Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 131 The most important thing

Dressrosa, the high ground of kings.

The palace of Dressrosa has been passed down from the time of the Don Quixote family 900 years ago. Although the luxurious appliances and exaggerated decorations in the castle have long been removed, its majestic and atmospheric structure still makes everyone who is lucky enough to enter it. add. Corridors, bedrooms, and even windows, every place reveals the grandeur.

Today, those spacious corridors with a height of 8 meters ushered in their end.

boom--! !

The violent explosion directly shattered the side of the corridor of the east tower of the castle. Two figures rushed out one after the other, carrying out an ‘air battle’ over King’s Heights at super high speed!

"Princess Mononoke" Perona VS "Snow Girl" Monet!

Perona was surrounded by a circle of "repulsive ghosts" in a spherical state, and Monet used the ability of Logia Snow-snow Fruit to become a "human face snowbird" with a wingspan of four meters. The figures of the two are extremely fast, and two trailing afterimages crossed the night sky!

"You can't run away... Thousand-years of snow·pecking temple bird!"

In the high altitude, Monet, transformed into a giant human-faced bird, tried her best to lock Perona in front of her. Even if she died of exhaustion, she would take down this ghost girl here! The ice and snow feathers on her wings became as sharp as blades, and then she violently crossed her wings towards Perona, who was flying in front of her! A large number of blades and snow feathers swept towards Perona!

"Block them! Repulsion Ghost WeatherReport!!"

During the high-speed flight, Perona waved her hand without looking back, and the circle of 9 ball-shaped ‘repulsive ghosts’ beside her instantly dispersed, three meters behind Perona.

Ding ding ding ding! ! Accompanied by a series of crisp sounds, their flying repulsive ghosts smashed all the ice and snow feathers that hit! A closer look reveals that the surface of these repulsive ghosts are covered with a thin force field layer, which makes them invincible!

No way, Perona suffered a dark loss when she was attacked by the Snow Girl Monet just now. The ultra-low temperature of Snow-snow Fruit actually doubles the effect on the ghost body! Facing the blizzard that swept the entire corridor, Perona had to use a mini-ghost to blast the outer wall of the castle and fly to the open high altitude area to deal with Monet.

Fortunately, the ‘Repulsion Ghost’ is a killer tool developed by Perona on Victor’s suggestion. According to Victor's words, sooner or later she will encounter enemies that ordinary ghosts cannot contend, and by then she will need an [Indestructible Guard] to protect herself. This is where the'Repulsion Ghost' came into being. There are a total of 9 spherical ghost bodies, covered with a unique "ghost repulsion field". The 9 ghost bodies as a whole can resist all projectiles flying towards them, if necessary. It will also become an enemy weapon in mid-range combat.

Both sides in the war held a belief--

【You must get rid of her here! ! 】

The Snow Girl Monet summoned her body's strength, and the huge human-faced bird form abruptly expanded again. She flapped her wings abruptly and instantly narrowed her distance with Perona.

"Taipingxue Muscle Blade!"

Every feather on the wing turned into a sharp round fan-shaped snow knife, which slammed across Perona's back! The 9 repulsive ghosts instantly formed a repulsive shield to block behind Perona, and the snow knives on Monet's two wings were violently shaken away! Accompanied by the snow feather fragments flying around, there is blood!

Monet couldn't help but let out a scream, but her claws transformed from ice and snow each held a huge ice chisel tightly. Before the ghost of repulsion could be dismantled again, she raised the ice chisel and prepared to be vicious. Poke into Perona's back.

But she stopped, weakly loosened the claws holding the huge ice chisel, and let the two ice chisels fall toward the ground.

It was not that Monet was softened, she was a woman who could become extremely hard-hearted for her young master. She stopped because she saw a man in a black cloak standing above Perona.

The trend is over.

In the corridor, Sugar was waiting anxiously for Monet's return. Suddenly, there was a puff! Sugar found that Monet had fallen through the broken hole in the corridor and hit the floor hard.

"Sister!!" Grana rushed to Monet and found that not only her shoulder injuries were more serious, but her hands were also extremely injured. At this moment, Monet's expression fully explained what is meant by ‘sorrow is greater than death’.

"Sister? Are you...?" Granulated Sugar asked again, but she suddenly roused her spirit, and then slowly retreated tremblingly.

A blond young man in a black velvet cloak slowly descended from the broken hole in the corridor to the floor, and Perona followed him closely.

It's Mafia Victor, the ‘bad chain’! !

This guy avoided the young master and went to the back to harvest the lives of the Donquixote Family cadres?

"Do you want to kill us? Young Master... Young Master will not let you go! Fierce Chain!" Granulated Sugar yelled out courageously, but Jiao Didi's young girl's voice was not threatening at all.

Suddenly, Grana Suddenly opened her eyes wide, and slumped on the floor with a trembling, because she saw the corpse carried by the blue puppet behind Fierce Chain. The pink feather coat was so familiar...no, no Will do!

Victor put his hands in Kabuto standing in the middle of the corridor, looking around: "I have to say that the aesthetic taste of the Liku family is worrying...but it is much better than the Don Quixote family."

After that, he looked at Granulated Sugar and said gently, "Little sister, you are Granulated Sugar? The most important cadre of the Donquixote Family?"

"The most important cadre? This shriveled little girl?" Perona curled her lips. "I think this snow girl is better than the explosive guy next to her. Speaking of, brother! Why did you only send me to deal with so many masters? Ah, people are so scared~~"

Perona took the opportunity to hug Victor's arm and started acting like a baby. The latter patted her little pink head amusedly: "Normally, I don't make this kind of mistake. There is only one explanation. It was the little sugar sugar sister who did the tricks. ."

"She?" Perona looked at the pale sugar in front of her eyes and tilted her head in doubt.

Victor stared at the sugar and whispered: "She ate [Childlike Fruit]. This Devil Fruit is extremely powerful even among the weird Paramecia fruits. Childlike fruits are very picky about'eaters'. , And after eating it, the eater will stop growing forever."

"Wow! The price is too high, right? What's her ability?" Perona looked down at Yi Ma Pingchuan and shivered.

"The childlike fruit has only one ability-to turn all the living entities you touch into toys. As long as she is touched by her hand, everything about the touched creature will completely disappear from the world. No one will remember that being changed. Those who become toys will delete all related memories. This is one of the strongest Devil Fruits that involves the'law of causality'!"

The smile on Victor's face gradually disappeared: "I didn't actually remind you about the abilities of'Childlike Fruits'. This is completely inconsistent with my personality. Tell me about the sugar girl, how did you do it?"

Shasu was about to reach out to touch his arm, trembling, and suddenly let out a cry of pain! Her hands were completely covered by the zipper wraps pouring out of the ground, accurate to every finger! For a while, Sugar's hands seemed to be wearing heavy metal gloves.

"Tsk tusk... what a bad boy." Victor shook his fingers and smiled: "Let me guess. When preparing to start planning Dressrosa, Mr. Doflamingo told you in secret, asking you to You become a toy yourself, thus deleting all the memories of you in the world, right?"

Every time Victor said something, Sugar's face paled.

"Although Mr. Doflamingo no longer remembers you after you became a toy, the notes and handwritings he personally wrote will not lie. He immediately understood what he had done before reading the notes. So Doflamingo asked the cadres to bring the toys you turned into to the Palace of Dressrosa, and then you transformed yourself back into a human form, and all the memories of you returned with it."

Victor patted his hands lightly: "Really excellent pre-war preparation. I have to say, I have followed your way. Now, the last question."

A gorgeous silver revolver appeared quietly in Victor's hand:

"Where did you hide my companion?"

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