"Mythical species?"

Victor frowned: "I have never heard that Zoan Devil Fruit has such a class division."

"This is the detailed classification of Zoan's special types 800 years ago. Now it should be all integrated into the'Eudemons'." Robin shook his head, handed the coconut juice to Victor and said, "Speaking of it, it's even now. There are also "mythological species" divided, and there are very few existing ones, right?"

Victor took the cup and took a sip of coconut juice, then thought for a while and said:

"If you really want to divide it in this way, Marine Admiral [Buddha Sengoku]'s Zoan human fruit phantom species'Big Buddha Form' can be regarded as a mythical species. The captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group's squadron's "phoenix" Marco's Zoan bird The bird-fruit phantom beast species' "phoenix form" can barely be regarded as such."

"Anyway, this is just the classification of the predecessors' fruit types, which is not completely applicable to the current era. The title of'mythical species' is just casually said." Robin continued on the topic just now:

"The stele records that three extremely powerful Zoan mythological species, Demon fruit power, appeared in the era 800 years ago. The three of them did not give way to each other and frequent disputes. Manipulating the weather, melting the earth, setting off a tsunami... these three The capable have demonstrated all sorts of incredible, natural disaster-like abilities. The common people on the sea are miserable, but no one can stop the three of them."

"[Siz], [Behemoth], [Leviathan]... This is how people call these three capable persons."

"Siz? I'm familiar..." Victor recalled for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Mr. Hao Xue said that? [Snake King] Liquaid's last name is'Siz', [Sepiende Kingdom]'s Xi Royal Family."

Robin nodded: "It's true, plus the rumors of [Snake King]'s ability, there are many similarities."

"I'm a little interested." Victor Suo crossed his legs and assumed a gesture of listening attentively: "Let's talk about it in detail, Robin."

Robin sorted out his thoughts, and then said:

"This historical text is recorded like this-[Ling June, thunderclouds suddenly fall, the earth disintegrates, lava erupts, and the sea screams. The three pillar gods fight against each other and never sleep. Sitz occupies the sky, calls the wind and calls the rain, and the thunder is great. Behemoth dominates the earth, provokes volcanoes, and everything is exhausted. Leviathan evokes a tsunami, frost covered the ground, Uzumaki is deep. The people wailed and offered sacrifices to plead for mercy, and the gods were not happy, so they punish them. 】"

After listening, Victor tilted his head: "Didn't you say which sea area? Or which island?"

Robin read the historical text again and shook his head: "No, there is no information about [Sea Area] or [Island] recorded in the whole article. The text description is just that, and there are some side notes about the three abilities. description of."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"The grammar is not the same as our language, so I will simply translate it. The side note is about the overview of the abilities of Shiz, Behemoth and Leviathan. Shiz has the ability to fly into the air, call the wind and call the rain, control the thunder, and perform With abilities such as illusions, Behemoth has the ability to induce lava, control flames, and reshape the earth. Leviathan can cause tsunamis, reduce the temperature of surrounding moisture, and can swim in the sea. It is strange that not all capable Is the sea cursed?"

"Either the record is wrong, or this [Leviathan] has some way to cut off the curse of the sea, and shuttles in the sea in an alternative way."

Victor took another sip of coconut juice, and then handed the quilt to Robin: "The sea is the natural enemy of all capable people. This is the law that can never be violated."

Robin, as the chief intelligence officer of Coral, has a deep research on the opponents he will face: "This description of Shiz's ability has many similarities with the legends about [Snake King]. The rumored snake The arrival of the King is always accompanied by violent storms, lightning and thunder. Once or twice, it is the same. It seems that the King of Snakes has not deliberately concealed his abilities."

While the two were chatting, the old patriarch of the tribe walked over tremblingly on crutches: "Master Victor, you are not going to the banquet... Is this? This lady can interpret this'Rock of God' Text?"

The old patriarch was shocked when he saw Robin touching the historical text for Victor's translation.

Victor and Robin looked at each other, and then smiled gently: "Patriarch Xiaxiaku, this is our little secret, please keep it secret."

The old patriarch shook his head: "If you can really read this kind of text... wait a minute! I have something to show you!"

After all, the old man walked quickly to his house with his cane. After a while, he walked over with a small slate, handed it to Robin and said excitedly: "Look, is this the same type of writing?"

Robin took a look at the slate and was surprised to find that it was densely packed with unique historical texts on the surface of the slate.

She looked more and more surprised, and finally turned pale in shock: "This...this is..."

"What's the matter, Robin?" Victor asked suspiciously.

Robin turned his head to look at Victor, his face pale: "The content on this... is a note recorded by a scholar'Vatano' who specializes in Devil Fruit 800 years ago. I don't know who engraved the notes on this slate. On it."

She calmed her mind and said: "It is written with the research content of scholar Vattano. He believes that Zoan Devil Fruit has its own consciousness. The higher the level of rare Zoan, the clearer its consciousness. Once it reaches a certain level , Devil Fruit will start to counteract the spiritual will of the eater and will inevitably cause irreversible changes in the habits of the eater. The most dangerous of these Devil Fruits are the'natural disaster species' in Logia and the'mythical species' in Zoan. ."

"These two classifications have completely disappeared now, but they were divided in great detail 800 years ago. The text describes that natural disasters and mythological species will cause subtle changes to the personality of the eater, especially the latter, with extreme Strong bewitching ability. At that time, there was a time when his own strength was not enough, but he accidentally took the Devil Fruit of Zoan mythology, and the result was that he permanently became a [monster] that was dehumanized and left only instinct. There was also a special mention of ' The Shizi in the "Three Pillars of Gods", its body is a huge green feather flying snake. There have been 3 rare cases of Devil Fruit runaway only on it. And the most terrifying thing is that Shizi has With the power of [Rebirth], after the death of the capable person, it will condense into a complete Devil Fruit on the spot again."

"After the earth-shaking war of the Three Pillars God, the three died together. Among them, Devil Fruit, which was re-condensed by Shizi, is missing. It must be the'national treasure' guarded by the later Shizi royal family?"

Victor frowned when he heard it: "This can explain why the Shizi family did not use this [national treasure] even when the country was destroyed. The reason is that the First Generation Shizizi family brought back the national treasure. Knowing its characteristics, he ordered the future generations not to use this treasure arbitrarily and sealed it with special means. Over time, the specific information about the national treasure was completely annihilated in the long stream of time. It was a coincidence that the king of snakes wanted to come...no No! He can eat this fruit, and in all likelihood, it is [Fruit]'s own choice."

Robin felt that his three views were beginning to collapse: "You mean, what is said in the article [the self-awareness of the mythical species Devil Fruit]? Is this scholar saying true?"

"Hehe, Zoan must be restricted to feed Devil Fruit to non-living objects?" Victor sneered: "It seems that the World government has also figured out this fact-only Zoan can give non-living objects [consciousness]. Demon fruit of carnivorous animals Power will be more bloodthirsty and cruel, and Demon fruit power of herbivores will have longer physical strength. This is also the change Zoan has made to consumers. In this respect, this scholar is right."

At this time, Victor thought of the ship doctor in the team of the protagonist Luffy in the comics, the "Blue Wave Pill" created by Tony Tony Chopper. When Chopper, who is a Zoan fruit capable person, eats three blue wave pills, he will Turned into a [raging monster], the comic clearly stated that this was the result of Devil Fruit's loss of control.

At that time, it was Chopper's own instinct that controlled Chopper's actions?

Or Devil Fruit's consciousness?

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