Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 132 Back-up Plan

"You, your partner?... I don't know..."

Sugar is still thinking about getting through it. Few people understand the key to their own childlike fruit ability, and the other party is definitely reluctant to kill a big killer like himself.

"Oh? Really? Then forget it."

Victor raised his pistol and aimed at Sugar's forehead: "If you kill you, you will be able to disarm, right? Although I'm sorry, Mr. Doflamingo, but it is really more important than a promise or something like a partner. "

"Hey? Wait, wait a minute..." Sugar was a little panicked, and the other person's expression didn't seem to be joking. What's up? As long as you use your abilities well, you will be the most terrifying [Warden] in the world, and all people who have been turned into toys will become irresistible [prisoners]. This guy is also ambitious, right? Are you really willing to kill yourself? ?

"I am willing to say! I am willing to say, please wait—"

boom--! !

With a gunshot, the sugar that hadn't finished speaking fell to the ground.

She fainted with foam at her mouth, and there was a smoking bullet hole on the floor beside her. After all, she was just a 12-year-old girl, no matter how strong she was, she couldn't help being so scared.

With sugar's fainting, all the people and animals she turned into toys began to recover. [Children's Fruit]'s biggest weakness-when the ability person faints or dies after being greatly stimulated, all the effects of her abilities are nullified.

"...That's it, I really underestimated Doflamingo and you, sugar kid, you almost succeeded."

Victor, who had retrieved his memory, raised his eyebrows, and Haoxue was not the only one who was turned into a toy. It seems that Doflamingo is indeed an incredible figure and has deployed multiple plans for this ‘Stealing the Country’. Even if you know the plot, you are in danger of being defeated by the generals. If your actions are slower or Perona does not become a ghost in advance and immune to physical contact, it is really possible to be overturned by the Donquixote Family!

Victor closed his eyes in silence and began to search the whole island of Dressrosa with his Observation Haki.


After the defeat of Doflamingo, Dressrosa's chaos was suppressed. The fires all over the country were gradually extinguished. King Liku tried his best to explain the cause of the incident on the national screen projected by the videophone worm and asked the residents around him to testify. The soldiers who had restored their freedom joined the ranks of rescuing the wounded. Everything is changing for the better.

But all this has nothing to do with the teddy bear doll.

Under the pale moonlight, the little teddy bear doll staggered along the forest path. No one remembers, no one cares, his own existence is completely obliterated, and Haoxue feels extremely lonely at this moment. But he didn't worry too much, because he firmly believed that Victor's intelligence would surely discover the tricks of that stinky girl and successfully recover himself.

Um? The teddy bear suddenly raised his head, and then rushed into the grass on the side of the road. Because it heard rapid footsteps from far and near. This kind of sound... He is close to 5 meters tall, armed with weapons, and a master!

In the distance, a tall figure is holding two toys and running fast along the forest side path. This man is wearing a cross helmet and has an exaggerated inverted triangle shape with a huge long sword behind him. It is one of the highest cadres of the Donquixote Family, Pikka ‘Spades’!

Pika asked to the toy in her arms as she ran, "You say it again, what's your name?"

He held two toys in his arms, a plush doll in the shape of a white rabbit and a clockwork tin gorilla. At this time, the little white rabbit doll said, "Master Pikka, I am Buffalo! Buffalo ‘Buffalo’! I ate the fruit and belonged to your spades army!"

"...I have no impression at all." Pika was silent for a while while running, and then tilted his head.

"It's the sugar's'childlike fruit' ability that turned me into a toy!" The little white rabbit said loudly, "The officers were attacked by the'coral' officers. Many people died, so Sugar asked me to bring this guy. Find the three highest cadres and say that you must take it away! And she also said that this is the order of the young master."

"This guy? Who is it?"

"Sugar said it is the princess of the Liku royal family, and it is called Wei." The little white rabbit doll scratched his head: "Sugar wrote a note to remind himself before turning this guy into a toy, so I know this toy. Identity, but she said that this guy’s name is too difficult to write, so she replaced it with [Vai Shi]. Sugar said that the young master told her before leaving that once things change, turn this Wei Shi princess into a toy belt Dressrosa can come in handy."

"It's not Vio! It's Violet!" The clockwork tin gorilla, who had been struggling, was furious.

Pika frowned and thought about it: "Didn’t King Liku only have a daughter named Scarlet? And he declared to the public many years ago that he died of illness and lived in seclusion. Trepol and Diamanti have already gone to arrest her. At this time, they should have returned to the ship with Her Royal Highness."

"What? Sister!?" The clockwork gorilla exclaimed. Why would they know the secret of Sister?

The little white rabbit doll asked puzzledly: "Where is the young master? Has the young master controlled King Liku?"

"Doverta... is dead." Pikka's eyes were filled with anger and sadness: "It was killed by the fierce chain! The damn fierce chain, since you want to protect this country, then we will take the heir to the throne of Dressrosa and Brainwash them! Once your ambition is exposed and you want to be king in Dressrosa, we will be able to master the status and righteousness, and let the princesses act as puppets to fight for us! We... won't make you feel better! Fierce chain!!!"

"What? Young Master..." Before the little white rabbit doll had time to express its sadness, suddenly its figure began to change, and so did the clockwork tin gorilla.

In just a few seconds, the cute little white rabbit plush doll turned into a sturdy giant with a height of 6 meters, and the clockwork tin gorilla turned into a graceful black-haired beauty.

"It's you, Buffalo! I remember." Pika patted Buffalo's arm, then turned to look at the panicked Princess Violet, with a wicked smile on her mouth: "Then... Your Royal Highness, let's go. I am. Assure you, we will be fine! Good! Taking care of you and your sister...what's wrong with you, Buffalo?"

He noticed that Buffalo slumped on the ground, his expression was terrified, his forehead was trembling with sweat, and his mouth was trembling, and his words were incomplete:

"Yes, yes, yes, it's him...that...kill...cadres...everyone...devil! Devil!! He is a demon!!"

Buffalo, a huge man with a height of 6 meters, screamed like a frightened little girl at the moment. He wanted to crawl backwards with his hands and feet, but his violent fear made his hands and feet soft, and he just scratched his hands and feet on the spot.

Pika followed Buffalo's gaze and turned and looked back, and at the same time drew the long sword behind him.

Under the pale moonlight, at the other end of the forest path, a teddy bear doll was twisting his body, gradually turning into a burly man.

The strong man couldn’t see his face clearly because his back was facing the moonlight, but the place where his eyes were was two scarlet fierce lights, which made people uneasy, and the husky voice full of anger was like an evil beast. Fear: "...So, you are the accomplices of that stinky girl, right?"


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