Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger


Byron J. Gordon is very melancholy now, very melancholy.

He was sitting on a huge rock by the coast, with his hands on his knees and staring blankly at the sea level in the distance.

The sea breeze blew, and the waves wrapped in pieces of wood slapped on the reef, splashing waves like broken silver.

Yes, you guessed it right. Our Mr. Byron has encountered one of the most terrible things of this era... He was shipwrecked and is now living alone on an island.

There are no jungles or animals on the island, and there is not even a place to shelter from the rain.

Now, there are only two choices waiting for him-starve to death, or commit suicide altogether.

"I'm so stupid, really." Byron J. Gordon muttered to himself with eyes blankly:

"Why should I take that business? If I don’t take the business of the'Ferocious Chain', I won’t leave the dreamlike Mermaid Café, nor will I travel all the way from New World back to South Blue, let alone I will be shipwrecked in a remote area of ​​South Blue that no one passes by... I'm so stupid, really..."

Fortunately, there are rock pits on the island that can store rainwater. Otherwise, if there is a shortage of water and food, Mr. Byron will be able to say ‘ByeBye’ to this cruel and beautiful world in only three days.

This is the case, even a master like Byron is a little sluggish after being hungry for fourteen days. Byron didn't know how long he could last. He even suspected that he would suffer a nervous breakdown before he starved to death.

The distant sea level was still empty, and Byron gave up. He lay on his back on the top of the large reef, staring at the thick white clouds slowly floating in the sky with his eyes blankly, and began to recall his past indiscriminately.

I thought a lot, but the last thing I thought of was the mission that caused me to fall into this isolated island.

They wouldn’t think that I just ran away with my money...that would be too embarrassing...

Thinking of this, Byron managed to get up and sat down on the reef looking at the sea.

You can't give up, even if you die, it doesn't matter, but you can't leave such an impression on the beauties of the world-Byron J. Gordon is a shameless villain who has no faith. This is absolutely not possible!

He pulled a black suitcase next to him, which contained the deposit given to him by [Boss]. He picked up the box and said with emotion: "It's ridiculous to have so much money but can't get something to eat...Huh?"

Byron was stunned. When he was holding the box, he vaguely felt a strange touch at the bottom of the box. He tried his best to turn the box over and found that there was an almost invisible black zipper at the bottom of the box, which blended perfectly with the black suitcase.



South Blue, the port town of ‘Mordelaide’, Kid’s home.

This is a dilapidated house located in the corner of the town. It was used as a warehouse many years ago. A few years ago, Kid and Kira fell in love with this abandoned house, and took it as their own after defeating many gangsters and homeless people.

After a few years, the hut is still in order under the care of Kid and Kira. Unlike his appearance, Kid actually loves cleanliness and he is very good at housework. Kira is very good at cooking, especially stuffed cabbage rolls and peperoncino. These two dishes are Kid's and his favorite dishes respectively.

Now, the hut welcomes a new tenant.

"Cousin Raton, just sleep here."

Kid stood at the door of the room holding a bed cover, and smiled and said to'Raton' beside him: "The house was previously regarded as a utility room by us. Now it has been cleaned up. The sheets and quilts are all washed."

"Cousin, what do you want to eat?" Kira also said with a smile: "You must definitely want to eat garlic spaghetti? Only children eat cabbage rolls with meat.

And Raton looked at them, just lifted his finger and tapped the metal mask on his face, making a sound of ‘puff puff’.

Although after nearly ten days of recuperation and its own strong resilience, the wound of'Raton' has basically healed, but the tongue and teeth seem to show no signs of recovery, let alone [speaking].

Kid and Kira had a suddenly realized expression. The former immediately ran to help Raton clean up the bed, while the latter turned around and prepared to make some soup and porridge for Raton to drink.

Raton grabbed the two of them, then took out the clipboard and scribbled a few lines, showing them.

[You helped me, and I will return to you. I will teach you how to become stronger. But what I want to tell you is that I have a strong enemy, and it is he who beat me like this. Are you sure you want me to stay here? 】

Kid smiled and put his hands behind his head: "A powerful enemy? What's the big deal, cousin, you don't know who the strongest guy in this town is?"

"Guardian Hilton Dubin, he can defeat the big pirate who offered a bounty of 79 million Berry." Kira took the conversation and said:

"Moreover, there is also Marine branch base No. 80 stationed on the nearby Sacred Fire Island. The commander is the'lead bullet' Colonel Hall, who is also very strong. Don't worry, cousin, no one dares to invade this town of Mordred. South Blue doesn't allow such a good person to exist!"

'Raton' resisted the urge to turn over Byakugan, erased the writing on the board and wrote a line of words.

[This word board is not very convenient. Get me some paper and pen. 】

I don't know when I will be manipulated by Devil Fruit's instinct again. I must let these two boys gain the power of [Seeds] as soon as possible, and then go out to sea and stay away from this island.

There are enough islands destroyed in [self]'s hands.


"Brown brown brown brown... do you believe in the legend of David Jones?"

In a tavern in a remote town in South Blue, a red-nosed man with a split head was drunkly holding up a wine glass and said to the alcoholic at the table:

"[DAVYBACKFIGHT]! It is said to be a "pirate game" from the "pirate island", where pirates compete with each other for pirates! It's a thorough grabbing game~ brown, brown, brown, brown!"

A bearded pirate at the same table drunkly scratched his tangled beard, and said hesitantly: "It seems...hiccup! Is that true? The more mainstream gameplay is three acorns or four acorns... …belch!"

"Stupid~~Egg! It's made of three coins! Bartender, serve him wine! I have it!!"

The red-nosed man with the split head laughed loudly, raised his glass and took a sip, then wiped his mouth and said: "Three sets are set to win and lose, and the rules are customized. Each time the winner can choose the crew of the opponent's ship at will, And the selected crew members must swear to the deep sea king [David Jones] and immediately become the loyal subordinates of the enemy captain! If there is no such crew member, they can even take away the [pirate flag] which is regarded as the life of the ship!"

"Pirate Banner? Isn't that worse than killing them?" The surrounding drinkers exclaimed.

"Yes! The bet is [companion] and [dignity]!!" The red-nosed man jumped onto the table and laughed with open arms: "If you win, you can increase your combat power. If you lose, you will lose a lot... …How nasty and cruel!! This is the best game ever!!!"

Someone at the wine table next to him did not know the red-nosed man, and quietly asked the same table: "Who is this split brain?"

The alcoholic at the table said with a smile: "His name is'Silver Fox' Foxy. He was a boxer from the Barvey Islands. He was revoked five years ago because he was found to be carrying a murder weapon. In the last two months He began to recruit crew members, saying that he was going to be a pirate so that he could play [DAVYBACKFIGHT] happily."

"I really have a boring ambition..." the inquirer couldn't help but vomit, and then shouted to the wine table on Foxsey's side: "Hey, Foxey, which opponents are you going to find to play the Pirate game? Don't be afraid. Did they cut you down?"

Foxy grinned when he heard the words, and gently tossed the empty wine glass in his hand toward the ceiling, then raised his right hand to make a fist, raised his index finger and ring finger to aim at the falling wine glass.

Along with a weird wave, the falling of the wine glass suddenly changed from movement to silence, as if time had frozen.

"Look for the kind of [big fish] when looking for an opponent!" Foxy thief laughed: "They may fight very hard, but when it comes to playing games and cheating... I'm an expert!"

"Victor, the "Crack Chain"! There are many people under him who I want to subdue~~Let’s start with him!"

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