Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 149 King of South Blue

The dark clouds in the sky were as heavy and depressed as a block of lead, and then, the wind blew!

Several violent, fork-shaped lightning flashed across the clouds, and heavy rain followed.

Ingrid, a beautiful purple-haired beauty in capable clothes, holding a big black umbrella, is on the deck of a huge merchant ship, silently staring at the green pepper island in the distance. The downpour made the visibility extremely low, and the green pepper island was only a black outline in the eyes of everyone on the boat.

"Master Ingrid, is this...?" A brawny man in a turban walked behind him, asking suspiciously.

Without looking back, Ingrid still stared at Green Pepper Island in the distance, and slowly said: "The negotiation broke down, Green Pepper Island is now the battlefield between Lord Liquad and that guy."

At this time, another lightning struck! With the violent light of this moment, two extremely huge figures on the island were clearly reflected, the black shadow of the huge upright lizard and the long-winged snake shadow flying in the sky confronting each other.

Among the dense forests on Green Pepper Island.

In the form of a 15-meter huge upright lizard, Gurado slightly squinted his golden circular pupils, and the fan-shaped dorsal fin on the back flickered and dimmed, showing his inner restlessness.

In the sky opposite him, a huge flying snake with a total length of at least 30 meters is flying out of thin air. It has two huge long feather wings and is covered with luxurious colored feathers. Its head resembles a snake but does not. The hideousness of ordinary snakes, on the contrary, is full of majesty. The long golden hair is turned into a long golden mane that is constantly surging like flames, and the vertical pupils exuding blue light are staring at the red upright lizard in front of them. .

"Call the wind and call the rain?" Gulardo spoke slowly, with strong hostility in his hoarse voice: "No wonder all the legends about you are accompanied by torrential rain and fierce thunder! And this appearance... Sure enough, you are That legendary Devil Fruit capable person!"

"Zoan snake-snake fruit phantom beast species, in the form of-[Quaying Serpent God]!"

"It's up to you."

A humanized look of disdain appeared on the face of the Quetzalcoatl: "You have lost your last chance to surrender. Now, let me try how good you are!"

As soon as Liquid's wings spread, a fierce thunder light slashed across the sky and slammed on Gurardo's body!

But Gurado, who was covered with thick red flaky skin, only a burst of scorched smoke appeared on his body, and he was completely irritated and let out a deafening violent roar.

The earth shook violently. Gulardo rushed towards Liquaid with his sturdy feet, smashing countless trees and rocks. Behind him, the fan-shaped dorsal fin suddenly lit up with a dazzling red light, and then the pair of red monitor lizards The claws were covered with fierce flames, and they swung towards Liquaid fiercely!

The blue light in the feathered snake god's eyes suddenly exploded, and every feather in his body was covered by fierce thunder!

Yan and Lei collided together!

From afar, Ingrid watched the fierce fire that burst out from time to time on the Green Pepper Island, and muttered: "The contest between the two top Eudemons species, no matter who wins or loses, this island will no longer exist. ..."

"The King of South Blue, there is only one person!"


In the cafe in Logue town, Robin and others merged with Victor smoothly.



Perona akimbo, staring at each other with Nami, who is also unwilling to show weakness.

Staring sour, Perona gave a strong smile: "Ha! Are you the new disciple of your brother? A flat little ghost head..."

Nami stuck his tongue out: "Auntie, how old are you and you have a flat body like my little devil, don't you be ashamed?"

"Big, aunty!?" Perona was struck by lightning, "What are you talking about!?"

On the other side, Robin came to Victor with a somewhat embarrassed middle-aged man: "Victor, this is Mr. Pierre I mentioned to you on the phone worm."

This is a thin middle-aged man with brown curly hair and a goatee. He wears glasses and the clothes on his body are worn out but washed clean. His complexion is yellow, his hands and feet are floating, and his expression is a bit embarrassed. He is obviously destroyed by life. It's too hard.

Victor offered to extend his hand: "Welcome to Coral, Mr. Pierre."

Pierre quickly wiped his hand on his clothes, then held Victor's hand tightly, and whispered: "You are too polite, BOSS. I also want to thank you and Ms. Robin for taking me in. My name is Pierre. El Lesco, you just call me Pierre."

It seems that Mr. Pierre prefers to be called by his last name rather than his first name.

"You are too self-conceited." Victor said gently: "The world's top architects and gardeners, the Goya Kingdom expelled you is their biggest loss. We need top talents like you to join, "Coral" can To help you realize your ambitions and dreams, so please use your talents."

Pierre trembled all over, his lips moved but couldn't say a word, but bowed sharply. He has been abandoned by this world for too long, and he needs someone who can appreciate his talents to appear.

Victor told Baby5 to take Pierre down to rest, and asked him to get well before starting to work. Then he took Robin to the deck in the corner, and asked with a smile, "How is it, there is nothing wrong, right?"

Robin smiled and shook his head: "I have given him things, and it went well."

Victor smiled slightly: "Believe that he will understand what I mean by looking at that thing. By the way, what's the matter with this Mr. Pierre?"

"He was originally the architect and gardener of the Goa royal family, and he is quite famous in the industry. Three months ago, he was deprived of all his property because of'something', and expelled from the noble territory of the Goa Kingdom. Town’s, penniless and unemployed, he was unwilling to be a beggar as the royal family meant, so he had to go to the construction site as a coolie.”

"When we found him in Duanzhen, he just fainted on the side of the road. After waking him up, Matthew cooked some body-conditioning dishes for him. Through chatting, I found that he was exactly what you wanted me to find. A talent in the Department of Architecture, so after I contacted you by phone worm, I asked him to get on the boat and come with us to find you."

"Good job, Robin." Victor nodded: "The central island of the Ark of Passion just needs such a master architect to plan and build. I want to make this central island the largest and best [museum] in the world, Pierce You are an important part of the plan."

"Then you have to compete with BIGMOM." Robin said with a smile, "Her Wan Guoli is said to have a collection room for all kinds of rare and exotic animals."

"Is it a'collecting library' realized by using Mundor's book fruits?" Victor curled his lips and said uncomfortably: "It's just a short cut with the help of the fruit ability. If I kill at that time Mondor, BIGMOM's library has to be completely finished!"

"Yes, yes, thanks to your mercy." Robin comforted Victor amusedly: "It's been almost two months since I came to East Blue. Where do we go next?"

"Return to the Ark of Passion, and then set off to return to the Grand Line. East Blue has nothing to shop around." Victor took a sip of the juice at the table:

"Next stop, South Blue."

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