The sky is extremely gloomy, and the dark clouds are as thick as Iron Body.

The squally wind is whistling, the wind is mixed with the salty taste of moisture, and the rainstorm is about to come.

On the west coast of Nanuk Island with huge banana rocks, there is a young blond man lying in the shadow of the rocks, holding a tattered package in his arms.

Liquaid, the orthodox heir to the throne from the "Sepiende", one of the most prosperous powers in South Blue, is about to die on the small island of Nanuk in the Grand Line "Paradise".

This handsome blond young man looked like he was in his early twenties. His expensive clothes had a peculiar smell and tattered and stained with Bloodline. He had a terrible injury on his left shoulder, and he could even see the bones inside. And his feet were also festering everywhere, and he was obviously unable to walk.

Liquaid's left eyeball had completely disappeared, and his left cheek was covered with cutting scars. But the only clear blue pupil on his right was surplus with terrible light.

【why? 】

From the moment the Kingdom of Sepiond fled, Liquaid had been asking himself this question all the time.

Why? Why can these eleven countries unscrupulously form a coalition to invade their country? Even blatantly hire pirate forces!

Why? The Kingdom of Sepiond has always pursued'kind diplomacy.' All these eleven countries have been blessed by the Kingdom of Sepiond. When they encounter a pirate invasion or a famine, the Kingdom of Sepiende will always lend a helping hand as soon as possible. And they also gratefully declared that they would form an eternal alliance with the Kingdom of Serpind.

Why? Every year, the Kingdom of Sepinde offers an extremely large amount of ‘heavenly gold’ to the World government. Whenever the World government has any needs, the Kingdom of Sepinde also tries its best to satisfy. But in the coalition forces that invaded the kingdom, I personally saw World government spy personnel mixed in!

why why! ! ? ?

Liquaid slammed his head back against the hard rock wall in pain, and the colic in his heart seemed to cut his soul like thousands of knives.



This prince, who has always been gentle and kind, has truly felt what it means to be [hate] for the first time since he was born!

Liquaid hates the eleven treacherous kingdoms! Hate the army and pirates who invaded your homeland and burned, killed, and looted! Hate the World government that pushes hands secretly from behind! Hate... I was so stupid that I would always believe in someone else's [Father]!

He tried to look down at the package in his arms. The wrapping cloth with King Shiz's family emblem on the outside had long been torn, and the black secret box inside could be vaguely seen. This is the [National Treasure] sworn to guard by the successive generations of the Sizi royal family, and his father gave it to him personally before he fled.

On the way to escape, Liquid did not try to open the box, but the tightly closed box at the interface made Liquid unable to find any way to open the box, and the army of hunters who were chasing after him did not give Liquid anything. Respite.

It's been three months, and I really can't escape.

In the early days of the escape, I could still exchange some money from the palace for food and medicine supplies, but the method of chasing the army was very simple-who would dare to help Liquaid and kill him! Who provided Liquaid's whereabouts and even helped catch him, great reward!

Several well-intentioned residents who had helped Liquaid in succession were slaughtered, and the heads were posted with notes and thrown at the door. Gradually, no one was willing to help Liquaid. On the contrary, his whereabouts were constantly reported, and several times he was almost caught by bounty hunters disguised as enthusiastic residents.

The chasing army did not even bother to cover up their whereabouts and purpose, in order to bring great pressure that Liquaid could not breathe.

Li Kui De also understood that their main purpose was not the crippled and leftover seed of the Shizi family, but the box in their arms, the [national treasure] guarded by the Shizi family for generations.

Of course, if they can easily kill the last member of the Shiz royal family, they must be happy to see it.

At this time, a cannon rang! Then there was a huge explosion on the ground near Banana Rock!

"Hahaha!! Your Royal Highness, don't hide, are you here?"

"Idiot! Don't open fire, what if [that thing] blows up!"

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, come out soon! We will give you a happy one!"

"Huh? It's raining? This kid is lucky. The muskets are all wet, so he can only kill him with a knife..."

The chaotic noise came from the shore, and the chasing army had arrived. They are like cats playing with mice, playing with Liquaid's psychological defense.

With a total of 124 people pursuing the army, this is obviously not an existence that Liquaid, who is exhausted and seriously injured, can contend.

"...Is it over? That's fine, too tired..."

Liquid collapsed in the shadow of the huge banana rock, looking at the black box in his arms, a lonely smile appeared at the corners of his dry and cracked mouth: "It's a pity... I don't know what you are in the end..."


Liquid raised his head and looked left and right blankly. There was no one, only the chasing army gradually approaching the island.


"Yes, who is it?" Liquid gritted his teeth and propped up, leaning on the rock wall, but still didn't find who was talking.


"Who the hell is talking!?" Liquaid was shocked by the huge voice, and screamed in pain, "What do you want!?"

[I want to...give you...power]

"What? What power?" Liquaid's remaining right eye gradually turned blue, but he didn't know it.

[The power of revenge... The power to vent anger and hatred... I just ask you... Do you need this power]

The surface of the dark box began to climb out of spiral lines.

"Yes... I need... I want revenge!" The corner of his right eye was filled with blue fluorescent tears. Regardless of the chasing army that was about to encircle the Banana Rock area, Liquid shouted with all his strength. "Give it to me! Give me strength! No matter what the price is, I don’t care, as long as I can get revenge! I want all the murderers to pay for their blood!!"

[Then... the deal is concluded]

Li Kui De stared in his arms in a daze. The tattered cloth had already turned into fly ash, and the dark box opened silently on its own. Inside, there was a green pineapple covered with a spiral pattern. , The skin is like layers of feathers, gorgeous and weird.

[Eat it... you can get the most terrifying power in this world]

[But as a price...the life after mine]

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