Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 122 Ammunition

The clouds were scattered by the huge masts that rose above the sky, and the surrounding climate even began to undergo subtle changes.

Originally, the sea area near Mysterious Island was full of the heat characteristics of summer island, but at this time, a refreshing early spring breeze blew abnormally. This is an extremely abnormal phenomenon even in the Grand Line, where the climate is contrary to common sense.

Because the unique sea climate of each island of Grand Line is [fixed].

"Master Smuji, there must be an entire island on this ark."

On the deck of the Juice Queen, a man with a round wavy head walked up to Smoky’s side and said with a trembling voice: “And the island and the Ark are perfectly connected and are forcibly changing the climate of the surrounding sea. Caused [Exception]. Oh, what a powerful and perfect ship..."

Smoky glanced at the fanatic navigator, then turned to look at the huge ark that covered the sky, and a sense of absurdity surged in his heart.

A gangster who debuted only half a year ago, now he actually needs to look up to him...Even in the New World where there are so many monsters, Fierce Chain is the most outstanding category.

Suddenly... I feel a little interested. Smoky subconsciously licked his sexy lips with lavender lipstick.

On the east coast of Myst Island, both the Juice Queen and the Beagle moored quietly on the shore.

Smoky stood alone on the beach with his arms folded, with a small black suitcase at his feet.

And Victor easily put his hands in. Kabuto was standing not far from Smoky. Cracker and others were standing behind him with steel chain fingers and melancholy blues.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." Victor broke the rigid situation with a smile: "Sorry for being a little late, but I hope to forgive me."

"It's okay, I arrived too early." Smoky shrugged, "Do you need me to introduce myself?"

Victor smiled even more: "Charlotte Smoky, one of the top officials of the BIGMOM Pirates who was offered a reward of 800 million Berry at the age of 25, how could I not recognize it?"

"Tsk tsk, this sounds really harsh." Smoky smiled jokingly at the corner of his mouth: "Then you, the 17-year-old World government wooed you to become the monster of [Seven Warlords of the Sea], don’t you want me to Are you trembling with fear? The boring part of complimenting each other should be saved. I brought things and let them go."

"Girls who go straight are more attractive. This is true." Victor snapped his fingers, and the chain-bladed collar on Cracker and others' necks cracked: "Sorry, Mr. Cracker woke up a bit badly, so I had to Take some measures."

Cracker, with a thick bandage on his right cheek, looked at Victor coldly, and said coldly: "...a fierce chain, I will repay this hatred!"

Victor sighed boredly: "The invaders are not as skilled as people and are caught back, so don't put gold on your face. Wouldn't it be great to survive? Why do you have to provoke me at the last minute?"

The arms of the steel chain fingers next to Cracker were quietly dyed with the dark Armament Haki. As long as Cracker dared to say more nonsense, his fist immediately greeted him!

Cracker glanced guiltily at the steel chain fingers, closed his mouth angrily and stopped talking. Following Amand and others, he staggered to Smoky's side.

"It's really a long face for mom, Cracker." Smoky sneered and patted the dejected Cracker on the shoulder. "When I go back, Mom has a lot to tell you."

Then she turned her head to look at Victor, and gently kicked the black suitcase at her feet in Victor's direction.

The steel chain fingers grabbed the box and opened the lid, which contained two volumes of drawings and a small box. The right hand of the steel chain fingers stroked the surface of the box, and the outer shell of the box gradually melted into a zipper, exposing the contents hidden inside.

A gorgeous silver revolver and a row of ordinary bullets.

"Thirty-six caliber, detonator style, [Colt Walker]." Smoky said with his arms folded, "Here are the samples and design drawings you want. Check it out. You are not mistaken."

The steel chain fingers picked up the silver revolver and began to focus on testing. And the melancholic blues of the purple doll shape emerged from Victor's side, and the paper was opened for Victor's closer inspection.

"...The gun is okay, and the drawings are okay." After a long time, Victor looked up: "[Sugar-coated] Bullets?"

"Cut... I asked the weapon designer, there is no such thing at all." Smoky sneered, "Is your informant in IWC drunk too much? Just give you a name and receive the reward. [Sugar Coated] Bullet...This name sounds stupid enough!"

"Really? It seems that he made a mistake." Victor smiled disapprovingly, put the drawing and the pistol into the zippered space in the palm of his hand, and then smiled gently at Smoky: "Then, S. Ms. Mu Ji, there will be a period later."

With that, Victor was about to turn around and leave.

"Hey, Fierce Chain, wait a minute!" Smoky stopped Victor. After the latter turned his head to look at him, Smoky said, "I have a question, I hope you can answer it."

"Just ask, beautiful lady." Victor politely reached out and signaled that Smoky could ask questions.

"You are holding the lives of Cracker and the others in your hand. I don't need me to explain to you how good this is." Smoky hugged his arms and asked suspiciously: "Why would you just ask for an exchange? Colt Walker] How about the samples and drawings? Obviously I can ask for better conditions, but I chose this fancy pistol with extraordinary power. I really don’t understand what you think..."

"Heh... men are children no matter how old they are." Victor said with a smile: "Isn't it common for children to want a toy occasionally? Then, goodbye."

After speaking, Victor turned and walked towards the Beagle with two chain doubles.

"...Little slippery head." Smoky licked his lavender lips and smiled softly.


The Ark of Passion, the bow area.

"Get it?" Haoxue asked as he watched Victor returning to the Ark of Passion.

A silver revolver appeared out of nowhere in Victor's palm, and he smiled and said, "Sample and design drawings are available. Robin, tell Franky and Jig to come here. I have something to entrust to them."

Robin sitting on the sun lounger closed his book and nodded with a smile: "Well, I'm going now."

Watching Robin, who was twisting his waist, drifted away, Victor looked back at Hao Xue in confusion, "... Robin seems to be in a particularly good mood these days?"

"Just tease but don't accept, we The fish men island calls you people like [Slag Man]." Hao Xue said angrily: "If you don't mean to associate, don't tease these girls too much. Their hearts are all entrusted to them. On you, and your kid is like a okay person..."

Victor shrugged: "Why do you have to talk about girlfriends until after 20? I don't have this idea now."

Haoxue sighed: "Well, let's not mention this. Now you can tell us? Why do you have to be obsessed with exchanging this [Colt Walker] revolver? It is very powerful?"

"It's definitely not enough to say that it's particularly strong. It's a medium-to-high level of lethality." Victor threw the silver pistol in his hand: "But it's just a [figure]. In the future, the bounty hunter guild wants to truly develop, it is inevitable. Indispensable [parts], and it lacks a vital thing."

"What?" Hao Xue asked suspiciously.

A bullet made of a metal zipper emerged in Victor's hand:

"Only we can produce [ammunition]."

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