South Blue, on the coast of France, the port town "Rosttrem".

This is a very famous tourist town and the base of the 94th Marine Base.

It used to be thriving and lively, but now it is a horrible horror on earth.

Fierce flames, thick smoke, and corpses everywhere, this town has been completely finished.

"Shoot! Shoot! Can't let him get closer!"

On the coast where the smoke is billowing, the Marine Soldiers with remnants on the barrels of the 94 Marine Base’s officers calibrated and fired at a behemoth shrouded in smoke.

Intensive gunfire sounded continuously, but there was no way to shake the huge figure.

The ground trembled, and accompanied by the dull sound of huge footsteps, the huge figure washed away the smoke, revealing his true face.

This is a huge lizard that walks upright. The thick hind legs wrapped in a tattered coarse cloth are in sharp contrast with the relatively small forelegs. Its face still retains the rough shape of a lizard, but the back of the head runs along the back to the thick tail. It has a sharp fan-shaped dorsal fin, and is covered with a deep red thick sheet-like epidermis. The teeth in the mouth are sharp and jagged.

At this moment, this behemoth that was 15 meters tall was looking down at the terrified Marine soldiers, with a disdainful look of mockery in the golden circular pupils.

"Damn monster! Is the gun no use for him..." Colonel Cask gritted his teeth and shouted, "The gun team keep shooting! The others are looking for the cannon! Kill him with the cannon!"

The bullet hit the thick leather-like skin of the monster, only to make a dull sound, and then the bullet fell weakly without causing any harm to the monster.

At this moment, a team of security officers in the town of Rostham rode horses and wielded swords, rushing towards the back of the monster!

"Monster! We have no grievances and no grudges, why are we destroying this town!!" The security officer headed by tears yelled: "Everyone is dead...We are going to kill you! Everyone, charge!!"

The cavalry squad consisting of a total of forty-two people, with the determination to feel like home, launched the horn of charge toward this behemoth!

"Stupid! Don't die in vain! Come back..." Colonel Cask's anxious roar stopped, and his raised hand froze weakly.

Just a simple tail sweep, forty-two people and their horses were all hit by this heavy tail sweep! Broken limbs, blood, internal organs! The stumps of people and horses filled the sky for a while!

"'s a boring farce." Unexpectedly, the huge upright lizard spoke, with mockery in his voice: "Hurry up and end it, I'm a little sleepy."

"'Gulardo'..." Colonel Cask drew out the sword at his waist, and said with a serious face to the surrounding marines: "Gentlemen, I am extremely honored to be able to work with you."

The remaining marines also abandoned their fears and drew out their weapons.

"...The courage is commendable. Then, let's give you a glorious death!" The dorsal fin behind the huge red lizard called'Gurado' began to glow with crimson light, and he opened his huge mouth, and terror was brewing in it. The heat flow and the intense light!

Then, jet! !

"Atomic Breath——!!!"

The terrifying flames turned into violent light, completely destroying the Marine soldiers charging towards Gurado, as well as the entire coastline dock! After the terrifying breath destroyed the entire pier, the remaining force swept across the sea, evaporating all the surface water wherever it went!

So far, there are no survivors in the port town of ‘Rosttrem’, and this historic tourist town has completely turned into history.

The color of Gulardo's dorsal fin changed from red to dark, and then the huge body that was 15 meters high began to shrink slowly, and finally turned into a black-haired man.

This person is about three meters tall, naked, with dark red tattoos on his chest, and his lower body is wearing tattered coarse cloth pants and barefoot. He has black hair like steel needles, and has a short beard on his chin and no eyebrows. , The golden pupils are extremely fierce.

He twisted his neck, made a kaka sound, and lazily muttered to himself: "This is the third Marine branch...I haven't issued my reward order yet, it seems that the name is not loud enough... …"

"After the destruction of South Blue, it will be the Grand Line's turn! The goal is tentatively set to... kill a Seven Warlords of the Sea! Hahahaha!!"


New World, the fifth branch of MarineGL.

"Colonel Wilgo, Vice Admiral Vice Admiral calls you to the training ground."

A seaman found Colonel Vergo who was enjoying a hamburger in the cafeteria, and said respectfully.

Colonel Vergo is a Naval Headquarters officer who was transferred to the G-5 branch four years ago. He is extremely skilled and has a kind personality. Although he is unsmiling, he always secretly takes care of the people and colleagues. Everyone respects him.

"Oh, I know, thank you." Colonel Vergo, who was wearing the lid and sunglasses, wiped his mouth and thanked the marines.

The marine hesitated, but he reminded him: "Mr. Vergo, your left cheek is still covered with hamburger meat."

"Ah! What a rude!" Vergo hurriedly took out his handkerchief and wiped his face. This is also his old problem. As long as he eats a hamburger set meal, he will always stick food residues on his face, including but not limited to hamburger minced meat, French fries, ketchup, cola cups and so on.

On the training ground, Marine soldiers lined up in several columns are practicing with weapons, and Vice Admiral, with a large back, is standing outside the field with his hands on his back and supervising the soldiers' practice.

He was the interim chief who came to the G-5 branch as a transition for nearly a month. If nothing else, there will be a large-scale military rank transfer after a while. Vergo has been designated as Commodore and will take over the G-5 branch.

"Vice Admiral, Yundun, are you looking for me?"

Wilgo walked not far behind Vice Admiral of Yundun, stood at attention and gave a very standard military salute.

"Ah, it's Virgo." Yun Dun Vice Admiral turned his head, his eyes were rather complicated: "I have an urgent message here, you can read it."

With that said, he handed over a folded information sheet.

Wilgo took the information sheet in a puzzled way and opened it, and his expression suddenly froze.

I saw only two simple lines written on the information sheet [Doflamingo is defeated, and Vergo of G-5 is a ghost. 】

"This..." Wilgo looked up at Vice Admiral in disbelief, but what caught his eye was a huge fist covering Armament Haki!


Vergo didn't have time to think, his arms were covered with Armament Haki in an instant to block the blow, then he leaped two steps back and shouted: "Vice Admiral! What are you doing!? This is false news! Someone wants to frame me!"

Winton Vice Admiral tore off the white cloak behind his back, revealing a burly body holding a striped suit tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Although you haven't been together for a long time, I always feel that you are a strong and honest and trustworthy marine soldier. Investigate the list. I also wrote your name early in the recommendation column on the page... I didn’t expect Heavenly Yaksha to reach so far..."

Vergo was still waiting to explain. He suddenly discovered that the Marine soldiers who were practicing nearby had stopped their movements and aimed their guns at him all together.

This is a trap.

"In order to cover your identity, he even confuses two Commodores and four colonels!" Yundun Vice Admiral's face became more and more gloomy: "If it weren't for the [reliable information], I am afraid that Marine has still been concealed by you. Are you here? You really do, Donquixote Family!"

"[Reliable information]? Who is it?" Vergo is also quite bachelor, and should not disdain to pretend to be disdainful. He took out an ordinary bamboo and held it in his hand, and asked coldly: "Who revealed such extremely dense information and forged Dover's death information?"

"Forgery? Hehehehe..." Yundun Vice Admiral was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed in a low voice: "Poor fellow. That's right, the news has been blocked, how can you know the follow-up information? Doflamingo Dead, you were killed by a fierce chain. Without your master, you are just a stray dog ​​now..."

"Dover... is dead?" Vergo was covered in black and purple Armament Haki, and the bamboo in his hand seemed to be covered with ink: "You lied! Dover is a natural king, how could he be a West? Killed by the Blue gangster!"

Winton Vice Admiral gestured backwards, then rolled up his sleeves: "Oh? That's the'Ghost Bamboo' you are proud of? Then I will let you see the strength gap between Vice Admiral and the Colonel. How old, kid!!"

On this day, an extremely serious internal fight occurred in G-5, but it was covered up by Marine.

Donquixote Family, completely destroyed.

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