Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 159 Small talk before the bonfire

At the insistence of the old patriarch, Victor finally received the slate into the zipper space. "Apocalypse" told him that this stone slab indeed came from an era 800 years ago.

As for this piece of historical text, let it continue to be the belief and pillar of this ancient tribe.

The banquet has been going on happily, during which Sugar also secretly brought drunk Monet to eat and drink, while Nami was stunned by Victor and went to bed early.

Late at night, the banquet finally ended. Except for the necessary night watchmen, both the members of the tribe and the members of the "coral" fell asleep deeply. Only the cadres of the "coral" were summoned by Victor to the campfire in the center of the tribe.

Robin whispered to everyone the information she and Victor had deduced, while Victor sat and stared at the crackling bonfire, wondering what he was thinking.

For a long time, everyone listened to Robin's narration, and struggled to digest the shocking information.

Mythical species? Zoan Devil Fruit's self-awareness? The "Three Pillars of God" 800 years ago?

The amount of information is too large and needs to be digested for a while.

Haoxue pinched her eyebrows, and slowly said, "If we really want to classify according to Robin's'mythological species', then the Snake King will undoubtedly belong to this level of existence. According to your inference and only scaled claws Regarding information, the King of Snakes should be the [Siz] mentioned in the historical text."

"Mythology..." Perona sat in front of the bonfire with his cheeks in his arms: "It sounds so awesome, why doesn't Paramecia have such a popular name?"

Luo wearing the Madara fluffy hat thought about it carefully, and said: "There are very few Zoan Devil Fruits that can be called the'mythical species' in this era, right? If you really want to strictly divide it, only' Can the Sengoku of Buddha be considered a mythical level?"

"No, there is one more person." A trace of sadness appeared on Wu Hongji's face: "Ten years ago, he occupied Wanokuni's "Four Emperors" Kaido, and he is definitely a "mythical species"."

Victor regained his senses at this time, seeing everyone discussing a title in full swing, he couldn't help laughing:

"It's just an appellation that was popular eight hundred years ago. Now that it's all included in the Eudemons species, don't think too much. And the greater the power, the greater the risk. According to the description of the slate notes, the regular Zoan still Well, once the Devil Fruit of the mythological level does not have enough heart and spirit to suppress it, it is easy to get into trouble."

Hao Xue nodded: "Yes, the old man has also heard some rumors about Zoan Devil Fruit. It is said that those meat-eating Zoan Devil Fruit will make the eater more brutal and tyrannical."

Victor threw a piece of wood into the bonfire, and then said: "The former leader of Coral was named Talma Pippin. He is a capable person in the form of a cow and a buffalo. I don't know what he had before taking Devil Fruit. What is his personality, but judging by my two years of getting along with him, his personality is undoubtedly the same as [Bull], stubborn and reckless, acting regardless of the consequences, and his vitality is also very tenacious."

"Hey, yeah, that's right!" Perona folded his arms and nodded: "Everyone agrees that Pippin is a big idiot!"

"Is this the subtle influence of Devil Fruit on the eater?" Luo lowered the brim of his hat with a cold expression: "I don't know the impact of Op-Op Fruit on me..."

"Op-Op Fruit's only effect on you is to turn you into a horny little cool guy!" Victor patted the back of Xia Luo's head: "Don't think about these, I will treat you and Nami at the end of this month. Go through the assessment, and if you fail, your pocket money will be gone!"

"Oh!?" Luo was shocked: "I still have books I want to buy!"

"Then you have to work harder, disciple." Victor smiled slightly: "Recently, you and Baby5 have been tired for too long, and I didn't even care to complete the fruit development and training assignments I left for you. If I were you, Go back to the house now and continue to develop Op-Op Fruit capabilities."

Amidst the laughter of everyone, Luo quickly got up and hurriedly ran in the direction of the Ark of Passion, where there was still a bit of cool brother appearance.

"During this period of time, Luo's gloomy mood has eased a lot." Watching Luo's figure fade away, Wu Hongji turned to Victor and said with a smile: "You have done a lot of work, Victor."

"Doflamingo's death is also a relief for Luo. He no longer has to live with heavy hatred and shackles. He should live more freely and happily."

Victor gave a gentle smile: "And Baby5 has also warmed Luo's heart to a large extent. The two of them are childhood sweethearts. Let's hold the wedding when they reach adulthood."

"Ah, speaking of weddings!" Perona suddenly remembered something: "Likesna and Big Jig are getting married?"

"Perona, don't listen to Nami's nonsense." Victor was annoyed. "Nami turned into a cloud and eavesdropped on Lycosina and Jig's pillows, and even screamed about it. I have promised Lycosina and Jig, I must punish Nami after the South Blue trip is over!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Victor, don't be too strict haha!" Hao Xue laughed loudly. He had never married a wife and had children in his life, and now Coral is his real family.

Around the bonfire, everyone was like a real family, sitting together for a long conversation.

The laughter lasts for a long time.


Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

"So, is there still no progress on South Blue?"

In the Naval Headquarters cafeteria with noisy people at the time of the meal, the "White Hunter" Smoker sat in front of a beautiful girl with long pink hair, carrying a plentiful plate of food, ignoring the other's disgusting expression.

"A plate of loose sand, due to the obstacle of the [snake], Marine is unable to deploy an effective army in South Blue. The highest rank among the few remaining Marine branches is the branch colonel." The pink-haired beauty seems to be Smoker's friend. She collected her dinner plate and said: "But it has been almost half a month since'Gulardo' disappeared. No one knows whether he is dead or temporarily dormant. But there are rumors that Gurardo was killed by the snake. King] defeated."

Smoker scooped a spoonful of fried rice into his mouth and chewed twice, then said with a bulging mouth: "It must be the King of Snakes who made the shot. He never shows mercy to outsiders who dare to invade his territory."

"Speaking of which, there is news about the ‘foul chain’ you’ve been following." The pink-haired beauty Hina saw Smoker’s rude food in her head, completely losing her appetite. She leaned back on the chair and lifted her arms. She tilted her head and said, "Someone at the Marine branch of East Blue saw Fierce Chain and his Ark with his own eyes."

"East Blue?" Smoker almost sprayed out the rice: "How did he get there? Did he give up his life to cross the Calm Belt?"

Hina knocked on the table: "This is not the point. The point is..."

"What is he going to do in East Blue?"

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