arms were covered with Armament Haki, and a fierce left uppercut hit the attacking blade hard, and then another right uppercut hit the sword, directly intercepting Cracker’s ultimate sword move. .

Cracker held the hilt with both hands, and was about to slash towards Victor again, but felt his neck tightened from behind. He reluctantly twisted his head and found that it was the annoying purple doll. Its lower body turned into a zipper and was connected to the sharp knife'Lei Yu Zuo' which fell on the ground. At this moment, it was holding Cracker's tightly in silence. Neck.

not good! Cracker's mind only had time to come up with this sentence, and then he felt countless punches.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang--! ! ! ! !

The double fists of the steel chain fingers turned into the shadow of the sky, and hit every part of Cracker's body fiercely! Every punch is covered with high-speed spinning chain teeth, and every punch contains all the power of Victor!

Hundreds of punches? Thousands of punches? Victor didn't bother to count himself. He just poured all his heart and strength into the fists of the steel chain fingers, so that the little giant baby in front of him could have a good understanding of what is called "pain"! !

After the continuous beating, a fierce left uppercut with a steel chain finger slammed Cracker's right cheek! ! Accompanied by the blood flying in the air, the Cracker, who had no good flesh in his body and had a bloody right face, was smashed into the ruins of the sentry tower and aroused a huge amount of dust and smoke, completely losing consciousness.

Victor exhaled and looked at the ruins of the sentry tower not far away. He put the index finger of his left hand and the middle finger together against his forehead, and swiped forward:

"Arrivederci (Goodbye)."

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