Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 148 The Prince's Revenge


In a cafe in Logue town, Nami was curiously asking Victor: "Master, who is that?"

"Siz Liquaid, the true overlord of South Blue, the emperor of the underground world."

Victor took a sip of the coffee mixed with milk, and then said to Nami: "He was the prince of the Kingdom of Surpind in South Blue. The Kingdom of Surpind was defeated by a war with several enemy nations. When the country was destroyed, Liquid, who was only 20 years old at the time, also fell to the sea and was hunted down by enemy forces. In a desperate situation, Liquid gained the terrible power of Devil Fruit and wiped out all the chasers in one fell swoop. Killer. Then he organized his forces and completely slaughtered 11 enemy nations in just six months."

"Half a year?" Little Nami exclaimed, destroying the country! Did this kind of thing that I didn't even dare to think of in just half a year?

"Yes, half a year. To be exact, five months." Haoxue nodded: "The old man also heard about this incident back then. I didn't expect Victor to understand it so clearly."

Victor opened his hands: "I only learned from some one-sided information. Most of the information is no longer available. Please also Mr. Hao Xue to talk about it in detail."

Hao Xue didn't refuse, and he pondered for a while, organized the language and began to preach to Victor and Nami:

"That was probably more than 20 years ago. At that time, the sea was in the age when many heroes came together. Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Red Earl...the strong emerged in endlessly, and the sea was in chaos. The four seas at that time were not as weak as they are now. East Blue has always been firmly controlled by Marine as a "symbol of peace" and is the weakest open sea, while South Blue is known as the strongest open sea because of its advanced munitions technology and countless powerful countries."

"Among these, the two most famous countries are [Ulay] and [Sepiende]. The former is not mentioned for the time being, while the latter is known for being rich and powerful. There are countless strong people in the kingdom, and the people live and work in peace and contentment without hunger. No worries, this place is also known as the'Wu You Kingdom'. But the Kingdom of Sepinde is so eye-catching that it finally attracted an invading coalition composed of eleven hostile countries."

"That war shocked the entire world, and was called the [War of Surpind] by the world. These eleven countries not only sent out all the strong men and troops of their own countries, but also paid for the hiring of a large number of powerful bounty hunters. And the pirates. The overwhelming army completely engulfed the Kingdom of Serpind like a black wave of fury. The invaders killed, plundered, sang and laughed wantonly! The Kingdom of Serpind was completely destroyed overnight, and all the citizens and The royal family was completely slaughtered, and the details of the tragedy were even written into banned books and circulated in the underground world."

"But those eleven countries sent people in the palace to turn the sky upside down, but they couldn’t find the Prince Siez Liquaid of the Kingdom of Surpind. Also missing is the legendary Sizi royal family who has guarded the national treasure for thousands of years. The next step was endless hunting. The prince, who was alone, escaped into the Grand Line under the hunt of an army of chasers."

"No one dares to take in or help the prince, otherwise they will face the crazy revenge of these eleven countries. Time and time again, the 20-year-old Liquaid was finally blocked by the hunting army on Nanuk Island on the Grand Line. No one knows the specific details of that battle, but what is certain is that Nanuk Island and all the pursuers have completely disappeared."

"There are divergent opinions about Liquaid's experience. Some people say that he accidentally obtained the rare Devil Fruit in the legend to make a comeback. Others say that he used the national treasure of the Kingdom of Surpiond. But no one can deny that Liquaid obtained An extremely powerful force."

"Next is the battle of Liquaid's fame-[The Annihilation of the Eleven Kingdoms]. The 20-year-old prince returned to South Blue from the Grand Line and staged an extremely magnificent revenge drama! That night, the rain was pouring, and the thunder was a masterpiece! The powerhouses of the eleven nations came out, and hundreds of masters tried to encircle Liquaid among the ruins of the Kingdom of Surpind in South Blue, but they were all beheaded on the spot by the latter!"

"Can you imagine? The strong people who the country regarded as the pillars were all swept away, and the kings finally realized that something was wrong. They intimidated, begged, and even publicly apologized in the newspapers hoping to be forgiven, but Liquad was methodical. "Visit them one by one. One hostile country after another disappeared. In just five months, eleven World government participating countries completely disappeared on this sea."

"Of course the World government will not just let Liquaid go. Marine, CP, and bounty hunters, no matter how many people are dispatched, cannot shake Liquaid in South Blue. Gradually, the World government compromised with him. Quaid easily swept the entire South Blue underground world and was revered as the emperor of the South Blue underground world. Then he organized his forces to firmly control South Blue in his hands, and exchanged business with the World government, and became South Blue. The king."

Having said that, Haoxue took a sip of ice water. The little Nami sitting opposite was already fascinated, and even the novel didn't dare to write such an exaggeration!

And Victor touched his chin and said, "So, this Liquad is indeed [that fruit] capable person?"

Hao Xue shook his head: "I don't know, he takes very few shots, and basically doesn't keep alive. The world calls him countless. But the most widely spread is still his original title————"


"[Snake King]!"

In the deep forest of South Blue Green Pepper Island, Gurado, with red nails on his body, slightly squinted his golden ring-shaped pupils, and a hoarse voice came from his mouth that became more and more ferocious: "It's an honor, King of South Blue. Actually came to the door personally!"

"Oh? You know me? I thought you were just a wild man who got Devil Fruit by accident."

Liquaid, wearing a long brown windbreaker, had a calm face and waved his hand casually. The beautiful purple-haired girl behind Ingrid bowed respectfully and then quietly disappeared into the depths of the dense forest.

Gurardo stared at the middle-aged man with long blond hair in front of him, and he didn't dare to care about it: "In South Blue, I don't know the name of your [Snake King], does it exist?"

"Since I can communicate, then I won't be too nonsense." Liquad put his hands in Kabuto, and said calmly: "Your ability is good, don't waste it. Join my subordinates, before you destroyed my munitions factory and killed I assume that this has never happened before."

"What if I don't agree?" Gurardo quickly covered a large piece of red flaky thick skin, and the bone spurs on his back also expanded into sharp fan-shaped dorsal fins, and his height was pulled up to 15 meters high, standing on the ground. Looking at Li Kui De, he said coldly: "[Kneel down as a dog] This option didn't exist from the beginning, the king of snakes!"

"I thought you weren't so stupid. So, the last question..."

Li Kui De sighed softly, and then large feathers appeared on the side of his face and neck, and his eyes suddenly turned into blue vertical pupils:

"Obey, or die?"

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