New World, Noram Island.

"Victor, Violet said that a ship with the World government logo entered the sea near Nolam Island, and it appears to be heading towards us."

When Robin reported to Victor, the latter was browsing the precious collection of Donquixote Family. Should I say that I am the biggest broker in the underground world? The Donquixote Family's secret treasure not only contains rare treasures such as Devil Fruit, famous swords and swords, but also countless rare books and secret information.

The book Victor is reading at this time is the rare novel "An Island in the Sky" that is not available on the market at all. It tells about the love and hatred between the sons and daughters of two opposing rulers on Sky Island.

"Don't worry, I told them to meet here." Victor closed his book and left the soft sofa: "Go, go and see."

On the coast of Nolam Island, a huge World government special ship slowly docked, and three people in white clothes in white cloaks walked off the sampan.

All three of them wore masks, and the head of the man wore a white top hat. When he saw Victor standing on the shore, he strode over, took off his hat and stroked his chest and bowed slightly: "Mr. Victor, I Brings greetings from Five Elders."

CipherPol-AIGIS0, abbreviated as [CP0], is the highest secret CIPHER-POL directly under World government, which is the upper layer of CP1 to CP9. In fact, they do not obey the orders of the World government, but directly belong to the officials of the Celestial Dragons. The vast majority of CP0 are top experts selected from various CP spy agencies. Among them, there are even the world's top powerhouses comparable to Marine Admiral and known as the "Celestial Dragons Strongest Shield".

Generally speaking, even if they face Seven Warlords of the Sea, they will not put themselves in a low position, but this one is different. Everyone in CP0 knows that the "Crime Chain" is the celebrity in front of Five Elders. Some CP0s even suspect that he is an illegitimate child of Five Elders living outside. Otherwise, how could Five Elders, who have always been cold-faced and ruthless, meet the Crimson Chain? It is kind, and meets all the requirements of the other party.

Regardless of the other party's identity, there is always nothing wrong with lowering it on your own side.

"CP0? The old men really value me enough." Victor smiled and nodded and snapped his fingers. A zipper appeared near the feet of the three CP0s, and a coffin floated out of it after opening.

"This is Doflamingo's body, please have a look."

The leading white hat nodded to the two people next to them, and the two of them stepped forward to open the lid of the coffin, and then took out a small black box from their arms to start the inspection.

There is no indescribable scene as imagined, because Doflamingo's corpse was fully processed by the zombie generals' technology obtained from Dr. Hobackak, so even after three days, the corpse still did not rot.

After a while, the two straightened up to cover the coffin, and nodded in their white top hats: "Yes, it's Don Quixote Doflamingo."

The headed CP0 immediately laughed and pulled out a folded list from his arms: "Mr. Victor, this is the list of supplies that Five Elders asked us to bring. Please go through it."

Victor took the list from CP0 with both hands and looked at it carefully. There is no problem with money or anything. The valuable materials used for the second-stage renovation project of the Ark of Passion have also been shipped in full, and a large number of seastones processed into the specifications required by Victor are among them. Five Elders even generously added extras. Two Devil Fruits were presented.

But these things are not as important as the two things at the bottom.

[Technology to use seastone to transform ships to cross the Calm Belt] and [Technology to'feed' Devil Fruit to non-living bodies].

Two of the latest technologies developed by [Vegapunk], which claims to have surpassed the world's 500-year-old technology level, were all given to Victor by Five Elders.

Victor handed the list to Robin, who was standing by, and the latter immediately took people to count the goods.

"Say hello to Five Elders for me." Victor looked at CP0 and said with a smile: "I will not contact Five Elders via phone worm anymore. I hope to inform."

"Understand, it must be conveyed." CP0 was very clever and didn't ask why, but just nodded in response.

The next step is the delivery of goods. Robin is watching, but Victor doesn't bother at all.

Looking at the special World government ship that was going away, Robin turned to look at Victor: "Everything is counted, no problem. But is this really good, Victor?"

"Don't worry, now that I have made a plan, I must be confident enough."

Victor smiled and said: "Notify everyone, put everything on the Ark of Passion. Let's set off!"

"Return to ‘Paradise’ and cross the Calm Belt. Our first stop is East Blue!"


Holy land Mariejois, among powers.

"...We know, take care not to spread the news, and bring back Doflamingo's body."


After hanging up the phone worm, the long-haired and long-bearded old man said to the other Five Elders: "The things have been delivered, and Victor is about to start [the project]."

"Such a useful chess piece, I have to feed him enough in the early stage." The blond short-bearded old man laughed softly: "Since he has a way to identify Devil Fruit, he must be able to notice our sincerity."

"Given such a precious Devil Fruit, there must be a harvest." The bald-headed old man with the knife said: "But Doflamingo, the rebellious kid, finally died. The Fierce Chain is indeed a useful knife."

"It's a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can clear all obstacles. If you don't use it well..." The map head old man shook his head: "Maybe it will hurt us."

The long-haired and long-bearded old man stroked his beard and said, "Since he has plans to go on a [Four Seas Cruise], it just so happens that the troublesome rookie pirate South Blue will be handed over to him."

The braided old man frowned: "If his first stop is West Blue or North Blue, South Blue can't wait for him to arrive and will be destroyed. Let's send General Marine to deal with it."

"Prepare with both hands. Now Marine is changing officers, and most capable people can't get out of their bodies." The long-haired and long-bearded old man sighed, "Even the Zoan fruit that is not recorded in the Devil Fruit book...appears again. This kind of [unplanned] thing."

The bald old man with a knife smiled: "Speaking of which, isn't the chain fruit also the Devil Fruit not included in the Devil Fruit book?"

"Since it's not [D], you don't need to worry too much." The old man with long hair and beard made a decision:

"Declare it to the outside world about the [Taking the title of Doflamingo's Seven Warlords of the Sea]]."

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