Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 152 Curry Udon

South Blue, the port town of ‘Mordreid’.

This port town is located on the west side of York Island. Because York Island is adjacent to Sacred Fire Island and Wayom Island, stable trade routes have been formed between the three large islands, and even the port town of Modred has also changed. It's very prosperous.

There is a restaurant called ‘Mrs Curry’ on the ‘walking street’ in Modril. The curry udon noodles and curry buns in the shop are famous for their deliciousness.

The weather today is not very good and there are not many customers. The wealthy lady boss was sitting behind the counter wiping the cup boredly. When she heard the store door being pushed open, she quickly raised her head and smiled and said, "Welcome! Excuse me... Ah, it's you two."

After the store door was pushed open, three figures walked in. The head was a beautiful girl with long brown wavy hair, and two boys followed behind her.

The boy on the left has red hair that bluffs and wears goggles. His face without eyebrows does not look like a good boy. The boy on the right is quite tall, with long blond hair in a shawl, looks good but has weird black lips.

At this moment, the two boys are facing each other, not letting anyone else.

"Kira! Even if you are my good brother, I will not give Dornyaka to you!" the red-haired boy whispered viciously.

"What are you talking about, Kid! I still use you? Dorenyaka has entrusted me with a heart! Send! Send! Send!" The blond boy let out a weird laugh. .

The red-haired boy and the blond boy became more and more angry as they talked, and they were stopped by the loud voice of the proprietress as soon as they were about to start their hands.

"Kid! Kira! How dare you two brats show up in my shop!! I haven't paid for the broken tables and chairs last time!! Hurry up and get out of here!!"

The lady boss with her hands on hips stood in front of the two boys like a ferocious she-bear, while the beautiful brown-haired girl shifted her gaze back and forth between the lady boss and the two boys suspiciously.

The red-haired Kid rubbed his hands with a smile on his face: "Hey...Mrs. Jasmine, you are still so beautiful~~"

The blonde Kira also touched the back of his head with a smirk: "Fafafa!!! That's right, that's right, you are getting more and more beautiful, madam!"

"Come on, do you want to tear down half of my shop again when you come back?" The lady boss was not moved at all, she folded her arms and stared at them fiercely.

"No, no, no!" Kira waved his hands vigorously: "We just want to bring Miss Dornyaka to try our most delicious curry udon in Modred Town. Her father is too strict. , She has not been allowed to come to the store to eat."

Kid next to him also nodded violently.

"..." The lady proprietress Jasmine snorted coldly. After thinking about it, she still didn't let the two stinky boys make a fool of herself in front of the girl: "Want something to eat? Do you want curry udon?"

"Yes! Three servings of curry udon! Kid and I want a large portion!" Kira said cheerfully. In order to invite Dornayaka to eat this shop's curry udon, the two of them took out their own number. Not much savings yet.

"Wait!" The lady boss turned and walked into the back kitchen.

Kid and Kira took the beautiful brown-haired girl named Dornyaka and sat down at a table by the window, and introduced her to the specialty dishes of the store graciously.

"Dor Nayaka, don't worry, curry udon noodles are the holy food for weight loss! And the curry in this shop is very delicious, there is duck meat in it!"

"Yes, that's right, the curry here is the best variety carefully cooked by the proprietress. Whether it's onions, potatoes or duck meat, they are all carefully selected ingredients."

"And udon! This udon tastes great!"

The brown-haired girl Doer Nayaka put her elbows on the table and smiled as she watched Kid and Kira fighting over there to explain the essence of curry udon.

Hilton Dorenyaka is the daughter of the town’s security officer Hilton Dobin. She met the two boys about 3 years ago. Kid was 10 years old and Kira was 14 years old, both of them were famous bad boys on the street. At first, I thought that the two of them were very interesting as bad boys, but gradually, she realized that the two boys were actually very simple-minded, and they were good men worthy of friendship.

Now, Dornyaka is determined to formally associate with one of them. But here comes the question. Both are excellent. Who should I choose? Kid is courageous and knows how to care for girls, but his brain is too easy to believe in others; Kira is knowledgeable and handsome, but the laughter is too weird.

Two people have their own advantages and disadvantages, who should I choose? Oh, what annoyance~~

Dornyaka fell into the troubles of happiness.

Boys and girls chat, time always flies quickly. As soon as Kid and Kira felt that they had a strong conversation, the lady boss Jasmine walked over with three bowls of curry udon noodles.

"Guests, two large bowls of curry udon noodles and one small bowl of curry udon noodles are here. Please be careful to blanch them. If you want to use chopsticks, please take them here."

Looking at the steaming curry udon, the young girl swallowed. . The three of them glanced at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Then we will start!"

Sucking... Sucking... Sucking...

Kid and Kira ate very quickly, and they drank the soup in a short while. They wiped their mouths contentedly, and they were about to speak when they were stunned.

There was a sudden shock on the ground, and Dornyaka, who was drinking the soup, was holding the bowl with his hands unstable, and the thick curry noodle soup was sprinkled on her clothes!

"Oh! So hot! So hot!"

Dornyaka was ashamed and anxious, so he quickly picked up the tissues at hand and wiped his clothes.

And Kira looked at Dor Nayaka, who was dyed brown, and didn't know which of the tendons was wrong. A smile came up and couldn't help it. He laughed directly:

"Fa! Fafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafa Fafafafafafa Fafafa Fafafa Fafa Fafa Fafa Fafa Fafa Fafa Fafa Fafa Fa Fafa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa fixed yourself

Kid knew what was bad when he heard it next to him. His good brother is good, but the laughter is too weird. Others sound very harsh. Since childhood, they often fight with others because of this, and over time they are known to be bad. juvenile.

"Kira...what are you laughing at?" Dornayaka was ashamed and attacked, and was agitated by Kira's weird laughter, and could no longer suppress her anger!

She stood up and yelled angrily: "You laugh at me when I look like this!? I tell you, I have endured your bullshit laughter for a long time!! You are a bastard orphan who laughs so hard!"

"Dor Nayaka! You are too much! Hurry up! Hey, Kira, explain quickly!" Even if it is a first love, Kid does not allow anyone to abuse his brother as an orphan. This is the heart of both of them. The biggest pain point.

And Kira, who had completely triggered the laugh, was out of breath, so she couldn't even bother to explain.

The weird laughter became more and more harsh, and Dornyaka couldn't bear it anymore, rushing forward and grabbing Kira was a violent beating! Kid rushed over to stop him, but the daughter of the guard officer who had run away grabbed the collar and pressed it to the ground to be beaten with Kira.

The poor two big boys were stunned by a pretty girl who was beaten on the ground with no power to fight back. A few guests around were curiously poking their heads here, and they were able to talk about it in the next few days.

It wasn't until the two of them were beaten to make their noses bruised and swollen and swollen to the ground that Dornyaka barely suffocated. She grabbed her bag from the table and said viciously: "You two bastards, don't want to come and play with me again in the future! We-OVER!"

After speaking, she kicked the shop door and walked away.

The proprietress poked her head out of the back kitchen and said impatiently: "Kid Kira, you two little bastards are making trouble again... eh? Who are you two pig heads?"

Kid and Kira who were lying on the ground looked at each other and looked at each other's pig-headed face with blue nose and swelling.

"Kid...I hate curry udon noodles, I never want to eat it again in my life!"

"Me too, Kira... I hate curry udon the most..."

"I don't care if you two will eat curry udon in the future, so I have to pay for three bowls of noodles!"

The sweetheart ran away, his whole body was beaten in pain, and the savings in his pockets were wiped out. The two helped each other to the outside of the'Mrs. Curry' shop, looked back at the shop sign, and said in unison sadly, "...I don't want to eat curry udon anymore in this life!"

When the two of them were about to go home and put some medicine on them, the ground suddenly trembled.

"Huh? It seemed that this kind of vibration just made Dornyaka unable to hold the noodle bowl?"

Kira and Kid looked at each other and felt that the culprit had been found.

"Kira, my good brother, we must find the culprit!" Kid moved his shoulders with a gloomy expression.

"Kid, how can you be sure that this is man-made and not a natural disaster?" Kira was a little confused.

"...Intuition!" Kid said categorically, "A man's sixth sense!"

"It should be the [woman's sixth sense], right?" Kira said weakly, "Well, you have the final say, where do you start?"

Kid figured it out, then pointed to the hill to the east of the town: "It's more suspicious over there."

Two hours later, Kid and Kira found a huge crater on the other end of the hill. The surrounding area of ​​the crater was covered with crystallized volcanic rock fragments. The center of the crater was full of magma and intense heat waves, and thick smoke enveloped it. Underneath, the two of them couldn't see anything clearly.

"Kid, is there a volcano on this York Island?" Kira was a little skeptical. He lived on this island for 17 years. Why didn't he know that there are volcanoes on the island?

Kid shook his head blankly, and suddenly he exclaimed and pointed tremblingly to the center of the pothole.

Kira hurriedly looked back and saw that the smoke in the center of the pit had disappeared. The center of the pit was full of lava, exuding intense heat and heat, and there was a shirtless man lying on it. He was seriously injured. Covered with scorch marks and cuts, the left ribs are directly missing a large piece, the most serious is his mouth, as if it was blown out from the inside, there are almost no two teeth left, and the lips are also equivalent to Without existence, the tongue disappeared even more. But the burn from the wound prevented him from dying from excessive blood loss, which was a blessing in misfortune.

"Is he still alive?" Kid felt his legs tremble, and Kira's appearance wasn't much better.

Suddenly, the seriously injured man opened his eyes, and his golden ring-shaped pupils stared at them.

At this time, after the Ark of Passion arrived at South Blue, there was still left--

19 days!

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