Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 151 【Snake King】Liquid

"The whole South Blue?"

The phone worm frowned: "Is there no Marine Base in South Blue?"

"The horror of the Snake King is here." Gekko Moria took a bit from under his body and pulled out a bag of biscuits that he had eaten in half a bag.

He threw a handful of butter biscuits in his mouth, chewing and said, “I don’t know what means he used. The World government not only acquiesced in his dominance in South Blue, but also restrained Marine from making troubles with him. ."

"And what's more interesting is that almost all countries in South Blue have recognized the status of the Snake King as the'King of the Underworld.' He spread his power to every country, every city, and every person in South Blue. Place of activity. In the South Blue country, residents may not know what their king is called, but they absolutely dare not openly discuss the right and wrong of the King of Snakes in the open air, otherwise, what awaits them is the hell where life is better than death."

The phone worm's expression was serious: "So, doesn't the Snake King control the entire South Blue? This is no longer the emperor of the underground world, right?"

"That's right." Gekko Moria dumped all the butter biscuits in the biscuit bag into his mouth, chewed two bites and then poured a big gulp of juice: "Moreover, the strength of the king of snakes is the most important part. Without enough strength, how could he be able to hold down the entire South Blue?"

"Probably 20 years ago, when I was still in my early twenties, I was a stunned young man. After hearing about the legend of South Blue's [Snake King], I was very unconvinced, thinking about going to South Blue. This arrogant fellow for a while. But I haven't set off yet, and a man arrived in South Blue one step faster than me, declaring that he will defeat the Snake King head-on."

"That man was a famous great pirate, named [Fire Beast] Anglo, a cruel character with a bounty of 460 million, and countless fierce men under his command. At that time, the king of snakes was just a young man in his twenties. Few people are optimistic about the King of Snake. But the result was unexpected. On the seventh day after entering South Blue, [Fire Beast] and his 2,000-member Fire Beast Pirate Group were wiped out by the Snake King alone, and the head of the Fire Beast was even more severe. It was sent directly to the nearby Marine branch, and there was a note on it, with only a short line of words-[gift, no change needed]. Then, when the fire beast entered South Blue, it was provided to him. All the people who had sold supplies to his pirate group were killed without exception."

"Maybe because of the loss of relatives, friends, throne, country, and people overnight, the spirit of the Snake King seems to be abnormal. People who have been in contact with the Snake King have a unified evaluation of it-the peaceful appearance hides terror and Crazy. And in recent years, he has been very simple, and very few people can touch him. Stinky boy, although I know you will not listen to it, but I still have to say, bypass South Blue and go elsewhere, Snake Zhizhi The king is too dangerous."

"..." The phone worm was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Mr. Moria, are you worried about me?"

"... After talking for a long time, it's all nonsense." Gekko Moria's forehead burst into blue veins: "If you want to die, hurry up and go to South Blue! Don't drag my Thriller barque!! Idiot!!"

After cursing a few words, Gekko Moria suddenly realized something was wrong: "Huh? No! How do you plan to go to South Blue? The size of the Thriller barque can't go through the special seaway of the World government."

The phone worm raised his eyebrows, and said with pride: "Hey~ I naturally have my coup! The method of crossing the Calm Belt with a safety rate of almost 100%, do you want it? You promise to join the'coral' and I will give it to you."

"Wait! Have you secretly modified my Thriller barque!?"

Victor did not expect that Gekko Moria’s focus was not on the so-called ‘safe crossing the Calm Belt’ technology. He snarled into the phone worm’s microphone:

"You little bastard!! I said, I will get the Thriller barque back later!! You dare to change the structure of my treasure Shadow Castle, I'll never finish with you, can't you hear!!"

And in the distant Calm Belt, on the slightly turbulent sea, an extremely large giant ark is driving forward fast by the huge external turbines on both sides of the hull.

In the palace on the central island of the Ark, Victor hurriedly hung up the phone worm, finally stopping Gekko Moria's hysterical anger.

"Really, how angry..." Victor wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a sigh: "The original Thriller barque is so ugly. Wouldn't I make it more beautiful?"

Robin, who was standing by, covered his mouth and laughed softly: "Mr. Moria really treasures this ‘Thiller barque’."

Victor waved his hand indifferently: "No matter how unwilling he is, now the name of this ship has become ‘Ark of Passion’."

Haoxue folded her arms and frowned and said: "So, [Fire Beast] The Anglo was originally dead in the hands of the Snake King. The Anglo is the Fireman who ate Logia Mera-mera Fruit. Very strong, the Snake King who was in his early twenties was able to defeat him and his pirate group... Now the strength of the Snake King is even more unfathomable than I thought."

"Don't worry, everyone, we will definitely not just plunge into South Blue like this. Isn't that the rhythm of'send a wave'?" Victor sat on the sofa and played with a pen: "After entering the Grand Line, let's do it first. Be prepared, and I will find some'foreign aid' when necessary."

"Foreign aid?" Perona tilted her head suspiciously.

Victor smiled slightly:

"Yes, a powerful'foreign aid'!"


South Blue, Green Pepper Island.

Dark clouds were layered in the sky, but the violent rain stopped, and lightning no longer appeared.

This small island was originally covered with dense primitive jungle, but now it is covered by soaring fire and smoke, half of the island has become fragmented rock, and the nearby sea area has appeared large and small. Deep in the vortex, the situation is terrible.

The distant waters are relatively safer. On the deck of a huge merchant ship, the beautiful purple-haired woman Ingrid is using a telescope to observe the situation on the island.

Suddenly, a glove was placed on her shoulder, and then Liquaid's figure appeared out of thin air like a stick figure.

"Master Liquaid!" Ingrid exclaimed in surprise, and quickly held Liquaid, although the latter did not need to be supported.

There were some scorches on the corners of Liquaid's brown coat, but there was nothing'condition' other than that. He gently shook off Ingrid's support, turned his head to look at the green pepper island in the distance, and said, "It's a pity, I originally liked the scenery of this island."

"My lord, that Gurardo..." Ingrid asked tentatively.

"Escaped." Liquaid said nonchalantly: "It's a ‘unique’ way of escape, and kids nowadays are good at playing."

Ingrid didn't expect anyone to escape from [Snake King]'s hands, and couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Well...Will that guy talk too much?"

"Hehe, don't worry." Liquaid smiled gently:

"Unless he still has a ‘mouth’ to speak..."

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