Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 133: You Are Free

Dressrosa, King's Heights, King Hall.

In this vast hall, the ministers and guards looked at the blond man sitting quietly on the chair in awe.

‘The Furious Chain’ Mafia Victor is really a [hero] who turned the tide!

By this time, they almost understood the truth of the matter. If there were no "Coral" people appeared today, I am afraid that this country has now fallen into the hands of Don Quixote and his team.

Cang Dang!

The door of the Wang Conference Hall was pushed open all of a sudden, Haoxue, who had Bloodline on his clothes, brought Princess Violet in. The latter looked pale, and seemed to have just thrown up.

"Old man~~~" Perona flew over, tearfully grabbing Haoxue's sleeve: "Sorry! I forgot you unexpectedly. Didn't you get hurt?"

Haoxue, who had a hostile face, suddenly laughed, touched Perona's little pink head, and comforted: "Don't worry, young lady, there is no reason why the old man will be injured against that kind of stuff. That's the stinky girl. The ability is too foul, that's what she said."

With that, he looked at Victor and nodded: "Fortunately you are here, Victor."

Victor stood up, smiled and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Hao Xue."

Princess Violet trot to Victor, lightly lifted her skirt and slightly bent her knees to make a lady's gift, and then asked anxiously: "You are Victor-sama? Excuse me, how is my father and king now?"

Victor gave a gentle smile and soothed: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty. Your Majesty King Liku is safe, and he will soon reach the King's Heights."

Princess Violet couldn't help it anymore after listening. She rushed up and hugged Victor, her tears puffed down, and she murmured: "Great... Great...Thank you..."

Perona puffed up her cheeks with anger, and Haoxue patted her shoulder comfortingly.

At this time, a string of dense footsteps came. Wu Hongji brought Princess Scarlet, the sword fighter Cyrus, and their daughter Rebecca to the King's Chamber.

"Victor, the two cadres have all been dealt with." Wu Hongji smiled and nodded: "Mr. Cyrus was injured, but Princess Scarlet and Miss Rebecca are okay."

"Your Royal Highness!? You, haven't you passed away due to illness?" Many ministers and guards present were dumbfounded. Six years ago, Princess Scarlett, who was beloved by the people, passed away due to an illness, and the whole country mourned for her. Did she not die but stayed in seclusion all the time?

And Captain Cyrus! He was originally the most powerful sword fighter in the history of the arena, and later became the commander of the Kingdom Army, and he has always defended the safety of the people. After the death of Princess Scarlett, he also resigned from the post of army commander in the same year and disappeared. Turns out... It turns out that Captain Cyrus and Princess Scarlett turned out to be...

"Sister!!" Violet hugged Scarlett and cried loudly: "Woo...I'm so scared...Sister..."

Not to mention the crying sisters, Cyrus walked up to Victor, bowed solemnly, and said solemnly: "Mr. Victor, we will not repay your kindness! Please allow me to join Coral. , Fight for you!"

Cyrus was very clear about the principle of ‘equal exchange’. Even if this [hero] is not a country seeker like Doflamingo, but the other side does not hesitate to fight Doflamingo, who is also [Seven Warlords of the Sea], to protect the country. Dressrosa must show an attitude. Repay the kind talents!

How poor Dressrosa is, Cyrus knows very clearly with the king over the years. "Coral" is a new force, and they must urgently need powerful cadres to join. It is up to you to join ‘Coral’ to work for it to repay this kindness step by step. It can be regarded as repaying His Majesty the King for his great kindness.

Victor did not speak, but squatted down and looked up at Rebecca, who was holding Cyrus' thigh nervously, and said gently, "Your name is Rebecca? Do you like your father?"

Perhaps it was Victor's warm smile that dispelled Rebecca's defenses. The latter nodded and said timidly, "Well... I like Mom and Dad the most!"

Victor smiled and stroked Rebecca's hair, then stood up and said relaxedly: "Mr. Cyrus, isn't there anyone here who needs your protection more?"

Cyrus' eyes were reddish, and he bowed sharply again, and said loudly, "Your great kindness, remember it in my heart!!"

What a [gas]! Have you ever doubted such a man before...

After calming Cyrus, Victor turned his head to look at Wu Hongji: "Thanks for your hard work, Xiao Wu. By the way, where's Luo others?"

Wu Hongji sighed softly: "Luo... went to see [that person]."



Luo stood in front of the corpse covered in pink feather coat, silent for a long time.

"Luo! You actually colluded with the fierce chain!!" The weapon girl Baby5, who was firmly tied to the side by the seastone chain, cried loudly: "Do you know the young master died in the hand of the fierce chain!!"

"I know... I certainly know." Luo's eyes were full of gloomy coldness: "For three years, I will hear Mr. Cora's last voice every day after falling asleep. Mr. Cora is like my other father. I respect and love him, and regard him as my idol and role model! I have respect for Doflamingo too! But what?"

Luo's lips were bitten out of blood by himself: "Mr. Cora was shot by his brother Doflamingo himself! Right in front of my eyes!! I have lost my father again! The head of revenge for three years Tarsus gangrene is entangled in my heart, growing stronger!"

"Until I met the master." Luo looked at Baby5, and warmth appeared in his eyes: "If there were no master, I would not have imagined what the thought of revenge in my life would be like. Baby5, think about it. Why did you join the Donquixote Family? Do they really treat you as a [person]? My life has been freed from the entanglement of [revenge], and you should stop being formed because of the misfortune of your childhood "Being deceived by the required character"!!!"

A few tears slipped from the corner of Baby5's eyes. She is not a fool, how could she not know that everyone in the Donquixote Family regards her as a fun toy and useful tool?

"But..." Baby5 trembled: "Only in the Donquixote Family, I am the one who is needed... My life has long belonged to..."

"I need you! Baby5!!!" Luo stretched out his hand to Baby5 and shouted loudly: "Come by my side! The chain that Doflamingo has tied to you has been cut off by the master!!!"

"You are already free——!!!"

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