Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 121: Dessert Three Stars

The deep seabed that was silent in the past is not so peaceful today.

A super-giant Ark almost three times the size of the super-giant Sea Kings is slowly ascending towards the "New World".

Tens of thousands of driftwood skewers ‘Kuigos chips’ pulled the entire Ark towards the sea, and three huge sails also played a role in boosting and correcting direction.

The giant sea fishes and sea beasts of ordinary scale did not dare to approach at all, and those super giant Sea Kings with a high degree of intelligence also kept their distance from the Ark of Passion.

Even the most dangerous huge white seabed Uzumaki [White Dragon] can only be reduced to the "exclusive fast lane" of the Ark of Passion. [White Dragon] is the "Ghost Gate" that pirates are most afraid to encounter when entering the New World. The infinitely continuous strong vortex can shatter any ships that are involved, but not including the Ark of Passion!

The Ark of Enthusiasm, the world's largest pirate ship, rushed into the [White Dragon] with an unrivaled king posture, and rushed upwards for thousands of meters with its momentum. Finally, it easily broke away from its adsorption force and steadily drove towards the New World sea surface that is no longer barrier-free.

The sea area above is getting brighter and brighter! Accompanied by violent waves and loud roars, half of the hull of the Ark of Enthusiasm suddenly rushed out of the sea, and then slapped hard against the waves.

The extremely huge hull shattered the surging raging waves, and the water splashing all over the sky formed a downpour!

[Bubble coating gathering system works normally! 97% progress! 】

[A total of 14,500 strings of "Kuegos Wood Chips" have been recovered! 】

Storms and waves swept across the sea, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, but none of these could shake the Ark of Enthusiasm.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Victor held a black umbrella and smiled and gave orders:

"Target, mysterious island."


Grand Line, ‘paradise’, Kozanya Island.

This is a huge island covered by dense primitive jungle, deep in the jungle there are many strange species that have never been seen outside. Among them, the most peculiar is a kind of giant bird called [Ancient Birds]. Although they are birds, they can’t fly. They are powerful and powerful. They can even jump into the air if they leap with all their strength. 30 meters. Those who have the honor to taste ancient bird meat, without exception, call it "extremely delicious"!

On the northern coast of Kozanya Island is a giant white pirate ship, and on the mast is the flag of the BIGMOM Pirate Group.

Kata Kuri sat on a wooden box on the shore. On the wooden box in front of him was a sleeping phone worm. The phone worm had a line printed on its chest-SMOOTHIE.

Beside him, there are many huge iron cages, which are filled with the sleeping [Ancient Birds].

"Brother, will he really go?" Garrett's melancholy voice came from behind Kata Kuri.

"What kind of man he is, you should already know, Garrett." Kata Kuri didn't look back: "... Give up, Mom won't hire him as a son-in-law anymore. This is what I did before. She already showed her attitude when communicating with her mother."

"The first secret love in my life is about to end so easily. I am always a little...unwilling." Garrett sighed lightly.

"For whatever reason, it is an indisputable fact that he defeated Brother Cracker." Kata Kuri heard the melancholy in his sister's voice, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart: "For some reason, my mother finally agreed to the transaction. But still very angry. Next time I meet him, he will be the enemy. Garrett, you have to put your posture right!"

"I understand, brother...I understand." After speaking, Garrett walked away with the sound of footsteps.

Kata Kuri slowly shook her head, this sister has been very righteous since she was a child, and is even more expressive towards other men. This time she was finally tempted by the man outside, but this love died so early without even saying the words in her heart.

But the content of the transaction that the zipper bastard asked for was really weird. I thought that he brought Nico Robin, the only woman in the world who could interpret historical texts, and would definitely ask to see the rubbings of the road sign history texts in his mother's hands, but he did not expect that he made a request that Fengma did not match.

[That thing] Although it is also very valuable, it is nothing compared to the cracker brother and others and the rubbings of the road sign history article. This is also the key point of why my mother agrees to the transaction.

Was it because he was afraid of his mother's anger after defeating Cracker's brother, that's why he showed weakness? No, the evil chain is not such a man. As long as you have seen this man, you will understand that he is definitely not the kind of cartilage that will make people underestimate. What is he planning?

Dulu! Dulu! Dulu!

When Kata Kuri was in deep thought, the phone worm in front of him suddenly woke up and screamed.

Kata Kuri picked up the microphone, and the phone worm immediately turned into a tired and lazy look with half drooping eyes: "Kata Kuri, I have arrived in the sea of ​​the mysterious island."

"Very good, Smoky." Kata Kuri took the microphone and said in a serious tone: "Don't act rashly after seeing the fierce chain. He is not the kind of opponent that can be defeated in three or two. Complete the transaction first and ensure that Brother Cracker and the others Security."

Grand Line, ‘New World’, the mysterious island waters.

"What's next? Is it left to me?"

On the deck of the giant brig pirate ship, sat an unusually tall young woman from the long-legged tribe. She is very beautiful, wearing a long scarf, full of silver hair draped behind her, tattoos on her slender thighs, wearing pink patterned boots, and a long sword with a spiral scabbard on her back.

Charlotte Smoky, one of the top cadres of the BIGMOM Pirates [Dessert Three Stars], Paramecia has the ability to squeeze fruits.

At this moment, she was holding the phone worm's microphone and asked lazily.

The call worm's eyebrows looked heroic, wrapped in a thick scarf, covering his mouth, but the voice was very clear: "Don't be foolish, Smoky. The fierce chain is not the kind of opponent that is easy to send. The transaction is completed first, and the other I'll talk about it later!"

"It's not like your style, dear brother." Smoky chuckled, his voice slightly hoarse: "Where is your invincible king's spirit? I've heard about it, mother once. I plan to hire this kid as a son-in-law and marry Sister Garrett. Why? Are you still thinking about helping Garrett make good things?"

"You..." Kata Kuri's face was pale, and the veins on his forehead rose. Yes, although the Dessert Three Generals are very united to the outside world, they are not one piece in private. All three of them are of a young age. Even though Kata Kuri is a good brother for his younger siblings, Smoky and Cracker are not convinced by the "head of the three generals." The family members and combatants of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, headed by the three generals, are faintly divided into three factions.

And at the end of this year, Charlotte Snug, who will be promoted to the ‘four-star’, will be the key to breaking this delicate balance.

Perhaps in another 10 years, by the time Luffy and the BIGMOM Pirates are in the comics, the three general stars who have gained enough growth and experience have returned to good, and the gap has been truly eliminated. But now, they are indeed a little uncomfortable.

Smoky wanted to say something more. Suddenly, she looked shocked and stood up slowly: "Hey, Katakuri, the sign of the fierce chain you mentioned is two zippers that form a [V] shape. ?"

"Yes." Kata Kuri raised his eyebrows strangely: "Why, are they here? The ship is not very big, and the bow looks like a statue of a goddess with two wings, so it's easy to recognize."

"Damn...you call this [not very big]??" Smoky said slowly and hardly: "...I agree with you, I will finish the transaction first."

Click! The phone worm was hung up.

And in the distance in front of Smoky, a huge ark covering the sky and sun was slowly approaching here.

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