Victor's battle with Gurardo has lasted for 3 hours.

In order to cope with the super fast speed of Victor and the steel chain fingers, Gulardo had to maintain his body at a height of 5 meters [orc type].

In this form, Gulardo's face is still a weird lizard face, but the black hair that is full of steel needles has not disappeared as it did when he was in full form, and the ends of his hair were ignited with embers of fire. The fan-shaped dorsal fin behind the original full body shape has become a sharp bone spur with a dark red light, and the tail has become longer compared to the previous body. The legs have become anti-articulated animal feet, and the arms have become Slender and powerful four-toed claws, dark red fingertips are extremely sharp!

The strength has become weaker than the full body form, but the speed has taken a qualitative leap!

At this moment, not only the peak of the back mountain of York Island was completely melted and evaporated, but several huge and deep potholes appeared on the mountainside. The surrounding forest was burning with raging fires, and the remaining animals fled frantically towards the sea and the town.

boom----! ! !

Accompanied by a loud and deafening noise, a violent explosion occurred on the hillside of the back mountain of York Island! The whole mountain could no longer withstand the battle between the two, and the mountain began to collapse amidst the roar!

Afterwards, two figures sprang from the continuously collapsing rock and gravel, and landed on the open space in front of the mountain.

Victor’s striped shirt has several scratches from beast claws and a small amount of bloodline. There are also many scratches on his face. The steel chain fingers and melancholic blues have long been missing. Only Aviation Smith hovering in the sky waiting for an opportunity. Ready to go.

Gulardo's face was full of bruises and scars. From his left shoulder to his right waist, there was a huge scorch mark on his chest. The tail was directly missing by half. The wound had already been coked, which saved the process of stopping the bleeding.

"Huh... your two damn dolls are finished, right?"

Gulardo sipped bloody sputum mixed with magma on the ground, grinning with a grin: "Good combat power, it is indeed the target I selected earlier... Mafia Victor!"

Victor moved his neck and made a dull sound of'crack', his eyes squinted slightly in pain: "Should I say'deeply honored'? hurts! This almost broke my neck. ..."

In the cave just now, Gulardo put his "Disaster Wand Levantine" on a steel chain finger, and exhausted his whole strength to give Victor a cruel one, almost breaking Victor's neck.

But he himself was uncomfortable. Even though he had extremely high resistance to [Flame], Gurardo was still almost cut out of GG by the flame sword, and the subsequent violent explosion almost killed the two of them. Buried alive in falling rocks and gravel.

Victor felt a little bit, and Melancholy Blues was already in a state of energy exhaustion, and the energy consumed by the "disaster wand" was too much, it was a single-hair killer. The steel chain fingers are also self-dressing. Gurado has a special attachment to the steel chain fingers. It is hard to understand that he must be removed if he is injured... Is it because the initial attack on the face was a mockery The effect?

Gulardo shook off his tail, which was only half of his tail, and said in a cold voice, "Boy, aren't you the South Blue who made a special trip to find me?"

Gurardo was delaying time to regain his strength. Of course Victor knew this. But he and the steel chain fingers also need time to recover, so they happily responded: "Of course not, I'm just going on a ‘Four Seas Cruise’ traveling around the world, and coming to this island is just right."

"Tsk..." Gulardo felt very unlucky. Not only did he meet the King of Snakes in advance, but he also encountered the most capable one among the rumors in the [Seven Warlords of the Sea]. Chain' Victor.

And this rumor is really not exaggerated. Gulardo doesn’t know the level of the other Seven Warlords of the Sea, but facing his nearly invincible original power of Zoan Devil Fruit, he can play back and forth for 3 hours. ...This exaggerated endurance, shouldn't the'Fungi Chain' also eat Zoan Devil Fruit, right?

Victor's thoughts also changed sharply. Unconventional appearance and body shape, ability to control fire and high temperature, the opponent eats Devil Fruit of Zoan phantom beast without a doubt, but is not clear about the specific name of the Devil Fruit eaten by the other party...Speaking of the complete body shape of this Gurador It's very familiar, and there are very subtle similarities with the well-known monsters in the two works I have seen in my dream.

Um? Wait...Gulardo? Gulardo?

The corners of Victor's mouth twitched a little. Couldn't it be the Gulardo in "Pokemon"? And that appearance...Godzilla? Is this the One Piece World or the Comprehensive World?

"...Guyoka?" Victor asked tentatively.

"What the hell? Is your kid so funny by me?" Gurardo didn't respond to the name Victor said.

Fortunately, fortunately... If Genesis Alpaca or Crack Karakura also exists, you can stay in West Blue House for a lifetime. It should be just a coincidence, but is this guy in front of him one of the monsters who fought with "Siz" 800 years ago, known as the "Behemoth" who manipulated the flames and the earth?

If it is true, then the other party is undoubtedly a class of myth. Then the mental state of this Gulardo is very interesting, combined with the theory described on the stone slab given by the old Patriarch Xia Xiaku, his inconsistent tyrannical personality can also be fully explained.

"The Snake King beat you so badly... Mr. Gurardo, the real King of South Blue is not easy to mess with, right?"

Victor rubbed his neck indifferently. He felt that the steel chain fingers had recovered some strength, and they were heading towards the surface from under the rock with melancholy blues.

And Gurado's wound has initially scarred, and the resilience he showed at this moment is completely different from the resilience of the previous kind state.

Not surprisingly, Victor guessed who he was due to his previous injuries. The only person in South Blue who has the ability to do this is the damn [Snake King]!

"It seems that you don't know anything about this South Blue, kid." Gurado exhaled, and the wound on his chest began to close further: "But you don't even know how I ate with the King of Snake. The terrible Devil Fruit..."

Victor smiled slightly: "You are talking about... mythical species?"

Gulardo's face froze, and then his eyes became extremely fierce: "Where did you know this name?"

"I know many things, for example..." Victor pinched his fingers into a creaking voice: "Are you the rookie pirate'Gurado' on earth? Or..."

"One of the three pillars [Behemoth]?"

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