Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 117 [Yi] and [Li]

Grand Line, the ‘paradise’, a giant white pirate ship moored in the waters near a certain autumn island.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me this kind of thing earlier!"

The second character of the BIGMOM Pirates, the first of the three dessert stars, the Kata Kuri, who is always gentle and kind to his sisters on weekdays, is rarely angry.

The phone worm's face turned into a weak and tearful expression, and he cried and said, "Oh...Yes, I'm sorry, Brother Kata Kuri... Brother Cracker, he wouldn't let me say to anyone except my mother..."

On the deck of the pirate ship "Cream Tony", several members of the BIGMOM pirate group were sitting or standing, looking at Kata Kuri who was talking with serious faces. Even the stubborn brothers and sisters know exactly how serious this incident is.

"...Pudding, don't cry first, just think about it..." Kata Kuri rubbed his eyebrows with an iron face, and asked slowly, "Is there any mother's [instruction] for Cracker's action this time?" "

"Woo...Woo..." Pudding, the little girl on the other end of the phone bug, sucked her nose hard, not to make herself too embarrassed. She thought for a while before saying: "It should be no. Mom just said at the tea party. After several times [I want to eat the desserts of The fish men island so much], Brother Cracker set off and asked me to communicate with my mother as a contact person before leaving."

"That idiot..." Kata Kuri clenched his fists and creaked: "Don't he know how much trouble this will cause!? Mom would actually indulge him...why, who did he take to go? The fish men island?"

"I, I think about it..." Pudding sniffed, "There are Sister Armand, Brother Mondor, Sister Praline, Baron Dandan, Fat Bobin, Randolph, and many chessmen and soldiers."

Kata Kuri was so angry that he laughed: "Hehe... he is not stupid! Armand spoils him very much, Mondor is also close to him, and Dandan and the others dare not disobey him! Xiao I'm afraid Praline was dragged onto the boat by life... this bastard!"

"Brother Kata Kuri, the current priority is to immediately prevent Brother Cracker from invading The fish men island." The red-haired beauty Garrett sat on the railing on the edge of the deck with her arms folded, two smooth and clean overlaps. The long legs are like entangled white pythons: "Once Poseidon Neptune is killed, Whitebeard will never give up!"

"At that time, Whitebeard will kill all the participants, and will never show mercy because of her mother's face!" The veins on Kata Kuli's forehead were tight, and there was both anger and anger in his tone: "So obvious Thing, why Cracker just doesn’t understand!"

Garrett said softly into the microphone: "Pudding, don't be afraid, brother Kata Kuri is just too anxious. Think about it, besides Brother Cracker, is there anyone with a phone worm?"

"..." There was only a slight sob on the phone worm, and it took a long time to make a hesitant voice: "I...I remember that Brother Mondor also brought a phone worm, and I secretly removed the phone worm's number. It’s on paper..."

The little girl stumblingly read the phone worm's number in Mundor's hand to Kata Kuri and Garrett in its entirety.

"Good girl, good job." Garrett comforted Pudding gently: "You saved many lives!"

Hearing the comfort of the sister he admired, Pudding's anxiety in disobeying Cracker's order became calm.

After hanging up the phone bug, Garrett nodded to Katakuri, who sighed and called the number with a serious face.


Every second of time passed, the hearts of the onlookers became more and more disturbed.

Could it be that they are looting and slaughtering Dragon Palace, so they have no time to answer the phone? Or were the team captains dispatched by Whitebeard to stay on The fish men island joined forces to suppress it?


Just when everyone was thinking about it, the other end of the phone worm was connected.

"Mundor! Where are you!?" Kata Kuri grabbed the microphone behind the phone worm and shouted.

And the appearance of the phone worm gradually changed, its eyebrows and eyes became handsome and extraordinary, with a smile on the corners of its mouth:

"Two hours earlier than I guessed... really a good brother who loves his younger siblings."

Kata Kuri's face instantly turned pale, and Garrett, who was sitting on the side, also stood up, his face a little pale.

"...Why is it you? Mafia Victor! Where is my brother? What about the Mondor others!?"

Kata Kuri's face seemed to have turned into an evil beast, and the coercion that radiated even made all the chess pieces and soldiers not far away shook their mouths and fainted to the ground!

The phone worm chuckled, his voice not hurriedly or slowly: "Don't be so angry, Mr. Kata Kuri. They are all alive, although Mr. Cracker was a bit miserable by me..."


The fish men island, the port of entry.

Victor, with band-aids on his face, was sitting on a huge rock, beside him was a telephone worm. The telephone worm’s expression was very vicious. He said gently, “Don’t be so evil, Katakuri Sir. They are still alive, although Mr. Cracker was a bit miserable by me..."

Not far away, Cracker had bruises and bloodstains all over his body. He was sitting paralyzed at the bottom of the huge rock with his head hanging down, apparently fainting. The scar on his right cheek is particularly horrible, and it seems that even if healed, it will leave scars. The other members of the BIGMOM pirate group gathered around Cracker, all with a downcast expression.

And [Mrs. Ghost] Amand’s right arm was fractured, and the bloodstains overflowing from the corner of her mouth also showed that her internal organs were seriously injured; [Clerk] Mundor used his long musket as a crutch, and his left leg was oddly shaped [Baron Dandan] It’s okay, it seems to have the upper hand in the previous battle; [Crane Knight] Randolph’s double-headed spear has been broken, and one of his rabbit ears has been drooped; Bo Bin was the worst, and his whole body was chopped up and down. After dozens of knives, he was dying of bleeding at the moment.

Of course, "Coral" is not so much better here. Haoxue's arms were all stab wounds, and his left eye was slashed, but fortunately he did not hurt his eyeballs; Luo's nose was bleeding and his whole body was wounded, and even the Madara dot plush hat was missing; Robin covered his wrists. , There are stab wounds on the shoulder; Jinbei has several gunshot wounds on his body, and there are also large burns; the stab wound on the left shoulder of the dancing red girl is quite serious, and it is severely out of force; Perona is not injured, but is also exhausted; Poseidon and Neptune Prince Shark Shark is full of bruises and stab wounds, but he is full of energy.

Summarize the record.

Hao Xue VS Armand, Hao Xue wins.

Jinbei VS Mondor, Jinbei wins.

Ro VS Randolph, Randolph wins.

PeronaVS Randolph, Perona wins.

RobinVS Bo Bin, Bo Bin wins.

Wu Hongji VS Bo Bin, Wu Hongji wins.

Poseidon Neptune + Prince Shark VS Dan Dan Baron, Dan Dan Baron wins.

In the distance, the medical team from Dragon Palace was rushing towards this side, and with the help of Hao Xue and Luo, the people of'Coral' also temporarily bandaged their injuries and stabilized them. At this moment, they are all quietly waiting for the communication between Victor and the BIGMOM pirate group. The result of the negotiation will determine the fate of these captives.

"...I won't ask why your kid appeared in The fish men island."

On the other end of the phone worm, Kata Kuri's face was very ugly: "I only ask two points. One, what's the situation with my brothers and sisters? Let Armand or Mondor talk to me."

Victor smiled slightly, and leaped down the huge rock with the phone bug, Shi Shiran walked to Mondor, who was holding the spear, and handed the microphone to his mouth.

Mondor took a look at Victor, then cast his head down and said into the microphone, "...I'm sorry, Brother Kata Kuri, we failed."

"Are everyone okay?" Katakuri did not scold him, but asked calmly.

"Brother Cracker, Sister Armand, and Bo Bin have some serious injuries, and all the chess pieces and soldiers have been destroyed." Mondor replied tremblingly. Brother Kata Kuri in this state was extremely terrifying, and he had only seen it once from a distance when he was a child.

"Where's Praline? The child was tied to the boat by you, is she safe!?" Kata Kuri's voice suppressed anger.

"This..." Mondor wanted to pat his chest to make sure that Praline was safe, but they were too busy to take care of themselves in the previous battle, and the "Crimson Jam" carrying Praline was also in the battle between the earthly python and General Wehhe. After being affected and turned into countless pieces, what did he use to ensure the safety of the poor mermaid girl?

"Don't worry about this, Mr. Katakuri." Victor retracted the microphone to his mouth and smiled gently: "I have already'heared' an uneasy and weak voice on the ship, so I asked the Emperor Star. The prince and the sun prince took advantage of the chaos and took the mermaid girl to a safe place. I will never attack innocent women and children."

"..." The phone worm's expression also calmed down a bit: "The second point I want to ask is, did they have the royal family who killed The fish men island? How much did they destroy The fish men island?"

"Although the royal family was injured, it still saved their lives. The fish men island was destroyed and half of the port of entry was destroyed." Victor's expression began to become cold: "But your younger brothers and sisters killed a total of 114 The fish men. A member of the border guard of the island! The methods are very cruel! Mr. Kata Kuri, whether it is a pirate or our gang, all pay attention to [righteousness] and [reason] to break into this sea. Your younger brothers and sisters bring a bunch of thugs Invading The fish men island for no reason also killed many residents of The fish men island and trampled on the [righteousness] character. Now they are defeated by me. No matter how I deal with them, they accounted for the [理] character, right? "

Not far away, Poseidon Neptune and Prince Shark stared at Victor with red eyes. They knew very well that Victor's words meant that Liangzi had been taken to himself. From now on, it was the battle between him and the BIGMOM pirate group, and The fish men island was safe.

"...Yes, this matter is our fault." Kata Kuri exhaled softly: "Fatal chain, let's just say something, how on earth are you willing to spare their lives."

Hearing that the invincible and perfect brother Kata Kuri bowed his head to a small 17-year-old boy because of them, the captured BIGMOM Pirates group bowed their heads in shame.

Victor smiled slightly:

"There is one thing I am very interested in."

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