Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 155'Iron Fist' Granulated Sugar

boom…! boom…! boom…!

There was a strong rhythmic crash from a room on the central island of the Ark of Warmth.

Don't get me wrong, this is a public gym on the second floor of the [Fighting Queen's Fighting Club] on the west side of the central island.

In the corner of the gym, a small figure is standing in front of the children's punching bag receiving instructions for combat training.

"Little sugar, do you really want to practice fighting skills?"

Lixina, who was dressed in a tights, had a lollipop in her mouth and hugged her arms in front of her, looking helplessly at the firm sugar.

Sugar is wearing fitness clothes that are easy to move around, with zipper gloves on both hands, and from time to time she punches the children's sandbags pretentiously. After hearing Likesina's question, she nodded firmly at Likesina, with an indomitable appearance: "Please teach me, Master!"

Speaking of this pair of zipper gloves, even if you wear them, you can eat and write at will, or even wash your hands without any problems. Moreover, sugar has also unexpectedly discovered that these gloves can prevent scratches and cutting injuries very effectively, and have a significant effect on force buffering.

In short, this is simply an artifact for a fighter to get started!

Sister Monet is now like a walking dead body. Apart from being dragged by herself to be a maid and barely doing some cleaning work for the castle, she only knows how to relieve her sorrows by drinking, and she doesn't know how to build a good relationship with her colleagues around her.

Sometimes I have to take over the work of my sister, lest the cadres of "Coral" and even the boss himself see her sister's appearance of a drunk cat not happy, and drive their sisters out of "Coral".

However, after staying in the Central Castle for almost two months, Sugar has initially integrated into the logistics team of Coral. And there is the boss’s big disciple, Trafalgar Law’s girlfriend and "Coral" maid Baby5, helping to speak, and he will not be hostile by those cadres.

As for the most important attitude of the [boss], he still looks indifferent. It seems that he doesn't care about the powerful power of Snow-snow Fruit and Childlike Fruit of his sisters at all. The more the boss has this attitude, the more scared the sugar is.

Even if you have a peeping heart, you can accept it and want to use your own childlike fruits at will. There is no problem at all, but this unreasonable attitude is too insecure!

Must become stronger! Only by making yourself useful can you not be killed or abandoned! Sugar, who has grown up in a dangerous environment since he was a child, knows the truth well.

Now that the fruit ability is sealed, exercise physical skills!

As a powerful female fighter, Li Kesina became Sugar's primary target. After a week of hard work, Grana finally made Likesina agree to teach herself physical exercises.

And granulated sugar also has small ambitions-people should not hide behind the scenes as a special secret weapon. We also have to be hard-headed and become the scared "iron fist" granulated sugar!

"Sugar, what you need to do now is to lay the foundation, don't rush."

Likesina straightened the sugar stand posture, took a closer look, and nodded: "Remember the feeling of this posture, first hit a hundred fore fists. Since you are clamoring to learn martial arts, you need to practice more. Don’t be afraid of hardship."

"I'm not afraid of hardship, Master Lixina."

Grana posed a standing posture seriously, punching forehand into the air with one punch after another, while Likesina was right by her side from time to time to correct her wrong posture. Soon Sugar's forehead began to sweat, and his arms trembled slightly. But she was neither complaining nor tired, but still meticulously training in accordance with Lycosina's requirements.

It wasn't until the clock pointed to 7 o'clock that Sugar hurriedly bid farewell to Lycosina, and ran to the'maid's room' to report with her tired body. Today, my sister Monet is almost drunk in the dormitory again. She has to finish Monet’s job.

Until the sugar ran away, Likesina drove away the other exercise enthusiasts in the gym again. When the room was empty, she looked in the direction of the east wall and said with a grin:

"Boss, you can come out now. How about? I'm doing pretty well, right?"

A zipper appeared on the wall, and then Victor in a black suit walked out of it and said helplessly: "Likesna, don't say it as if I'm peeping...you obviously want me to hide it, right?"

"Oh, boss, you don't understand. Sugar meets you just like a mouse sees a cat." Likesina waved her hand: "If the kid finds you here, he will definitely not dare to ask me to train fighting skills. She is now. I'm afraid you think she has a heart of betrayal."

Victor sighed: "Then I didn't let you act. If you want to teach, you don't have to worry about my opinion. I have already said my attitude towards sugar and Monet, "Coral" does not lack their food and clothing. With the amount, I don’t need them to contribute their fruitful abilities or be some maids. It's just that they think more about it, right?"

Likesina shrugged: "You are the boss, you have the final say. However, if the fruit ability of sugar is combined with powerful physical skills, it is an incredible combination, boss... Isn't it okay?"

"Let her go." Victor shook his head, and then asked with a smile: "I was interrupted in the middle of talking to you just now. How did you think about the things I told you before?"

"I don't care. If the big fool of Jig agrees, I'll be fine." Likesina scratched the back of her head, and she blushed, who was always carefree.

"Then it's decided." Victor smiled and nodded: "By the way, say hello to Jig, he has been busy rebuilding the Ark recently, right? Let him take a break, I don't want my boat crew The captain changed from 955 to 996 to 007, and finally turned into death from overwork."

"If it's your order from the boss, that idiot might listen to you and take a rest for a while..."

After exchanging a few words with Likesina, the figure of steel chain fingers appeared behind Victor. After opening a zipper on the wall, he pulled Victor into the zipper space.

Li Kesina just breathed a sigh of relief when she suddenly noticed that the mist was gradually rising in the room.

"Nami! Isn't it you? You have become a cloud eavesdropping on the conversation again!"

Likesina was furious, and pulled out a big pu fan from under the table, threatening: "If you don't show up again, I'll just fan the fan!"

"Don't don't! Can't I show up yet?"

The mist in the room quickly condensed into a small figure, exactly Nami in a dress. She laughed and said: "Likesina, you are about to be a bride and you are so irritable, be careful not to want you!"

"Fart bride! You bastard!" Li Kesina yelled out of anger: "If it wasn't for your big mouth to eavesdrop on the conversation between me and Jig and spread it around, they would use this to tease me!? Even the boss They all came to talk to me and said they would hold a wedding for us! Stinky girl, come here for me!"

"How great~~ So many people are blessing you~" Nami turned into a cloud and drifted a few meters back to avoid Likesina, and then flipped the topic lightly: "That sugar, when I was in Dressrosa before Almost succeeded, right? I have heard about it. Don't worry, I will monitor this guy!"

Just as Lixina was about to say something, suddenly the entire central island began to broadcast the radio, over and over again.

[About to enter the Calm Belt, please be prepared for everyone. 】

[About to enter the Calm Belt, please be prepared for everyone. 】

[About to enter the Calm Belt, please be prepared for everyone. 】

Before the Ark of Passion enters South Blue, there is left--

8 days!

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